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why is Blender still such unintuitive garbage?
UI designed by committee.
First of all it's not garbage

But regarding why it's unintuitive, it was originally developed as an inhouse tool rather than a tool to be used by the wide public, so they could choose the interface and workflows that were better to their usage or preference rather than sticking to established conventions and what not.
I also would expect being a free tool imposed funding limitations to what they could do, for instance if I'm not wrong the animation module was maintained by just a single developer for a long time.
They're slowly improving usability and making some things more intuitive recently though and there are some big changes pending for the animation module in the coming years.
Don't use autodesk if you think Blender is unintuitive
I've used both Fusion 360 and Inventor and the sketch > extrude > features workflow was far easier to work with than pulling vertices around and dealing with modifiers and shit
>Why is a program I'm already familiar with easier for me to use than a program I'm not familiar with?
When I was young, I made a simple animation with Max3D. That was on Windows 95. I could never figure out the Blender GUI.
I really want to use Maya but I cannot in any way justify the price along with how I absolutely despise subscription-based software. Too bad the only crack I can find is russian shit that I'm scared to download
Handywavy retard fakes answer dot jpeg
Post some fucking proof. "Workflows that were better to their usage" of what? making 3d shapes? That's what everyone else is doing, retard.
Eevee "next" is such fucking dogshit. It's impossible to use as a preview for animated textures because it just turns into fucking grainy noise.
How the fuck do I just get it back to normal. I'm not using Eevee to render, just to preview things in Cycles. I can't preview animated textures in Cycles because of the noise, but jesus fucking christ it's somehow 10x more visually stable than eevee now.
That's my problem too.

I've almost bitten the bullet for their indie-tier but I still can't justify 300 bucks. Maybe if I actually get serious with my gamedev stuff but I got better bills to pay at the moment
Plot twist. Eevee puts materials with transparency to "hashed" by default, which results in previously mentioned dogshit that doesn't resolve.
Setting it to blend fixes it kinda, but there's still a shitload of ghosting.
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Because you gotta know the program as a whole to make sense of it.

I would argue its consistency Is worse than its intuitiveness, but 99% of people get filtered before that point.
>Originally, Blender was planned as an in-house application for NeoGeo; it grew from a series of pre-existing tools, including a ray-tracer built for the Amiga. This early version of Blender was intended to address a perennial frustration among creatives: when a difficult client requires multiple changes to a project, how do you implement those changes painlessly? Thanks to its highly configurable approach, Blender aimed at providing an answer. (As an aside: the name refers to a song by a Swiss electronic band, Yello).
You seem rude and not worth my time so this is my last reply to you.
garbage just like most threads that got deleted.
wait till you use any other software for 3d/gamedev, faggot
>want to get into blender for vrchat avatar faggotry
>already uploaded a couple of prefab models through blender and unity
>can’t be that hard.png
>search up a random tutorial, skim over it
>spawn cube in blender, tutorial says to use drawing pad so I use the one I already have.
>cube turns into spiky shit that is not anything like the soft clay I expected
>immediately never touch blender again

what’s the point of blender if the modeling tools don’t even work
Sculpting with 8 vertices? Adventurous...
Is Blender the great filter?
Blender has always been the great filter. [spoiler]I spend just as much time reading about Blender as I spend using it.[/spoiler]
I feel like if you can't use blender 3+ then you weren't meant to make it
I only get the grain with ray tracing on. Turn it off and it's back to the old way. Denoise gets rid of it, but the blurriness makes it a poor representation of what you should be seeing.
No one can, you just sounded stupid now. https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/249029/identifying-why-blender-3-0-crashes-constantly
>why is Blender still such unintuitive garbage?
not just that, but when you try and follow a tutorial 50% of the steps don't work because the tutorial was on an old version and everything is changed.
then don't use it, are you a cunt?
everyone ITT is retarded, niggerish and autistic. i use blender only for poly modeling which is its only competent use.
Zbroosh for sculpting
Plasticity for CAD
RizomUV for uving
substance painter texturing
marmoset for rendering and baking
Topogun for retopology

And it just works
Raytracing was off. Still looked like shit, but I fixed it... kinda >>993044
As mentioned, there's still a shitload of ghosting like it's shooting off rays even though RT is off.
yeah same
>How the fuck do I just get it back to normal
I went back to 4.1, there's zero difference with 4.2 outside of the dogass nu-EEVEE
What? You want to reorder your vector groups? Just select the single vector group you wish to move, and then tap the up or down button 50 times until it's in its place.
What do you mean every other menu allows you to just drag items to sort them? Well you see, drag sorting vector groups is low on the development priority. We might get to it in another 10 years when we rebuilt the UI.

