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Is there a way to buy Autodesk apps outright anymore or do I have to resort to piracy? I really want to use Maya because its industry standard and I dont want to have to learn blender just to have that knowledge be irrelevant. I'm also not doing any subscription scam.
Wasted thread.

You dumb retarded niggers, just pirate the software. That'sall it takes.
I literally cannot find a torrent since I don't use private trackers
File: IMG_0438.png (781 KB, 1136x640)
781 KB
781 KB PNG
Then you’re too young to stay in 4chan, sorry but you should have read the rules. SAY GOODBYE.
use 'file cr' website if you're that incompetent
maya indie costs $270 a year. you want to work in the industry but won't invest a dollar a day in your tools? not gonna make it. just stick to blender.

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