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File: Capture post.png (288 KB, 1374x641)
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Like the image says. Im stressing and new to all this. I also want to know how to import it to Sims4Studio.
i hate coomers so much its unreal
based coomer making chuddies seethe. delete the shirt and paint over with skin color over the bras since it's part of the diffuse.
Im trying to make the top usable for other sims.
why are you in a website full of people you hate?
what do you mean why? everybody who has autism is automatically transported to this site after birth.
>what do you mean why?
your newfaggotry is showing, go back to twitter circ 2020, oh wait, khek
you will be stuck with me forever on /3/, chuddington
it's the other way around, you're stuck here perma seething at us, our mere existence makes you shit yourself with rage, yet you choose this fate every day, remember you're here forever
nop, i will continue annoying chuddies and shitposting. pee pee poo poo this place is my cinema
>t. chuddie taking things too seriously and projecting his rage and pants-shitting onto other people.
Poor chuddies will never learn...
>Election touring chudmeister mistakenly believe everyone on the website is just like him except a minority group of lost lefties.

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