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What's the secret to a successful career in Adult 3DCG?
Lighting, shading, and Overwatch
6000 hrs of browsing /d/ to understand what people want.
There's a secret?
3d porn is the definition of "If you build it, they will cum". Retards for fucking days praising the worst 3d slop imaginable. Like people with a day of experience under their belt. You literally can't fail.
Unless of course you strive to be better and end up burning out.
I am a brown ape and I want money
should I do honest work? or should I be a lazy faggot and fleece people out of their money?
Access to 3D models.
any d4rk w3b secrets to getting good 3D models without paying super jewish prices?
nonstop output
You should get good and you'll get way more money. Like a dozen patrons vs thousands patrons.
Either make really good art or cater to niche kinks.
Decent animation skills is the most important factor. Still images are a hard sale, always was, and now doubly so, since you're not going to out compete AI image gen. The more vanilla your content is, the better quality animation is expected to attract people.
There are so many people, that you can indeed fail, unless your goal is to make 200 a month and thats it.

To grow you need hardware and decent animation skills.

If you stagnate and make the same low effort shit, mass producing it thinking you will succeed, you wont.

Take grand cupido for example. Same animation, overwatch, and sfx for years. Never made above what he makes. When you have airport sounds in your bedroom, it gives a sense of "I dont care just mass produce my slop". He stagnated and will never be anything great.

It comes down to your end goal. Want side cash and thats it? Do what he does, produce 10 second slop with minimal effort as best you can.

Want to make the big bucks? Buy decent hardware, learn animation and basic art fundamentals, download and use the same modes successful artists use, and actually give a shit about quality, profit.
Yes, you can make them yourself
Ive seen artists use stills and make good cash cause it comes down to quality. Take someone like rigid3d or fugtrup, more images than animations.
Both of them do animate though, and both of them are better than the average patreon animator. Well at least rigid is. And rigid3d provides rigs as well. I can guarantee you, that neither of these two would be earning anywhere near what they're making, if they were doing exclusively stills. Granted fugtrup does animate less, but on the other hand he's earning less than 2k, which I at least wouldn't call good cash.
Chicks with dicks.
Fugtrup barely makes animations. From 50 posts maybe 1 or 2 are animations.

He just has a unique style that nobody else does.
>learn animation and basic art fundamentals, download and use the same modes successful artists use, and actually give a shit about quality, profit.
I can guarantee you no "successful" porn grifter knows any fundamentals. They might make money, sure, I won't argue that, but to call their shit "quality" or any word close in proximity you have to be fuckin coombrain beyond recognition.
This might come off as "spoonfeed me good porn artists", but give me 5 examples of actually decent animators doing exclusively porn, and I'll shift the goalposts and tell you why they're worse than even the bare-bones basic bitch animators on Twitter.
>metaballs for modelling (curves blend together easily)
>basic rigging (nobody cares about superficial shit like creases and muh realistic hair, focus on jiggle)
>got a shitty computer? no problem - render with eevee at a super low resolution, apply a post processing filter, call it your "style"
>learn animation, remember it doesn't have to be amazing it just needs to be "not-stiff". stills are boring
>lean into a niche full of autists like minecraft/roblox etc. there's a ton of pedophiles there so do pedobait for extra cash
enjoy being rich
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ViciNeko, Mantis X
> give me 5 examples
Yes, I also want more. I tried lurking on hentai boards and they exclusively discuss some average quality obscure content with weird kinks.
The example of their photo you showed is meh. Fichl is 15 years old in Genshin Impact and many have lewd her to banned-able status. The photo isn’t close to what is considered sexy. She already wears sexually explicit clothing in game. You want her to have more skin exposure and the mentions of an embarrass geek.

They need to do better if this is what they consider their best. So don’t follow them because I really don’t see them as hentai artist.
> You want her to have more skin exposure
Lol, maybe go check where this is from. I can't post anything else here from that 20 minute animation since this is SFW board.
I know it’s the monster slime but still basic stuff when you see similar things but other monsters are interesting in sexual situations. The guy is lacking lighting skills and the sex is common trope. It really doesn’t bring Fechl being sexy.
Your standards are very high. For me it's godlike level. I would like some recs of something even better or at least comparable in quality.
Developer account on f95
...but I've already done this two times over
How hard would it be reach a skill level of bottom tier animators like grand cupido?

