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(You) use blender because its free as in free beer.
I use blender because its free as in freedom.
We are not the same.
you can code whatever you want into maya with python and mel too.
Maya is spyware and I can't modify it, study it or freely distribute it.
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I use Blender because dicking around in it is fun to me
Neither can blender, 30 years and still FBX is nothing but a lie to trick the Maya software. A million dollar company couldn’t care about paying the small fee that they owe to Autodesk. Hundreds of FBX files can be fix, all of the problems with exporting and importing can be solved. Nope, Blender developers refuse to lose money.
This is the actual dumbest take I've ever seen. use GLTF you fucking loser.
Jewdesk dosen't want to open FBX so its their problem.
GLTF isn’t created for animation, look at the stupid anon who can’t understand basic concepts and coding rules that are in place to help animation creators not hurt them like Blender.
your processor is spying on you. you can modify and study it all you want. it's all MEL. Loads of people freely distribute maya. you must be a pussy.
I have librebooted thinkpad so it dosent.
I pirate every thing so I am not a pussy. Maya probably has terrible GNU/Linux support.
I use Blender because it's actually good.
It’s so bad that fork Blender developers like Bforartist are finding plugins unable to work. Blender is forcing users to choose their Blender instead of fork Blender. That’s very anti competitive, this is the same egotistical behavior you should expect from Blender developers.
Reminder to everyone to filter all mentions of maya when on /3/
lmao, a fork just to make modeling half as fast because shitters can't into hotkeys, good riddance
Don’t defend Blender ecosystem like Steam or Apple. Nothing good comes out of it.

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