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File: Misa_chair_composite_1.png (3.37 MB, 1208x1920)
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Would a rich guy be willing to pay for models of this quality? I hate waging and desperately want to escape
Maybe, but (You)r art will never be of that quality.
look on twitter all the extremely high quality japanese models made expertly by hand and ask yourself if you can outcompete their level of craftsmanship.
A rich guy would want you to model a furry
Shill yourself in vrchat circles, someone will pay you a few hundos for an avatar.
It will probably end up being furry though.
Yes, I can
I make the best models in town
You need better textures and shading.
Also that model looks like a guy in drag.
>this thread again
I'll say it again, I'll gladly accept free barefoot pics of the brown gril. you should post her again without the heels
I think it's :
- the ears
- the wide shouders
- the big hands
- the jaw (height of the lips)
- the overzealous powder makeup
- we can see the huge gymrat back muscles
But it's amazing to a noblender like me. Keep going OP!
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how did u get the linework? inverted hull? like it
anon, those are drawn on the texture
Op here I didn't draw anything I suck at painting uvs and shit I only used shades for the materials
so how ya do it then
You have nothing to sell.
are you really going to pretend you made that model?
Are you really going to pretend I pretended to make this model?
hey OP, are you still slaying 60 year puss instead of doing 3d art?
>guy in drag
...but I thought that's where the money is
why are those fishnets inverted
she has black legs with flesh colored fishnets on?
Huh, no wonder it looked so strange.
Holy shit I'm retarded and don't even remember why I did that
Just bee yourself OP

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