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How much time do you think this should take? I'm working on this for 12-14 hours total at this point and honestly I expected it to go faster, but there are many minor issues along the way and they sometimes take unexpected amount of time to fix. For example, when I choose a face for custom transform orientation and start moving something, snapping to vertex/edge stops working as expected and instead snaps things to some weird locations, which makes some things really hard to model or cleanup. I wonder are there any plugins or workflows which make it easier/faster to model stuff like this?
Any normal person would do that in an hour give or take 20 minutes
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Another POV.

Oh well, sure.
Additional question /3/-bros, how would you implement this secondary roof? It's curvy but the tiles are uniform, any easy solutions? Because what I did felt too tricky and roundabout.
Yep that model would take about 30 minutes.
20min to an hour.
You just need to learn how to use your tools properly.
Make one side (just bool kit the ends?) and then just rotate duplicates out from the center point of the tower
>bool kit
Bool cut. Stupid phone.
Shouldn't take more than a few hours. Under an hour is unrealistic though, if you're starting from scratch, unless you have a very clear idea of what you want/need to achieve. But in most scenarios, almost everyone is going to be stuck designing/trying different things, getting indecisive about a shape and what not, even if they have a general idea of what they might be going for.

The only way I could see someone doing this in 30 minutes, is if they're replicating something, for example, reproducing what you've done would be simple enough. That, or the end result doesn't matter, and it's just some throwaway model, basically the equivalent of a doodle. But if you're designing it for a purpose, you're going to need to invest time thinking things through.

People have a tendency of overestimating their capabilities. Don't listen to these guys. You see it everywhere, in CG, construction, software development, you name it. They imagine the process in their mind, while glossing over/forgetting all the minor, and not so minor things that end up adding to the total time. Then they end up spending multiple times the amount of time they claimed they're capable of and present you with something that hopefully resembles something you hired them to do.
I wouldn't worry about speed, explore ideas and make things properly, don't rush. but I would recommend you try and make it more modular. it'll save you some headache when you start texturing
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Yeah, that was the last step.
The tricky step was using lattice but only for one projection, to not ruin uniform width of tiles.
It only worked because tiles go one under another at the end so non-uniformity in height isn't too noticable.
I think the actual proper way to do this is sampling averaged surface normals at fixed steps in geometry nodes,
and spawning geometry at those point with rotation according to normal + constant displacement to make them go one under another. I'm not sure it's even possible to get averaged normals in geometry nodes though.
This is all done from references, I also expected it to take few hours when I started.
Actually this time includes doing watercolor shader from tutorial, but it was like an hour or two and I will still have to tweak it a lot later to make it look coherent.
And by the way this time I mentioned isn't something like "I scheduled myself to sit for 12 hours but half of it was actually surfing internets", it's time of actual activity in Blender window, which doesn't include time I alt-tabbed or went afk.
>People have a tendency of overestimating their capabilities. Don't listen to these guys. You see it everywhere, in CG, construction, software development, you name it. They imagine the process in their mind, while glossing over/forgetting all the minor, and not so minor things that end up adding to the total time. Then they end up spending multiple times the amount of time they claimed they're capable of and present you with something that hopefully resembles something you hired them to do.

Why on earth?
Just use a surface deform with a bound plane (subdivided a lot, ofc) as an offset?
You could even get away with a curve modifier.
Sorry, replied to the wrong post
Meant for
Idk, sounds like they're all similar in this case?
It wasn't hard to use lattice, and I didn't have to subdivide anything, because all I needed lattice operating on is vertices of cubes which make roof tiles.
It was just non-obvious at first the vertical non-uniform deformation of tiles can be ignored (because the height of a tiles is unknown to viewer) but not the horizontal one (because width of tiles is immediately obvious to viewer).
15-30 minutes. Yeah.
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Spent 4 hours yesterday doing this. Involved some cool magic too, like separating loop cut from mesh, converting it to curve and then doing array + curve modifier to place objects at intervals along that curve.
Bullshit. At 15 minutes, you'd have opened your 3D software of choice, and created an empty scene, possibly placed in some early blocks, Not a single person on the planet will create that in 15 minutes, unless they're 100% prepared prior to that and in a perfect mental state and absolute focus, and are actively trying to do some sort of a speed modelling challenge.
>How much time do you think this should take?
Depends, am I being paid by the hour?
I have this plugin video saved but I've never used it because I don't model buildings, it might interest you
I like chairs.
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Am I insane for doing this manually?
I tried IvyGen and even my own geonodes and it all did suck so much I went depressed for two days.
Now I at least like where it is going, but it feels it's taking forever.

Good stuff ,thanks.
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Yesterday award-winning youtuber taught me secret NPR technique called FotoSketcher.

It takes a lot longer than most people will give credit, esp if you are modelling something that you are unfamiliar with or that requires exact aspects, angles and measurement.
Architecture if you try to be accurate is very slow compared to what people estimate.

I recently modeled architectural 2 story modular buildings, accurately, for a client. I would've expected it to take 'a couple of hours' as it's 'just some stacked boxes'.
real time spend clocked in at 70h. And I have decades of modelling experience but I'm a character artist and not a environment specialist.
Sounds like a skill issue to me.
Nah, just experience from the occasions I've had to hire someone. If someone tells you they can get something done in a week, it's best to assume it'll take at least a month in reality, if you're lucky. People in general are shit at estimating how long things take to do, and it's much more common that it takes a lot longer, than less, even when they give their "worst case" estimate.
In general maybe, but this project doesn't require much if you know what you are doing. Maybe if you are just starting out perhaps.
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I wonder if any Blender watercolor shaders can get anywhere as nice as this. Imagine having this in realtime while you rotate camera.
Doesn't seem like this is physically possible though. This particular software does iterative full-image postprocessing taking at least dozen of seconds

> or that requires exact aspects, angles and measurement.
Aligning things sometimes is a big time-sink. I think I spent more than an hour just to make fascia look good in wireframe view because overlapping geometry looks bad and snapping became tricky to use.
Big picture seems clear, but there are a lot of devils in details. For example to carve out sector of roof on the second floor I did another 2d array of roof tiles and imagine how fun it was aligning it to overlap perfectly with actual roof.
And if you think I should have just carved out a cube instead - well it didn't look good, cause those roof tiles are laying one on top of another and in certain segments of tiles you have to somehow remove the beginning of upper tile while leave the end of lower tile in place.
it takes me hours to make simple objects
it's so fucking over
These people saying it takes 15 and half an hour are so full of shit lmfao
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Sitting on this for hours. I've lost count of time.
Boolean simply doesn't work at this point. It does random shit and fucks up geometry.
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I just want to remove this upper part, but there's no way to do this with boolean because it simply doesn't work for unknown reasons.
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Idk, maybe this geometry is already too tricky for further booleans.
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Settled on this. Not too happy with it, but it will look better in NPR renders.
Although, I realize, most of this should be smooth shaded, but I have no idea how to properly make it smooth shaded. It looks even worse than flat shading when I try.

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