How long would it take someone to reach the level of the top guys like general butch, nyl, or nagoonimation? a decade?
It's a journey and you start with the first step.
Just give up and have another wank.
Animation is not something you get good at. It's actually brute force monkey grunt work. Sure you have to understand what you're doing to make something like Nyl can, but even he has to spend months to make something a few minutes long. Modelling, lighting, texturing, and all the stuff that goes into making the big juicy pair of futa balls look nice before Nyl starts making them swing takes a lot of time and dedication to learn.
So much time in fact that no creators have done anything impressive model or texture wise themselves. (It is and has always been 95% asset bashing. And when there are no new assets to bash with, models stay vaguely same quality for over half a decade)
now spend 5000 hours learning Blender
I'm already a year into 3d modeling (inorganic shit), just haven't touched animation or thought about porn making until this thread so that's why I was asking
you're asking in the wrong place because you will always gets losers like these dudes >>998302 >>998327 who project their own inabilities onto others. you have hundreds (thousands) of freaks uploading animations to r34 each week that 10 or 15 years ago would be considered studio quality. it is not hard, you just need to know what needs to get done to achieve x porn goal
this. everything else is trivial.

you can just rip models from games, and you can download also poses and mocap animations. those are the easy part.

being a coomer artist is more like a cinematographer rather than a sculptor.
Like with many things, getting to an above average and passable level doesn't require too much time. But mastery takes a ton. A lot of those top tier creators are people who have been animating for years at an industry job. Getting good at animation is similar to drawing, you can be told what needs to be done, but actual skill comes with years of experience. Of course, most consumers will be happy with middling animation quality, as long as they get to see their favourite waifu naked, catering to their kink.That level most can achieve in a year, if they put in the effort.
This will only get you pocket change, a couple thousand per month at best, barely minimum wage in any civilized country. You need to put in more effort to stand out from everyone else who's doing what you're describing, unless you happen to get incredibly lucky.
I don't have any specific advice about careers in adult content creation. In general, success in any creative field usually involves developing your skills, building a portfolio, networking, and finding your niche. But I'd encourage looking into more family-friendly career paths that align with your interests and values.
most ai generated response ive seen jesus christ wth
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funny you say that, I feel like the ChatGPT answer would be the best one in the thread
it's not like there's any big secret or secret ritual to making it, you just gotta do it
It's sound advice, but it's also very generalized. There are definitely focus points. Proper animation or games make a lot more than just making stills or models for example. And category matters a lot. The more vanilla you go, the more skilled you need to be. If you do niche content, you can make more with less skill, due to the content starved customer base. But on the other hand, if you're skilled enough to capture the much larger vanilla customer base, that's obviously a better option, unless you specifically wish to create content for a kink that you're into personally, for example. You weigh your personal enjoyment vs your payout. Personally I'd recommend always going with personal enjoyment, unless you can't make a livable wage from the niche you're into. Doing porn for a living can be very soul draining, if you don't enjoy the content you're making yourself, and will likely lead to a fast burnout.
Don't do it. You'll have a twisted view on everything and you'll have to deal with highly and I mean fucking highly sensitive people who are constantly horny and literally evil and corruptive.
There will be people who will try to beg, guilt trip or manipulate you into making their fucked up fetishes.
It's /gif/ but directed at you.
Don't start it, trust me.
T.in this hell for 10+ years.
P.S.: I won't be able to erase this from my life, so I will never have a family either.
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> You'll have a twisted view on everything and you'll have to deal with highly and I mean fucking highly sensitive people who are constantly horny and literally evil and corruptive.
> There will be people who will try to beg, guilt trip or manipulate you into making their fucked up fetishes.
Hot damn.
Would you rather be a wagecuck
i never said it was bad advice, its just extremely generalized, but the articulation coupled with that is what makes it sound like an AI with its use of "corporate buzzwords" and souless friendliness
A few posts ITT make it sound like a lot of porn animators do modeling/texturing/rigging themselves, basically soloing the models they use from scratch.
but I was always under the impression that nearly every porn artist, even the super famous ones named in this very thread, just use other people's prerigged models? especially because it feels like every other decent porn animation I see posted on xitter has something like "credit to analDogFucker69 for letting me use this model" at the bottom of the tweet
The case is and always has been that analDogFucker69's just grab shit from other places and put them together to but it simply, lol. But nobody has any idea, and they wont admit how simple it is unprompted. Some have even gone as far as to dodge talking about it
even better, 99% of those models are just reused daz gen8 with game assets stapled on. ask yourself why the overwhelming majority of 3d porn features game characters instead of say, movies or tv. very few (and I mean a single digit number of creators in a sea of thousands) have made quality content with something that they made themselves.

