has apparently caved and completely abandoned the run time fee. they will keep the seat based subscription model. if you use unity6 you maybturn off the "made with unity" logo too.
>>995557Who cares, I'm not going back. This "We treat customers like shit and see if they put up with it" scheme will stop once corporations learn that their product dies if they try that shit.
>>995557Yeah and I'm thinking about using it again. Godot is kinda better culturally and in terms of licenses, but I really disliked how animation state machine turned out useless in practice and you still have to manually implement your own state machines in code and control animations from there. Also I really dislike the absence of proper composition based component model. You can do the same with find child or whatever it's called, but it feels less natural and docs say they prioritize inheritance over composition iirc. Imagine prioritizing inheritance when you don't have neither multiple inheritance, nor mixins or traits. Idk how to use this approach and honestly I'm not even interested because I love composition based approaches. One thing I though was a big win in Godot is easy built-in geonodes/pathfinding, that worked ok for me, not perfect and I'm not sure I could fix it to be perfect, but it was decent. And in Unity I don't even know if they have built-in solution, iirc there's only paid stuff in Asset Store for this.
>>995570unity has a built in navmesh system that has always worked for me with my admitedly simple uses for it.
>>995557until they decide to implement it again, or something even worse
>>995570>Godot is kinda better culturallyLike communists shitting in your face and telling you is delicious pudding? You dumb bruh. Unity light-years ahead in terms of tech and ease of use.
>>995557>MONTHS pass>"G-guys we cancelled the fee fully!! You can trust us now!!!">This coming from the same company that tried to literally DELETE their own older TOS archives to push the runtime fee in the first placeScum, I don't know how anyone can trust them again.It's just a matter of basic decency, if you try to rip up your agreements with everyone from big companies to smaller customers then why would anyone believe this????