What's that? Selecting the mesh in weight painting mode is needlessly complicated, because the edit mode method of selection is 10x easier?
Well you see, we can't make weight paint selection work like edit mode selection, because we already have edit mode. So just select from edit mode.

What's that? Swapping from edit to weightpaint constantly is bothersome? Ah, well, you see, we uh... It's low priority. Yeah. Low priority.

Look, we made it so you can select vertex groups by selecting bones. What's that? Yes, yes, you have to select the armature, and then select the mesh, and then go into weight paint mode. What's that? Toggling in and out of weight paint mode removes bone selection? Bone selection should always be available by default? But why would we do that?
>wHy wOuLd yOu wAnT tHaT?
>I am a developer with no artistic, design, or UX skills to speak of. I can't think of any other use-case outside my own limited experience of using the software
Why marmoset over substance painter for rendering and baking?
So true, bestie. Anyway, accepting this fact and installing multiple versions seems the way. I'm gonna stick with 4.2 + 3.6 for GScatter masks, for example.
I wish the devs would give me the option to make my scenes Right Hand Z-up
Learn to intuit shit and use your brain so I don't see spam of the same exact tutorial on my YT feed and suggestions every time a new version of Blender comes out. There's entire channels that live entirely off of one tutorial that they make every time a new version comes out and some retarded shit like sculpt mode is slightly different (even though it has no bearing on the video).
>Learn to intuit shit
intuitive [ ]
blender [ ]
choose one.
>compare 3d modeler to a 3d a cad software
I forgot /3/ is a shit board composed mostly of retards. kys

Another retarded bait thread for a retarded dead board, fuck.
Not nearly as bad as Zbrush. Zbrush has the worst UI out of any software ever made. Still once you get it there is no going back to anything else. Same can be said for Blender as far as basic modeling goes.
>press F3
>type what you need
>get it
How fucking hard can it be?
Don't need to.
I'm not implying Blender is intuitive, I'm telling you to use your fucking brain and just look for shit, google if you don't know, or god forbid just use the search function in the program. I've been using this shit program for well over 10 years, functions don't dance around like they're playing musical chairs. They're all pretty much in the exact same place as they've always been.
Currently using Blender to do Elementza's Maya modeling tutorials right now. They both use pretty much the same workflow.

You can f3 to search any command and right click>add to quick favorite ( hotkey Q ) . There's even Pie Menu Editor to build your own pie menu, completely sidestep remembering hotkeys
how do I increase vertices? And how many vertices should I use?
this feels like bait so I'm not going to give you an answer
better yet, use spacebar to search instead of play animation
That doomer attitude will filter you out of everything OP.
Blender modelling is so easy that I've been using the program as part of my job for years now. I used 3DSmax for years before and I will never, ever go back to it.
If you want unintuitive, go deal with Maya, or worse Modo. Modelling anything in Maya sucks ass if you need to do anything complex.
Same. I do miss Max's spline tools. You could do some freaky things with those. Tangents on curves for example.
Every software that's complex is not intuitive in some way, I used to model in 3ds max and I made a full scene in blender in a week, all these software wars are extremely retarded. Choose the tools you feel more comfortable and start making 3d models. Being a fanboy is gay as fuck.
no wonder why 3DCG is dead, since nobody wants to answer beginner questions about how to use blender
Ultra-beginners should answer their own questions through the use of Google, if they can't look up basic things then they have no future in 3DCG
How about you tell me how anon figured out that you had exactly eight vertices to work with?
>intuitive [X]
>blender [X]
Should've used radio buttons instead, cowboy B-)

learning blender is like mastering the jian. it's harder than the alternatives but it's still the superior nobleman's tool. i'd rather spend years learning blender than paying for some faggy C4D license.
is wut you get for wasting your time with meme software
Still gettin paid though. Unlike 90% of people on the board (including you).
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you need eleventy billion addons, then you it's usable, kinda cool actually
skill issue
its superior with baking due to faster times and groups (allows you to use cages that intersect without erros, which gives you occlusion with a cage, also has built in cage system, but its so poorly executed youre better off making your own cages)
Blender 4.2 + CAD sketcher add-on has been pretty useful since buying a 3d printer. I tried using other CAD software, but I only need to make some of the model technical while other parts can be 90% freehand
always these retards justifying bad decisions

