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These are horribly over-engineered, can't we use motion controllers, bit like those that come with VR goggles??? Why isn't it a thing?
Feel free to write an extension if you wanna try it. Lot of people experiment with custom input devices, apparently none come up with anything compelling and worthwhile enough to bother having it marketed.
>These are horribly over-engineered
Get the normal one that's just the nub then? I've got one and it's fucking great. Working without one is an absolute slog. Using a VR controller or something similar sounds fucking awful.
Waggling something around in space "pretending" to be moving something compared to actually grabbing something and manipulating it will always be better. For that purpose, I think the 3d mouse isn't over engineered at all, it's exactly what it needs to be.
They're like $90. I know for a 3d hobbyist that's quite a steep price, but that's pretty affordable and worth it.
Chunky as fuck and hefty too, they weigh like a pound. I've also had mine drop a few times (shitty desk drawer that pops off its hinges and crashes down to the ground), and it still works like nothing happened.

Honestly just sounds like you don't have one and are pulling the sour grapes routine. Buy one, try it out for a week (to get used to moving around). Return it if it's shit.
ofc I don't have one. If I did, I'd cope too.

Look at it, dood. you have a dial that you hold in a pinch grip, just to move something in 3rd axis. That's terrible. The simpler versions have the same issue. All this stuff that goes into making it work, when you could just have sensors in a solid body or w/e
PS a lot of motion controllers only come with the damned goggles, so those sets are ungodly expensive due to that. Ofc people aren't going to pay up 4k for a controller. That the market didn't catch up with such a small demand from CGI people is no surprise, either.
>can't we use motion controllers, bit like those that come with VR goggles??? Why isn't it a thing?
The main reason you wouldn't want this is that it's just not as cognitively efficient for muscle memory. Your body is always more precise, quicker, and thinks less when you have an external reference point. With 3D trackers, you're flapping your hands in mid air and the only feedback is your sight. It works just fine, but for precise work it's terrible. I do sculpting in VR from time to time, and there's certain benefits to it (you can sculpt in arbitrary points in space without having to take out a gizmo and move things around), but it also makes you think too much about small shit like zooming around, it's fatiguing. It's like touch screens in cars, it's distracting to do simple shit.
the juice vs the squeeze. my mouse has 2 axis and a mouse wheel for zooming. that's 3 dimensions. i had a friend taking cad with a 3d mouse. i used it briefly. it couldnt do anything a normal mouse couldnt do, and it didnt do any of those things better or faster.
>that's 3 dimensions
6dof has 6

it's not a fucking dial
the thing is, the space mouse is terrible. Like, literally very very bad. Such a waste of money.
>Projecting this hard.
It has a bit of a learning curve but they're totally worth it once you get the hang of it. The few seconds it saves you navigating really accumulate and you'll be more productive especially with sculpting, more so if you also use a wacom tablet.
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Do you know anyone with a 3D Printer?
I don't think you know what this thing is if you think that's all it does. it moves in an absurd amount of ways and is like having a joystick that moves sifeways, up and down, rotates, and tilts all in one. It trivializes the entire concept of using the camera into the smoothest experience possible.
it doesnt work any faster and is often just plain worse. Even in the example demo included where you assemble the thing or whatever. FWIW after trying to use the thing for quite some time i just ended up literally bringing the thing to my recycling center and getting rid of it. Terrible product.
>it doesnt work any faster
It literally is faster if you know how to use it.
Compared to rotating, zooming, panning, doing whatever the fuck else with a mouse (shifting between like 5 keys) just to get your view in "roughly" the spot you want, compared to applying a tiny bit of finger movement and just zipping in to the exact spot IS faster. So much faster, you're barely even moving, the micromovements to use it are closer to thought than actually using your mouse. No buttons to press, just move your fingers ever so slightly and you're there.
nope. Try that included demo with the assembly parts again. Not any faster.
>a demo that has no relation to actual productivity and isn't a benchmark for how you'd use the thing in an actual work setting is slow
How will I cope? All this time I've been working slower because a toy demo that shows something you CAN do with it is slower than an actual mouse? All those hours lost, like tears in the rain....
Next you're gonna tell me that driving somewhere is slower because race cars drive in a circuit and never get anywhere... please don't make it so.
you're defending a trash product
It literally does what it's meant to do, and does it well.
Just admit you're too retarded to figure out how it works and you got filtered by a literal demo toy. People are judging you for way fucking less.
Could work well!

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