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Serious question, how would you achieve this shape with this UV mapping without doing everything manually? I started by extruding from cube, formed this perimeter from extrusions, then added bevel and subdivision surface and eventually hit dead end when tried to generate UV map I wanted for that. Played around just with plain cubes and reached the conclusion that the main issue is that topologically I basically ask the top and bottom face to wrap in circle (and have a hole in it). Then I started from plane and grinded all the way by gradually subdiving and folding and wrapping it in rounded shape, while carefully checking UVs on each step and making adjustments when needed. This looks like a very basic shape and UV though, I have this feeling there really might be a way to do all this in like 10 seconds... Is there?
It clearly states it’s from substance, Blender can’t achieve anything without plugins. Maya can do this with camera or UV editing. Nothing in blender can help you.
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Sure the material is from substance designer, that is an official integration plugin that allows to rerender substance graphs after changing resolution/parameters without leaving Blender. The question is about UV mapping though. Look at the faces selected and UV map on the left, the question is how to do this cycling/looping/tiled map on this geometry without manually doing origami with a plane.
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> Look at the faces selected and UV map on the left
To clarify, on the OP pic, not on the second or third pic in thread.
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Follow active quads > Length average works for me.
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Thanks, works for me too! The only difference is I also had to "keep corners" in subdivision to make it not warp weirdly near the bottom. Somehow plane origami didn't have this problem by having slightly worse topology, kek.
>Blender can’t achieve anything without plugins
skill issue
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>Doesn't work outside of Blender
>Cant export it with the data
>Blender exclusively
Ya sure keep believing in your own delusional lies about how 3D textures works.
I wonder what feature you're talking about. Do you have any problems with importing/exporting height/displacement maps?
exported UVs work fine outside Blender, sir.
If you recursively filter the word "maya" this thread looks like this
>iT WoRks FiNe
Then you see >>994488 and immediately know it’s not going to work. Do you idiots know what repeating UV means? Do you understand why artists keep it in one map?

The only tricky thing about that is using heightmap in game engine.
In Godot the best option seems to be Parallax Occlusion Mapping, for example, because using actual subdivision displacement sucks for performance.
> Do you idiots know what repeating UV means? Do you understand why artists keep it in one map?
Honestly, I have no idea what you're talking about and what you think isn't going to work and what you mean by "keeping it in one map" (meshes in this thread all have single UV map too, but it's not like using multiple UV maps is problematic in any way either).
Unity, godot and Unreal don’t support UDIMs, so the likely outcome is a mess. It also doesn’t support it on newer Blender versions so yes you two are the idiots here: https://old.reddit.com/r/blenderhelp/comments/12srzfx/udim_textures_work_in_34_but_not_35_and_up/

This is why i said it’s exclusive to blender and why no one does it in the industry, it’s just too much of a mess to deal.
It's not UDIM you fucking spastic literally everything supports the equivalent of GL_REPEAT holy shit fucking kill yourself
You don't know what a UDIM is.
> Unity, godot and Unreal don’t support UDIMs
Okay, nice to know, what is shown in this thread is a single tiled texture though.
I can actually just scale it down so that UV stays visually within the image and then use mapping node in shader and set scale there, it works the same under the hood.
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>Doesn't even google it
The three idiots everyone


>Basically each tile consists of its own UV space (0-1, 1-2, 2-3) and have its own image assigned to that tile.

Does that sound something like you idiots are doing right now? This is from official blender so you can’t blame it on anything else.
>How the image is extrapolated if Vector lies outside the regular (0, 0, 0) to (1, 1, 1) bounds:
>Repeat the image horizontally and vertically (tiling).
Considering there’s uneven surface area and uneven repeating UV areas. You just admitted to the mistakes this >>994488
anon made that you give >>994480 while also fucking up. What an idiot.
>uneven surface area and uneven repeating UV areas
Which one of these is UDIM?
OMG why are you being dumb, the blender URL link is a node, not the actual link to texture page: https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/modeling/modifiers/common_options.html#texture