foss simply can't do UX - good programs, unusable crap. Tried to use freecad - three ways to do the same thing - you have to start a piece in a certain way if you want to use a tool on it later on - nowhere in the docs, just read a lot of forum posts - also foss = shit docs except on the star projects - went back to pro cad, where the UI is correctly designed
It has straight out best GUI in the 3d software market
Maya and 3DS look like they're stuck in fucking 2005
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When I first started using Blender it looked like this. You have no idea how good it is now.
>those jeweled buttons
take me back
Holy can't believe 3dkeks are still struggling in 2024! Why haven't you tried pic related yet anon?
It's just a copy of both maya and max though, and the UI is actually kind of lacking so they cope by making the workflow be "shortcut based".
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it depends on what you mean
until the 2.8 redesign, blender was designed with experts in mind
it was unintuitive because it wasn't meant to be intuited. you were supposed to sit down with the documentation and tutorials and learn the fucking thing

then they listened to the feedback of idiots who never bothered to learn it

but I don't think they made it more intuitive. they certainly tried to make it more discoverable, but they made so many tiny cuts here and there that I don't understand what the current ideal usage of the interface is anymore. maybe that's the point? blender has become a hub for a lot of CG activities and they just want it to be superficially easy to understand where everything is?

I have no idea how someone is picking up blender and modelling stuff in 2024 with the default interface
I have to reconfigure it to hell and back to get it to behave 99% correctly every time I do a clean installation
yup, I remember the old blender it was so fucking bad that's why everyone in industry laughed at them, but with time each version got a little bit better and now I think its quite easy to use and very powerful with geometry nodes doing all sorts of crazy shit automatically. The good thing is there are so many tutorials now you can easily just check youtube for "how to do x in blender" and bam easy 5-15min video.
They still laugh at Blender in the industry and the reason studios use it sometimes is to recycle assets made in Maya and dodge some license fees. Other than that, Blender 2.80 and above is straight unusable.
Imagine getting filtered by fucking Blender lmao. You don't even need to be particularly smart to get it. What a board of brainlets.
you're pretty stupid tbf.
it's not unintuitive, you just suck

blender's UI mogs 3ds max, maya and unreal. They're all clunky as fuck. Blender is organized around easily and completely customizing your workspace and using your left hand for hotkeys. You should only ever use menus once, to learn a hotkey, then just use the hotkey.
Imagine getting filtered off employment because you use Blender.
Yeah. Learn Hotkeys like in they used to do in the 70s.
Well, at least with people in the 70s, if they used a computer, they KNEW how to use a computer.
People these days are fucking retarded when it comes to them, despite using and being exposed to them their entire lives.
Blender is pure garbage as far as performance, I can't believe people think this laggy shit is acceptable in 2024. I have a ryzen 5800x and it takes 2+ seconds of lag to pose a bone or undo on a scene with only a single 2024 AAA character model

>Industry that appeases the western woke.

Dude I just want to make anime coom models I can rig and animate from scratch. The use of industry software is incredibly overkill for said purpose. Now unless you want a 3rd world job making the next AAA gacha game the company would care more about how well you can convince gaymers to jack off to their models rather than your ability to use industry software.
The internal renderer from 2.79 running on CPU only is sometimes faster than EEVEE with a modern video card.
Try it for yourself if you don't believe me. And of course the internal renderer is a full raytracer, as opposed to EEVEE which is a low quality scanline renderer.
It's ridiculous.
>I just want to make anime coom models
You don't just casually make anime coom models. Unless you're happy with pure garbage that looks worse than 2D drawings, it's a major task.
That's not normal performance. Are you using 4.2? The newest blender? That one filtered like half of all their users, because it's incompatibly with like half of all hardware now. Try 4.1. That's before the major update.
Blender 4.0+ (all versions past 4.0 stable) crashes at startup on my computer. And besides crashing it's unusable for me because I don't have time to obsess over the many types of chinese plastic materials it offers.
I also need real shadows and real ambient occusion. EEVEE only has projected shadows and screen-space ambient occlusion, both of which are utter garbage and exquisitely useless for architecture. The stuff that Cycles makes I don't even know what to call it.
You will stay on 4.0 chud. Go to the blender discord and ask for help.
Yeah I'm using 4.2
Dammit I have to get 4.1? I already have like 4 other versions installed. I can't believe they would introduce something that causes general tremendous lag like this
>The stuff that Cycles makes I don't even know what to call it.
Cycles looks pixelated in the viewport, but renders cleanly. They do this to make if faster while you're working. If you have cycles set up properly, then it should come out crisp when rendered.

