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File: GUNTSBLAZING.jpg (308 KB, 650x877)
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No nuke can't stop the Gunt.

Post anything Gunt related or of a Guntish nature

>I want to use the Gunt model

Gunt's model should be here:


Old nuked thread:
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>No nuke can't stop the Gunt

Because nukes do stop the gunt
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>You have found Guntstone!
I want to inject this picture into my bloodstream.
I'm sure you fine gentlemen have already seen it, but I added a gunt hologram to one of my scenes as tribute and memoriam to the OG Gunt thread.
>>994071 (OP)
It's back!
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>>994071 (OP)
i was worried Gunt had died in the blast and would be forgotten, thanks anon, have aclassic gunt
Guys what the fuck is this?
they are anthropomorphized versions of that goofy ass hat that baguettes like. but still the resemblance is uncanny. guntanon should at least seek royalties or something, I'm sure a good lawyer could make it happen
i cooked. can't stop won't stop. someone help me i'm cooking too much.
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Thought y'all would appreciate this.
Emergency bump/
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Got a mail someone bought a gunt hoodie so expect some sexy anon to show it off soon
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Poor gunt.

But now wild gunt appeared.
t. art director complex anon with very basic cgi notions
bump up the resolution of that stone wall right near the camera it stands up and it's a shame when the whole composition being so high quality, consider doing the same with the tree, but this one isn't as obvious
and the gunt, shouldn't it be shiny and slimy-like?

I'll do those changes if you post a photo of a banana with ">>1005384" written on it with ink.
Oops back to the top haha

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