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File: Lil Gator Game 25.05.2024.png (2.36 MB, 2560x1440)
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Any good 3dcg forums or other chans?
Share the links please.
Preferably something chill, comfy and low-profile.
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Currently looking into various lemmy and mastodon instances. On lemmy, there is a lot of moderation drama way more retarded than even reddit and 4chan, but it's kinda compensated by the fact there is a shit ton of decentralized instances owned and moderated by different people and only the few biggest ones are retarded. Found some comfy anarchist, porn and anime instances. Mastodon currently has at least three instances populated mostly exclusively by gamedevs and artists and those look like a fun place to discover and post 3dcg, but my registration isn't approved for idk how many hours. Hopefully they don't have braindead policies like not allowing VPNs or something.
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One of things I enjoy at lemmys compared to 4chan and reddit is full moderation transparency.
Anyone willing to try to get 3dcg sub going there on some low profile comfy instance?
Forgot to add, that's a global moderation log, showing all moderation across all of instances. A lot of those actions are from top 3 shitty instances, but you can see what's happening everywhere.
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Got verified on mastodon. Following the #blender tag is the way. Doesn't even matter which exact instance you register at, there are plenty of good ones.
glanced at it. looks like the same bullshit where certain kinds of people get to talk all the shit they want and others get their messages deleted.
are there any good, active discord servers that have relatively high population?
the ones ive come across are full with either complete beginners or overqualified people that are just shilling links to their work

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