It's just a guess. I don't know. Does 4.1 work better for you?
>I have a ryzen 5800x and it takes 2+ seconds of lag to pose a bone or undo on a scene with only a single 2024 AAA character model
What's a triple A character in current year? Because I'm moving a 140k tris model with a rigify rig smoothly on my laptop, and I can't imagine game character models being heavier
Back when I was young game models were 10k tris or less...
I have a 5950X and a 7900XTX. Use GPU rendering it's way faster, also you have to enable it it defaults to CPU
it's a preview because if it actually rendered it at full quality it would kill your gpu, you can use cycles with the denoise option on in the viewport. The grain will disappear and instead you'll get a smeared preview that will quickly resolve into a higher quality preview. It's fast enough for real time editing on my (expensive) gpu. I'll stop spoonfeeding you now, Blender can do everything and is intuitive but you don't want to learn you just want to be mad, go back to paying $10k for autodesk garbage if that's how you feel
Commercial products like maya, houdini, nuke, and expensive gpus and cpus and monitors are necessary
>n-no, you have to pay $2k per month for muh industry standard software because... you just have to, okay???
I'm good, thanks
>spend $2k/mo
>make $10k/mo
Are you fucking retarded anon?
No, really. Are you?

I'm talking about the actual material preview that used eevee (no matter which final renderer you were using), and ran in real time to preview animated textures, and your animation in general. It was clean and noise free. NOW it's a grainy mess and even turning off raytracing still makes it look like shit.
NOT the rendered mode viewport.

For the record, I have a 4070ti. Also fast enough for real time editing in the cycles viewport.
What are you trying to render in eevee, anon
I'm not retarded but if you're going to be rude I'm not going to tell you how to fix it. Have fun seething instead.

Don't help him.
You don't know how to help him, stop larping.

Post a screenshot so we can see what you mean
Maybe you should stick to your AI prompts.
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I'm not rendering in Eevee. For the last time. Rendering in cycles.
Using the material preview button (pic related), shows the viewport in Eevee. That's how Blender has worked since 2.8.
Now that they've gone full into Eevee next, the entire scene looks like a dithered mess when previewing a full scene.

>I'm not retarded but if you're going to be rude I'm not going to tell you how to fix it. Have fun seething instead.
Turning off raytracing doesn't fix the issue. It's inherent to how Next functions. There's no "fixing" it. It's dogshit.
It's been a month now. I'm over it.

My reaction was balking at your complete refusal at reading comprehension. Nowhere in my original post do I mention using anything to render. In fact, I even go out of my way to say
>I'm not using Eevee to render, just to preview things in Cycles
But somehow you go onto a tangent about how the viewport version of cycles is lower quality to make it run fast (no shit). And then act like you're doing me a favor
>I'll stop spoonfeeding you now, Blender can do everything
Understand the problem before trying to give "answers" and acting like a smug cunt.
It makes me really mad that the blender devs won't remove the 63 character name limit. Like people have been asking to remove this arbitrary shit and providing PRs where it's fixed for literally 15 years and the faggot developers keep saying and I quote "I don't think increasing the size of 'bNode' by 192 bytes is worth it here. For longer descriptions, a frame can already contain a text data-block." and close the conversation, as if out of spite for constantly being asked.

