Now that /3/ has been destroyed and Cris is dead I have come to claim this board for myself. I will be the king of its ashes.
So you will be posting your whole portfolio for us to criticize yes?Go ahead.Chris isn't braver than you right?
>>993446>So you will be posting your whole portfolio for us to criticize yes?Indeed
>>993438Post the animations not the stills
>POST YOUR WORK<POST YOUR WORK>POST YOUR WORK<POST YOUR WORK>POST YOUR WORK<POST YOUR WORK>POST YOUR WORK<POST YOUR WORKChris posted his work. He got shit on by everyone and kept going. You wanna be chris? post your work so we can shit on it and call you a retard
>>993438This board is mine.I am GOD here!
>>993455>>993512Siilence! I am not cris. I am Kris. You will not shit on my work because unlike that filthy Venezuelan furry I am a sexy Colombian wizard.
>>993513>GODWell you must be the god of shit then.
Destroy Cris! Destroy Cris! Destroy Cris!
>>996471make it cris meds
>>993450>>993516unironically lower value art than cris. Hacky, letting the software make the decisions via algorithm bashing and simulation. At least cris knows what he wants his things to look like. you're the modern equivalent to a pollock without any of the novelty of being early to it. its shit like this that's the real waster of human resources, imagining both the computational power required to render these, and the server space to store them, makes me frustrated. I should send you an invoice for running up my power bill even a cent. also gay larp kys, cris would never be as cringe as this
>>996484also >>sage it twice make it nice
>>996484Who goes there? You aren’t Cris. He may be a fool but he is no coward, if he wanted to taunt me he would have made sure to post another one of his masterpieces along with his words. You post nothing. > Hacky, letting the software make the decisions via algorithm bashing and simulation. >its shit like this that's the real waster of human resources, imagining both the computational power required to render these, and the server space to store them, makes me frustrated.You are an ape that looks up at the stars and knows them to be specks because that is what they seem from where you are standing. I am the one who creates those stars.
>>996471sir, teach me how to do this plz
Okay then, good luck!
>>998399Flip Sim with custom velocity in a VOP within a SOP solver. Volume gradient for emitter, Volume Sample for target object (make target object a vdb beforehand). Use the same target object as the collider. Add some noise to the velocity for variation and you are done.