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File: velvetSGI.png (1.61 MB, 1489x1825)
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How do you make this look better? It’s going for a “promotional 90s 3D render for N64 game” aesthetic
anything that should be tweaked
File: velvet sgi render.png (708 KB, 1489x1825)
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how it originally looked like
i’ve heard some say it looks like a fan-made render for smash bros brawl
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show more detail with geometry. Marios's lips are modeled, indentation around his eyes, the flaps on his overalls, his ear has a cavern.
IMO the cheek circles are too proud. It looks like I could get my fingernails under them and peel them off.
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i agree with >>990268 except for the sclera part since it could be a stylization choice. also want to add that the star cutouts on the dress look wack to me. like its separating the dress on the edge, and the star on her chest in both versions i think might be clipping into the dress. theres a black cluster of pixels in the center. also the knees almost look like they're on her shins, i would move them up
IMO: move knees up, make waist wider, make the black lighter, and make star on chest smaller
Aaaaaaaand we out

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