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Holy shit. Some Janny is on a rampage.

/diy/ got hit too!
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damn this takes me back
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I'm only here cuz I was lurking and saw DKC renders
What are NURBS and how does Donkey Kong relate to it?
Why there are some many textures? I thought NURBS can't have textures.
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in a nutshell:
in standard polygons, vertex points are linked by straight lines, creating flat faces. in nurbs, points are linked by mathematically-defined curves, making it easier to produce rounded / more natural looking objects
you could get similar results with regular polygons, but you would need orders of magnitude more vertices
in ye olden days of 3d modeling, like when dkc was made, most professional software used nurbs because it was easier for the computer to handle fewer points while doing your real-time modelling work, and the resulting render was pleasing. over time CPUs got stronger so could just handle more vertex points by sheer brute force, so nurbs became less relevant.
these days you typically only see them in CAD modelling software
Sounds like it's basically subdivision surface without extra geometry...
Is there any configuration in NURBS though?
Do they have some kind of individual handles like Bezier curves?
Lol what?
how are they gonna deal with the decreased income
Janjan you still don't get paid
What software best produces this sort of thing? I know Max will do it, but people say Blender also does nurbs.
The people deep into NURBS back in the day was always singing the praise of Rhino as I recall.

Max has NURBS but it was considered legacy even in the late 90's so the tools for it available there is not nice to work with. NURMS effectively superseded it and max headed down that path with all of it's subsequent tools for editable poly.
Okay but what's the most recent software that replicates this look? Obviously it's not optimal for most of this software to make models "look old" but for some people this is what they want.
>Okay but what's the most recent software that replicates this look?
90's software
You could do it with max of today more easily than you could with ~R9 which is probably around the last era when max still had all it's legacy video effect filters available.
Thing about legacy tools are that they where and are harder to work with and you would essentially have to study how to best employ them to do something that was
considered pretty cutting edge with those tools back then. Which is a retarded thing to do.

You have 2+ decades of advancement in 3D graphics and much more capable and refined tools available today. You're a lot better off investing your time learning current tools
and just emulate the look of old video effect filters in something external and current since it's both easier and more applicable for you to go where ever you want when you tire of
pursuing retro graphics because you've discovered how unrewarding it is to do something just as difficult that looks worse than other accessible aesthetics you could pursue.

Between getting max R9 look like Donkey Kong Country and make Max 2024 look like Donkey Kong Country, the latter is easier since you still have to touch every slider and material
in R9 to dial in that look, it's not like renders looks that way out of the box just because you're using Legacy Software. It'll just render the same flat blinn/lambert out of the box
the rest is up to you.

Without you spending a lot of time learning and experimenting exactly what settings and filters where used you're not much closer to that look for using 90's software.
And in ever other parameter you are just objectively worse off using less refined tools, modelling, texturing, rendering will all be more difficult and slower for you.
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Holy shit I wish NURBS had bezier curves, I think that would have been a cool feature.
And yes, you did need to adjust the threshold of your NURBS objects. Back when I was using then the renders would actually take a while because (as it was explained to me) NURBS resolution was infinite. As the camera changed the resolution of the NURBS surface would adjust.
I hated NURBS and had teachers that told us we had to use it.

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