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File: IrnakurseSculpt.png (887 KB, 903x1060)
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I'll start.
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Sorry, your Bender isn't accurate enough.
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It's not bad technically, but it makes me want to vomit. Nice choice for OP pic for a thread like this, I'll make sure to hide it.
Thank you sir.
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Indian poo demon?
Worse, Irnakurse.
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I think I remember this one.
Or at least, I think I remember helping someone in a thread a while back figure out slot machines.
If that was you, it turned out pretty good!
why do 2d toons always look horrible in 3d
Because the designs aren't tweaked for it. Tweaking is mandatory, 1:1 doesn't work with realistic finishes
Nah, it's simply because his Bender wasn't accurate enough.
If it was, the whole image would magically look perfect and indistinguishable from the show.
might have been me, I think I posted in /beg/ or the blender thread because I was having issues getting the yotsuba image to properly stick to the cylinders. ty for you're help :)
This looks great! Any advice on the process/shading? It looks way more like a real mini than anything I've tried to make in the past
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Very early test render — cut short at <50 samples so don’t mind the graininess. Looking for notes on design more than anything desu
This is really nice. I agree with the other anon, the shaders/mats are very believable, good job.
SSS & use something based on your diffuse for your radius (or whatever your software equivalent is called) lol

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