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hi /3/ this a rendition of my cat, Rupert.

What do you think of my work? I used blender
I'll post a picture of him for a follow up to compare
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heres a picture
It's purrfect
anon i think your cat has autism
hmm it was second blend in real life he some more stripes i think thats the big difference
I think he's lovely, both of them. Good job anon
I have 100s of images of your cat on my phone
pls compile them into a drive and share i beg i need them
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don't habe a drive but do habe a magnet link
>>/t/1259932 / >>/t/1197236
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>>995677 (dubs)
i meant
>>>/t/1259932 / >>>/t/1197236
been a while since i crossposted, wew!
You nailed it
I know it's a shitpost but to this day I've never seen a good looking CGI cat
happy birthday Rupert!!
thank you thank you, will look into this
i see your rupert and i raise you a piglet original creation
mine is a bit better sorry


hmm actually i spent about 30 minutes creating it so don't be rude, blender controls are hard to learn
Based rupert. Hope this thread becomes a cat model thread.
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Have a 3D printed cat sculpt I made a few months ago

Made him pretty chonky
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Cats are hard to sculpt/draw. So much of them is just fat and fur. Humans have always struggled to depict them in artwork.

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