You are the stupidest person alive.
Where's the fucking UDIM workflow my guy? The displacement will work correctly if the displacement map is sampled in UV space and the conjoining seams' vertices' axis-aligned distances from each other modulo 1 are equal to 0.
UDIM is not a “workflow”, it’s the ability to use more than one UV map beyond the first boundary. Which is what is being done. Think dumbass think, who’s code did you copy to not understand basic UV editing? The model will showcase the same design over and over. What you see in the picture is seamless. You can’t copy that with your dumbass methods, you are exposed for copying someone’s code.
smells like retards who don’t know how to write a shader using multiple textures in this thread
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Okay so here is the same picture as >>994488
Am I safe now? Have I finally freed myself from UDIMs?
Eh, just smells like retarded europoors cyclically arguing to me. Cyclically, like a repeating UV.
It's like your whole entire 3D computer graphics experience is limited to reading two pages of blender documentation on the internet.
Says the person who can’t tell the difference between node and hard coded in blender. You still haven’t read it have you.
>Does that sound something like you idiots are doing right now?
No, it doesn't. Repeating UV sampling is a fucking checkbox in every single graphics API form Vulcan to OpenGL you retard, and UDIMs have nothing to do with it.
>Source i made it the fucked up
Actual source says: https://lazyfoo.net/tutorials/OpenGL/14_repeating_textures/index.php

> This assumes you have your texture wrap set to GL_REPEAT.

You have to code it anon, you have to type the words, you must executed the script. Nothing he saying says OpenGL can do it without your help.


> It determines what happens when you try to read texels outside the image through its addressing mode

Why are you lying bro, everyone knows you need to code something for stuff to work.
I don't really get the point of this discussion. I'm personally using repeating/tiling textures everywhere. Are you saing I shouldn't, or you saying if I use Maya it will be easier to export this to game engine or... what?
>I uSe iT EVeRyWhEre
People have clearly stated you need to program it to make it work in OpenGL and vulken. No you can’t do it everywhere. This just makes me believe you’re using a game engine and assuming it will repeat, something I know Unity and Unreal won’t allow unless you allowed it. And we already covered what happens when you don’t correctly execute it >>994648 the only thing you’re doing is making shit up as more and more documents debunk your claims.
Do you think that software having no support for UDIM means that it doesn't expose texture wrapping modes other than clip?
I'll repeat myself:
This has nothing, at all, to do with UDIMs.
Not a single engine or renderer used by more than 100 people makes you write shader code for this. Stop pretending to be retarded, I refuse to believe there's someone who can open a browser but fail to understand this.
You’re the one who’s keeps changing the topic. It was first exposing you about it literally doesn’t work because surprise you just copied from someone. You failed miserably at understanding UV talking that exposed your lies, not once did you read anything including the UDIM. After all that you again lied about how stuff worked and got exposed again with hardcode evidence that anyone can do. Not a game engine or software but the actual code directly from developers with experience.

Now what you want about UDIM, it’s all written in 4chan and all links are available. This is a you problem now.
But will it work fine automatically in Godot if I do it like this? >>994666
I'm actually gonna check it, but definitely not right now.
Anyway, if I need to program a special shader, then I'll do it, I also need special shaders for texture masks that I also want to use a lot for terrain, for example.
Even in this model in OP it's just the starting point, but I'm actually planning to use an additional mask texture to make it look less repetitive.
Right now it just looks the same from every side, I'm planning to generate another variation of this texture in substance and use mask to switch between two for certain stones on different faces to hide repetition.
Maybe I'll have to actually use so-called UDIMs for terrain in future, if I need really large landscapes.
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It'll work fine either way, the UDIM guy is just a massive retard who can't read a single sentence. Here's an image of a texture in Godot with repeating UVs using StandardMaterial3D.
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Now tell the anon what C# code you used because by default it won’t repeat. You bastard. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/3d/standard_material_3d.html
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UV sampling repetition is built into the default 3D material and it's set to repeat by default you fucking mongoloid.
Lies and once again proven by documents that show a better method. What you did is the complete opposite of what he wants.
How are you people falling for this troll so hard lmao
Straighten function from textools

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