This extends to sfw stuff too, most short films, fan animations, pwnisher challenges, etc, are almost all done with premade assets. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, for the record! but it's interesting how nsfw niggas don't like to acknowledge it like >>999277 said.

also maybe it's a legal thing. no one wants to acknowledge that they're technically breaking the law and it's inevitable that a corpo is gonna sue a r34 creator for stealing their ip or something. that's going to happen eventually, i promise you. don't know who would win that particular legal battle, but it's going to fucking happen sooner rather than later.
>also maybe it's a legal thing
My guess is that it's mostly to cover their own tracks, put up the pretense of being an honorable artist while copying and stealing from others. The people who can point this out is smaller than the audience and if the behavior gets called out, it can be ignored or responded with something along the lines of "But I'm am an honorable artist :^)".
and at the end of the day it's trivial because coomers don't give a single shit as long as they get to nut
>interesting how nsfw niggas don't like to acknowledge
Nsfw artists mostly don't care about who made the model and how. They want it to look good enough for what they want to animate. They mention the guy posted the model and that's that.
Wrong. I sometimes spend dozens of minutes finding decent enough 3d animation to jerk off.
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just make bimbo mommy fucking big dick son you know thats whats hot. tell me when youre done.
Are you saying that it's difficult to find hot 3D coom art?
nta but some of those animations look uncanny or awkward with the models or how they're animated
The fuck you do.

The bar is low if you want to make 50 bucks a month.

If you want to make a decent amount you need fundamentals and a mindset towards the kink of your choosing. Minimum 5 years.

The few artists that are hard stuck on overwatch have stagnated in earnings (or dropped) unless its something unique to them and they already have a large fanbase.

Pick a universe you like. Practice animating and scene fundamentals if you want to earn a living.

Far more efficient to get over your fear of social interractions and get an in demand job though if a comfy life is what youre after.

Most big artists making bank are there cause of covid. Covid 2 not likely to happen again. The wave is over.
Blah blah blah blah blah
This is all true. Also some kinks are easier than others...
Surely making 3D porn for any extended period of time will fuck your brain right. Staring at porn vids all day for references, animating that shit and just being immersed in an environment filled with all manner of freaks. Sounds like hell.
The trick is to create only content that you also personally enjoy. I doubt most people could handle doing anything else for a prolonged time without burning out fast.
I've been tempted to enter this world for years, but the idea of using popular characters puts me off. Most of my ideas require OCs. I guess my only option is to try and create some characters in DAZ or MakeAHuman.
what is shlawg talmbout ion finna read allat
tl;dr He's saying it takes 5 years to make decent money as a cope for his lack of skill
I started in 2017, pre covid, and got to 4000$ per month in a year, and doubled that the next year. That's with OCs made by myself. I now make around 13k per month. Anything is possible, if you simply put in the effort, and believe! I do think that I've peaked on what I can get out of the niche I'm creating for. Would need to branch out further for more income, but I'm relatively happy where I'm at, so there's not much motivation, and I feel like I'd be betraying the people who subscribe for the content I make now, if I stretched myself more thin trying to reach more people.
Only 13k per month? What are you, a third worlder?
If Norther Europe is considered third world, I guess? I do work much less total hours than the average person on a wage does. Granted, it comes with its trade offs through stress and increased responsibility. It can be hard to justify taking a proper long vacation to yourself, without feeling guilty, so you can sometimes feel a bit trapped by your work. When in a regular wage job you can just forget everything during your vacation. So it's not all roses. Not to mention the need to manage a community and your fans.
they're here. for the 1m.
>If Norther Europe is considered third world, I guess?
nowadays you can't tell the difference
Is 156k a year a 3rd world wage? I might be living in the wrong place then.
156k is like dentist money.
>since you're not going to out compete AI image gen
LOL. AI image gen is so generic and lackluster that even a poorly made 3D still is better, because at least the latter has sovl.
The majority of the masses would disagree, considering how poor poorly made 3D looks, regardless of any perceived soul it might have. Feel free to try your luck with stills. You will make some money, but there are no creators who make more than McDonalds wage by creating nothing but stills, and to reach even that, you need to be top tier. Animation and games is where it's at.
The easy vs hard debate is just low skilled anons saying it's difficult and high skilled anons saying it's easy

