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Anons give your recommendations for cheap PCs for creating 3D content.

As a broke anon with a few bucks, I want to buy a cheap but capable PC.
i think that a core 2 quad w/ 8g of ram and a gtx 650, will work.
(for 3d i used to use a athlon 64 x2, with a 9500 gt, and 4 gb of ram so i think that it will work fine)
What's your budget? And be realistic.
You can make CG with a cheap laptop as long as it reaches your software requirements if you want to use all the latest stuff. Other than that your scope just needs to be limited, using lower res textures, optimizing your scenes/workflow a lot more than people do nowadays, rendering at sub Full HD, comping at half or quarter res when applicable for preview purposes, etc
I used to do stuff in 3D Studio MAX on a 233Mhz PII with 48mb of RAM. :D
I was using a GTX 1080 and a 2nd gen i7 with 16gb of DD3 ram until last month.
Blender, zbrush, substance, they all ran just fine. (cycles was a bit of a pain to deal with, but more than workable). So you can for sure go pretty cheap and get your work done.

If you don't know about computers, watch some youtube videos from like linus tech tips and then just get the best gaming PC you can afford. There's no considerations for 3D that are separate from gaming.
Would you mind posting some of your work?
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okay but why?
I was curious. I found that getting better hardware let me iterate faster and that let me try more things and approaches.
It helps you itterate faster with lighting, simulations, expensive effects. It depends what you're doing.
If you sculpt or model and you want a performance bump, get a better night's sleep and take up jogging.
I have a 4070 super now, and it's more of a nice to have than a necessity.
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i've had a 1050TI with 4gigs and some old ryzen, i think 1500x with 16gb ram for years
i don't know how broke we are talking about, but this setup has served me for sculpting, animating and rendering on the unoptimized garbage that is blender faithfully and would've served even more if i hadn't ordered a new CPU yesterday and bought a 3060 12gb a year ago (Which i would recommend you get too instead of 1050), and would probably fly like a bird with actually optimized stuff like ZBRush, so check for something that beats those specs and you're mostly set, unless you want to go really far and render fucking microsoft flight sim, in which case... Lmao.
Just don't do remesh or subdivision surface and you're golden.
I got 600$ for a new PC or Laptop
i use an acer nitro v15 it was 700 dollars

i5 13420h
16gb ram
rtx 4050

works pretty good, rendering takes longer but what can you do on 700 dollar machine, aside from that the performance when modeling is more than enough
I have a PC with intel hd 605 and I could model without any problems. Cycles, lots of subdivision surfaces are a no no.
If you're going to use Adobe, the fastest i3 you can get and a rtx3060 ,8gb ram minimun
Try refurbished options
that depen--
>cheap PC
Anon I--
>for 3D
get the fuck out lmao!
>cheap PCs for creating 3D content
You truly enjoy suffering, do you?
>cheap pc for a serious hobby
>"creating 3D content"
>not specifying what you're trying to achieve
m4 imac mini
a beast for 500 bucks.
money is already loaded, no need to be a cheap pc

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