What about every other 3D software that doesn't carry blender text node metadata? Like some other software rips a model and stores critical information in the name because there's no such thing as a text node in a FBX file, then blender cuts the name off and removes that data for [reasons]???? It's so incredibly fucking retarded, it's like an intentional bug. Then they have no problem changing 1 million other things in the UI every version so that old tutorials are useless, and changing the API so much that every old script has to be painstakingly updated to the new namespaces or whatever that were only changed to look more neat in code
>remove the 63 character name limit
That's never going to happen. The reason is that a fixed length (64 bytes) name file field is embedded in several of structures.
To remove the length limitation you would have to replace that with a pointer to some external text data block which would need to be allocated separately and reference counted.
It's a breaking change for the binary format and furthermore, because Blender is mostly written in plain C (and will always remain OpenGL-based and mostly written in C even if they're changing the files .cpp it doesn't matter), a million other functions access that field directly by pointer rather than by some method.
Also, it's not technically correct so say that names are limited to 63 characters. They're limited to 63 bytes, which means with UTF-8 encoding if you're using letters outside of the ASCII table, it's half or even less than that.
And it's not going to change and you're going to have to deal with it.
Wait... Now that I think about it, it's not 63 bytes for names it's actually 61 because the first two bytes encode the type of the datablock.
Like, for Object all name strings start with "OB", for meshes it's "ME"... The UI hides the first two bytes of the name fields.
but people have been building forks of Blender for years without the 63 chara limit and submitting pull requests for this to be put into the main branch, but they are rejected based on the developer's stupid design philosophy. There is no actual technical reason it can't happen, nothing is "fixed" when you have access to the source code
>people have been building forks of Blender for years without the 63 char limit
Not to my knowledge.
>nothing is "fixed" when you have access to the source code
The "name" field in data block the way it is, it's more or less set in stone.
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But look, on the plus side you can put emojis in the "name" field. On the minus side, the limits is not actually 63 or 61. You're only guaranteed to be able to fit 13 glyphs into it.
I know nothing about blender, but the obvious solution is to l,eave the name field where it is, and use some sort of extension block for the real name field, at least if it exceeds the old character limit.
There, a simple and compatible idea to fix this thing, which I thought up in 10 seconds.
but that only works in blender when you make the mesh in blender. There are importers that will convert a mesh from a game format to say FBX format where crucial information about materials and such are stored in the name, and blender discards this information if over 63 characters
>which I thought up in 10 seconds
It's essentially what they did to extend the old DOS 8.3 file names for Windows 95.
It's a lot of work to implement and it's never going to happen.
It's not 63 characters. It's 64 bytes minus:
2 bytes type identifier
4 bytes duplicate identifier (.001)
2 bytes symmetrize identifier (.L/.R)
1 byte C string terminator
And then divided by 4 because it's UTF-8 encoded. It guarantees space for 13 characters.
>It's essentially what they did to extend the old DOS 8.3 file names for Windows 95.
Nope, the Microsoft hack is much more retarded and complex.
Fixing Blender is basically just a UI code change.
Make and ad-hoc modification to the FBX importer and make it so it can detect that extra info in the object names, remove it from the name and put it somewhere else on the fly. >>997725
If you want to try, then get:
https://download.blender.org/source/ (whichever version you prefer)
Then make a new project in VSCode, unpack the source archive in there.
Look for the string "char name[64];" That'll lead to a folder called "source/blender/makesdna/". Now. For each occurrence of that declaration you've found, right click on it and find usages.
All added up it's going to be the extent of your "basically just a UI code change".
>Make and ad-hoc modification to the FBX importer
So I guess this should be implemented in a different way for the name format from each tool that rips to FBX. And people would have to download a weird forked version of io_scene_fbx. OR maybe blender could just remove this completely arbitrary limit that was only ever put in to make it look "clean" or w/e

>For each occurrence of that declaration you've found, right click on it and find usages.
NTA but why would the usages matter? Why can't you just change the name[64] to name[256] like any other program? The usages are references to the variable, and the variable should only be declared once if it's not spaghetti code shit.
Either way its certainly not impossible and its something people have been asking for over and over for like 15 years. The devs regularly spend 100x more effort adding or changing features nobody asked for for free than they would spend fixing this shit
or if you mean name[64] is a field of a bunch of different classes you can still just do text Find and Replace
It would be a patch for the FBX import script that would parse the objects names and split them into the custom data block. They're never going to accept it mainstream, but there's not much you can do about that.
You could do that but it's still going to be a fixed length string. To remove the limitation you would have to add a layer of indirection, which would mean to change every single usage of that field.
Also, if Blender was written today, then probably the .blend file format would have been JSON or XML based. However it's not. The .blend file format is derived from the struct definitions themselves. During the build process, there's an utility that reads the struct definitions in the DNA folder and writes down the load/save code for the .blend format.
The complete explanation is way too long, but consider that although there is some flexibility, every time you change something in those structs, the .blend file format also changes.
You may even become unable to read .blend files that you've saved before the change.
Former mayafag here. I thought the 3d cursor was annoying but then I realized how powerful it is.

>Select Mesh, go to edit mode
>Snap cursor to selection
>Go back object mode, select bone pivot
>Snap selection to cursor
>Perfect bone placement
>Snap cursor to vertex
>Recalculate roll based on cursor position
>Perfect finger rotation on local Z-axis
This would have never happened if Blender was written in Rust.
The 3D Cursor is a clipboard for coordinates. There was never any reason to show it at all. Instead, the Blender developers worked their magic and made an useful feature hated by the users because the fucking thing is always in the way.
If they attempted to write Blender in Rust, Blender itself would have never happened.
Jesus, the filename autism, am I right? At least try to complain about real issues.
Damn I remember back then each time you started it you had to pull that hidden upper menu and change the navigation camera orbit type
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Why the FUCK do they change how everything works every other version so that every old tutorial is now useless? I am trying to find how to save/load poses and every single video says how to do it with the pose library, but Blender says "Pose Library has moved, use the asset shelf"
nevermind I figured it out, but my point still stands
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>leaving maya for blender
I think they made it better, my favorite feature is spacebar type in name of what I want. You can be productive immediately with this feature while you slowly learn the keyboard shortcuts to bypass having to search like this. It's ingenious and one of the best UIs I've ever used.

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