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File: desertimade.png (840 KB, 1280x720)
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Anyone here like to make landscapes?
I can't tell whether that was made with modern software or something from the 90s, but as a heads up, there's a guy on this board that gets pissed if you post stuff like that.
I made it with depthmaps but it doesn’t have any roughness or normal maps on the shader giving it that early CG appearance.
> there's a guy on this board that gets pissed if you post stuff like that.
Who cris?
Cris can't into terrain, he hasn't find the perfect workflow yet.
I wouldn't think it's cris, but he's just as annoying.
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now it's ready to be the image of a 90s drum n bass mix
Thats beautiful anon.
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I'm learning Houdini for the sole reason of procedural landscape creation. I'm probably over my head since everyone says the program is extremely hard
Heightfields are awesome!
>I'm probably over my head since everyone says the program is extremely hard
Its "hard" in the same way Fallout 1 is hard compared to fallout4. While a lot more complicated it gives you so many options to be able to do so many things that you can't do anywhere near as well in other programs.
The hard part about houdini is just being satisfied with the out of the box tools and creating cool stuff.
I am way less productive since starting with Houdini. I used to have like 30 side projects in a year when using max. Now i have fucking 100 scatterbrained non-renderable projects that look like shit to any layperson.
Hard for me to relate since I started so long ago I have already made so many node setups and preset tools of my own. There really is a sop for everything tho so if you aren’t getting sheckshual shatishfacshion from thish make sure you have labs installed.
Love painting landscapes!
NNot me
>Anyone here like to make landscapes?
Nowadays I just use Gaea to be honest.
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Love it. Terrain generation is fun. It's like doing math.
Impressive. Very nice.
Thank you thank you. Made in blender and works in all available game engines when exported as a heightmap.
tutorials links?
I don't really do youtube or tutorials but I can make a quick guide and post it on my blog if you want
For me, it's World Creator.

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