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This channel has been bothering me for a while now. The production quality is some of the highest I've ever seen, and the creative team is using a huge variety design tools to make these videos. Despite their popularity, this channel has very little information regarding team size, members, talent or development process. There doesn't seem to be any outside work posted on online portfolio websites like ArtStation or Behance. Where did they come from and how the hell are they so good? How did they nail this rendering style so effectively? What tools are they even using to make this content? Their CAD models are incredibly detailed, the materials, environment and textures are on point (especially water sim) and their lighting setup is almost perfect. I'd really like to apply these techniques to my work if there was some way to find out what the hell they're even doing.

Allegedly it just 2 guys, they do take months between uploads and have said they're committed to focus on quality over quantity, the reddit AMA they did claim they use Sketchup for the modelling and render in Lumion.

Are they crazy talented if that's true? yes they are.
Ask them
The dude literally credits the person who does the models/animations in the video and description for each vid. And yes, there's even an Artstation link.
Did you even look?
>Did you even look?
You are putting too much credit on people. Dial it down.
I did, links aren’t consistent on videos you massive sperg

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