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I love VDBs
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First attempt.
What's the best way to make these in blender? Smoke sims and forces to affect the shape and movement?
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Second attempt.
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are ya using volume ambient occlusion for scattering in the shader or just rawdogging the render?
now grabb a female big assed model and make her let out a green cloud out of her ass
Make it the Debian logo pls
maximum BRAP simulation potential
I’m using a pyro shader. Almost everything is left at default.
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Well the way I made this is by scattering some spheres on a spiral then adding noise to the spheres then turning them into fog vdbs and using new cloud nodes for the noise. You can do something similar in blender with the mesh to volume geometry nodes. I don’t know how you would shade it to look like mine, I just used the pyro karma shader. Blenders volume shading is a bit different and I havent really used it much but managed to make this using blender a few years back.
That looks great. Basically identical to mine. What renderer did you do this on?
please, make BRAP scene
ah, try out the volume ao node if you haven't already. just add it to your existing vdb and use the baked cloud material preset.
you can turn volume limit down to 0 for really fast renders.
doesn't look as great and physically accurate as a full trace but, it's handy for background stuff.
>BRAP scene
Sorry I'm a little retarded and dont know what that is.
BRAP = fart
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I can take a crack at it.
Ok Ill do it but only if you promise me you wont fap to it.
you can only use them in blender but can't create them in there.
I promise
>Basically identical to mine.
Niet, it's not a real VDB because it does't have any density information, it's just a mesh with a volume shader.

>What renderer did you do this on?
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Okay. This was the best I could do. Shading a posed fbx in Solaris is kinda a nightmare.
what is vdbs? what are they used for?
did you make this from scratch or is vdb for modifying existing objects?
It was worth it, didn' touch myself, hope ur happy
vdb is a file format (and data structure) for efficiently storing and working with volume data.
op made these in houdini with the (newish) cloud tools.
>did you make this from scratch or is vdb for modifying existing objects?
VDBs are volumes made with voxels. You can make them from scratch with some float value governing density or you can make them from an object effectively turning polygons or points into voxels.
Well it looks great! And they say cycles is a”toy renderer”.
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Last attempt.
Now make it rainbow colored.
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That looks like you put a filter over it in post but you know what it still made me nut so I dont care.
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Why is Mantaflow so bad, sisters?
what is this?
Its a cloud spiral I made. I can make any shape into clouds just like god.
I can't get rid of those aliasing artifacts-
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Why pick something so gay to cloudify?

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