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File: Monkey.webm (3.68 MB, 640x360)
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I feel bad for you guys so here's a level I made for super monkey ball 2.


If you have any other models you made for Vidya, feel free to post them here. That counts as 3DCG, right? 3D modeling?
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I'm learning Godot
Yes this is the default cube from blender if you're wondering
Impossible to distinguish from the default Godot cube without wireframes
Looks pretty good anon. Are you sticking with the cube forever or plan to add something else in there?
File: unnamed.png (153 KB, 512x320)
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153 KB PNG
I believe a cube is a magical artifact of infinite possibilities
Kino answer
...the Congreve Cube?
Wow. I haven't seen that movie in a long, long time.
Pretty cool. But that vibration is not pleasant to look at.
I used one of the vanilla backgrounds, that's how it is in the main game. It rarely takes up this much 'screen' in actual gameplay and is far more tolerable.
Level 1 - pallet wood crate
Level 5 - milled pine
Level 10 - cedar
Jeweled hinges somehow give more inventory space idk. Easter egg unlocks when 1.7% of the crates mass is wood screws.

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