>You need to be top tier
That is a low bar
It is a low bar, and anyone who's worked in the industry shouldn't have much trouble becoming a top earner, unless they're shit at marketing themselves. But no self respecting professional will settle with minimum wage making stills. There is no real money in it, unless it's 2D. Look at the top earners, there are none, who limit themselves to purely 3D stills. You need something more to hook people.
There are people with hidden metrics that are easily making over min wage of off stills, I think you just lack coomer knowledge
Show me even one, who makes 2000$ or more per month, and doesn't have something else going for them.
without doxxing yourself, can i ask what it is you do? animations? visual novels?
if it is your only job, how much time do you spend at it per week?
after reading this thread i went down a 3d patreon rabbit hole for a bit and was looking at 3d adult visual novels. many are just still renders using daz models with occasional in-and-out static camera sex animation. and they are getting $2-5k a month on patreon.
Mainly animations. This is my only job atm. I basically burned out, and didn't feel like taking in any more outsource work from studios, and switched to porn instead, mainly for the full autonomy, to be able to do what I want. It's hard to estimate the total workload, since it includes stuff like community management, marketing, bookkeeping and such, but I usually animate a few days for one week, then will take the following week completely off. If I'm nearing the end of a project I do tend to push myself a bit more though, even to a point to spending all waking hours on nothing but 3D for a week or two. But on average maybe 10-20 hours a week for the creative side, ignoring the business managements stuff?
Someone leaked that StevenCarson made 2.6k one month over half a decade ago. Do you get mogged by a dazlet?
Do you have any proof? The guy doesn't provide any metrics, not even patron count. They don't even have a graphtreon entry, since they've had them hidden from the beginning apparently. Twitter followers don't translate well to paying customers with stills, especially with something as low quality and relatively vanilla as this. I do admit that I'm surprised they have this much free followers with this shit. Stuff like this is dime a dozen, and does not stand out from other creators at all. Compare this to other people who create similar content, and have a similar amount of followers, and you'll see roughly what they make. I refuse to believe this guy is making more than 2000$. Not much at least. Let's compare it to some random Animator. Redmoa has around 6.3x the followers this guy has, and 3100 paid patrons. That translates to around 400-500 patrons for Threezxc. Since their quality is barely above average, and they do only stills, it's safe to say their transfer rate is much lower, so I'd estimate a generous 250 paying patrons. Their main tier is 6.50$, the 10$ tier gives nothing extra, so not many will pledge to that. I'd estimate they make 1800$ per month at most.
I doubt it. Not that 2.6K is impressive, it's still something you can make doing some overtime grunt work, and nor a livable wage these days in most civilized countries. Do you know why these guys hide their metrics? It's because they don't want to look small, since small user counts look bad for a customer. There is 0 reason not to flex your big user numbers, as that makes you look reliable. Regardless, surely you at least admit, that animations and games pull multiple times more income than focusing on nothing but stills? For stills to be able to make money, you at least need to provide some more incentive, comics, or decent stories or something like that. The market is just too saturated with pinups right now.
>Do you have any proof?
ok, numbers. zxc averages ~x3 less activity on patreon and ~4x less on twitter. Also, It's uncertain how many of his paywalled posts are commissions too because a hand full of them are confirmed comms

