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>society if blender models could be ported to SFM with a simple click
Why do you need to use SFM?
SFM is a dead software, let it go. Valve doesn’t care about users creativity, their mod policies are such garbage and they are the reason why nexus exists.
There never was any valid reason to port anything to SFM in the first place. It was always nothing but a toy with lesser capabilities than even blender at that time.The only reason people used it was because there was 0 learning curve and it was where all the ripped models were, and 99% of the users were incapable of creating anything of their own. Similar to how the situation is now with most blender users.Only a minority create their own models, and of those only a handful actually create them, instead of just kitbashing or doing minor edits to someone else's creation, and then calling it their own.
>instead of just kitbashing or doing minor edits to someone else's creation, and then calling it their own.
Hey man, I retopoed that ass I stole from another model
Clearly, you've never tried to animate anything in Blender otherwise you would know that the system is essentially broken and what a pain is it to attempt to use.
You should never attempt to make your own models from scratch because there are many available and some are even free to use. If you insist on making your own, then enjoy your Cris-tier quality model.
I've tried it enough to know it's viable, and much better than SFM at least. Not that it compares to Maya of course. "Artists" who don't use their own character models are just as bad as all the AI fags trying to sell their slop. No matter what you create with publicly available models, the end result is not yours. Using stock props and backgrounds is acceptable, but the main subject of the animation? The end result is not your creation. You are a slave to the original creator's stylistic choices. You are limited in the ability to bring your own vision into fruition. Pathetic.
If you want to become a decent animator, you won't have much time to model. Trannies always complain of being exhausted.
Cris is already doomed but you can save yourself if you stick to clear and realistic goals and avoid stress.
While this is true, this is only relevant, if you're going to work at a studio. If you're going to go solo and create smut, you absolutely should learn some modelling and rigging. You don't need to specialize in them, to be able to create something decent. If you have some artistic ability, it's not that hard to model a passable character. It'll take more time than for someone more experienced, but that's irrelevant. You only really need to create one character base, and you can easily branch that into multiple characters.
A month's work at most. It won't be perfect, but you iterate on it, and eventually it will be something that can be called good enough. Personally, I have more respect for Cris with his shitty models, than any of the shitters who rely on smutbase. At least they're HIS shitty models, and have some personality, instead of yet another overwatch model.
>it's not that hard to model a passable character
It definitely is and it's more valuable to learn to mod existing models than to make them from scratch.
It's also easier to trace drawings than draw them from scratch. Doesn't change the fact that it's questionable at best. If you have no self respect, then sure, go for it.
There is no comparison between tracing 2D drawing and modding 3D models. You're grasping at straws and you're being misled. And who would be the judge of me having self respect or not? Some Discord chat full of groomers?
Of course there is. You're taking someone else's work, and claiming it as your own. There's differences in nuance, but it boils down to the same thing. Tracing also doesn't need to be just drawing it line to line identically, plenty of people trace, and then add their own flair on top to hide it. In effect, modding the drawing. You're free to do what you want of course, personally, I couldn't live with myself, if I stooped so low. You're basically playing with legos.
>You're taking someone else's work, and claiming it as your own.
You can use use models with permission. There are many available starting from free. Legal and moral.
>You're basically playing with legos.
No. There is no comparison. You're not making any sense and you should go back to Discord and mislead people there.
Bullshit. 90% of those models you claim to be legal and moral to modify, are either ripped, or kitbashed with ripped game models. Of course, it's hard to prove, so you won't face any consequences, outside of your own conscience. There are of course actual legal resources as well, but you're deluding yourself, if you think smutbase models are clean.
Stop. Have you ever heard of:
Just to name one. But there's also:
Many others.
>you won't face any consequences, outside of your own conscience
Go back to Discord, weirdo.
When did I ever mention smutbase? Only you go there and love that garbage.
Want more?
The thread was about SFM, so I thought it was a pretty safe assumption, clearly not. Metahuman and similar I can understand, it's literally just a base that no one uses as is. I see now that we were talking about two different things. I was talking more about taking a ripped game model, and attaching the head to a body imported from daz, or something similar.
export as an fbx broheim
>instead of yet another overwatch model.
But that is what people want.
>You should never attempt to make your own models from scratch because there are many available and some are even free to use. If you insist on making your own, then enjoy your Cris-tier quality model.
o am i laughing.
People like to see characters from popular franchises naked. What a surprise. Doesn't mean you are catering to the most basic tastes one can imagine, even when it comes to porn. And while you'll probably never need to take any responsibility for it, what you are doing is essentially illegal, and can potentially get you in legal trouble, if the copyright holder ever happens to feel like it. But in practice, there's not much benefit for the company. To my knowledge, only Mihoyo and Nintendo some times crack down. Blizzard also did some take down on overwatch stuff at one point, but has long since given up. From a point of self respect, you're building your "success" on someone else's work. Whether you're okay with that or not, is up to you. The average consumer won't care, obviously, but your peers will think less of you, and will recognize you for the hack you are.
Caring about what people with actual 3D skills think is a major detriment if you're gonna be a lousy porn artist, at least for now. People with actual 3D skills is not where the money is going to come from
>but your peers will think less of you
Oh, the humanity!
You can be a successful porn artist, without infringing on copyrights. Of course, it requires a wider skill set, but if you can do it, you will stand out from all the overwatch slop, and likely make more. Many of the biggest patreon creators do OC. Doing popular characters is of course the most painless route. At the end of the day, it boils down to whether improving or not is important to you. Personally, I think putting your eggs in one basket is idiotic, and you should be experimenting constantly with new tools and techniques, in case you want to some day do something else, only to find out you've been outpaced by everyone, because you settled to doing lazy porn animations for a quick cash out.
This isn't 2014, so if you're going to make OC's you better be a damn good modeller to turn heads. You don't have the advantage of establishing yourself over half a decade ago
BlackJR is still using SFM to this day and he makes ~5k a month
Not fully disagreeing with what you're saying, but the hard way is not for the faint of heart
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SFM is easier to animate in than Blender and it outputs images that look great to this day.

You're not limited by your tools but by your effort and your vision.
SFM is worse than Blender, you are limited to software components. The whole engine isn’t built for modern day files. No FBX, no OBJ and no blender. The nut job animations you see often is the result of poor execution by animation tools, everything you learn doesn’t apply to SFM. You’re kidding yourself if you think this dead software by a billionaire corporate is enough for videos.
I agree, an artist is not defined by his tools. Unfortunately SFM is not a tool, it's a toy. It is a perfect example of artistic vision being limited by the software used, unless your vision happens to be very limited as well.
>You’re kidding yourself if you think this dead software by a billionaire corporate is enough for videos.
You're missing the point I make here >>998268
SFM won't get you anywhere today, however, if you're already an established SFM person from 10 years ago, you can use SFM forever, people will still pay.
If you establish yourself as a Blender slopper today, you can make Blender slop forever, people will still pay.
If you're Miro and piss off half of your fanbase every time you make a patron post for 5 years straight, you can piss people off forever and people will still pay.
That's the response to >>998221
>only to find out you've been outpaced by everyone
You're correct here btw might I add
Haha so true

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