>I doubt it.
It's was real
>it's still something you can make doing some overtime grunt work
"overtime grunt work". By the way, he's gone on record and said had 2 months of content in advance ready back then
>and nor a livable wage these days in most civilized countries
He's Russian and was gearing to leave the country for France back then for legal reasons
>Do you know why these guys hide their metrics?
So people don't complain about how little they work
>surely you at least admit, that animations and games pull multiple times more income than focusing on nothing but stills?
>For stills to be able to make money, you at least need to provide some more incentive, comics, or decent stories or something like that. The market is just too saturated with pinups right now.
For more juice, yeah, but to 'make it' no, it's not too late yet even if you barely scrape junior level
I think you misunderstand. I make 13k with my own content and have been doing this for 7 years. I'm just trying to warn people not to quit their dayjob if the only thing they can produce, is stills. You WILL need luck and good timing, to make it that way, plenty of people try, and never pass 500$, despite matching the quality of the examples that were given.
How can I make $1,200 a month from making shitty coomer 3d stuff? I have plans to make milf visual novels in renpy and learn animation, can I get successful just from posting progress on twitter?
You guys wanna know a niche that will make you rich in no time? Wholesome tentacles.
Yeah, not the nasty maggoty kind which rape, but rather slimy sensual kind which please and make preggers.
there is no secret. covid was prime growth time. just pick a niche and start grinding skill
>Animation is not something you get good at. It's actually brute force monkey grunt work.
you either have talent for it or you don't. I'm an industryfag and I met maybe 3 people who can animate really well in my 12 year carreer
I'd say it's less talent, and more a stomach for it. As animation can be extremely taxing mentally, considering how much time it takes just to get a few seconds of good looking output out. Although I guess having the patience for it, could constitute as having the talent for it. I've honestly met only one person in my entire career, where they seemed happy during the animation process itself, everyone else enjoyed other aspects of it, planing, seeing things come to life etc, but essentially no one likes the process of actually making the things move.
>grand cupido
wow im a coomer but i never heard of him and i notice he gets thousands of likes, the standards are literally on 7 depths of hell, so i assume u can easily learn it in a month.
> im a coomer
Please contribute to the thread by namedropping some good 3d artists.
also overwatch
when i make stuff i feel like i gravitate to it being more art-y than porn-y, any tips on changing this? should i not jerk off for like a week so i've got plenty of horny in me?
Just fyi, omorashi and diapers. There's not enough good CG content for us.
keep it that way
Spoken like a true retard.

Animation is most definitely something you get good at. Nyl takes months cause he literally doesnt have to release anything back to back. In fact he releases alot of 10 second clips and low effort shit.

Its all layered animation, pretty lighting, and retards who love wonky dicks. Also covid. If you werent around during covid, you are perma behind.
>Modelling, lighting, texturing, and all the stuff that goes into making the big juicy pair of futa balls look nice before Nyl starts making them swing takes a lot of time and dedication to learn.
Yeah, that's why he skipped the modelling and texturing part by downloading and changing the bash shape of an old sfm penis asset that gets carried by its original normal map. Not to mention the bodies being a reshaped assets from elsewhere, vidya heads from elsewhere, and so on.
You can tell where he has and hasn't been more involved in a given model by how scuffed it looks
thinking everything needs to be made from scratch for 3d porn is retarded and you sound like you're seething because you'll never be nyl
do you make furry stuff?
the only people i see spending cazy money on oc stuff are furries
No, just regular humans, but a niche fetish. While furries spend money in commissioning content with their own OCs, I wouldn't say they're more likely to pay for content with your OCs over non-furry consumers. If it's good enough quality, your content will sell, regardless. On one hand, you probably do lose some sales by not catering to fans of popular media, but on the other hand, you stand out from the rest, since your models are unique.
I don't think that
then why are you criticizing his reuse of existing assets? if you knew how the bg3 shader worked you wouldn't speak about his work on those so trivially
Some day in the future, when AI is able to handle several court cases in minutes, corps will start suing these talentless asset thieves who make money on creations made by actual talented people. They'll get the heavy fines they deserve, and people who actually put in the work and do something that can actually be called their own will finally be rewarded for their hard honest work. Mark my words! Stop your thieving ways while you still can, and redeem yourself!
>why are you criticizing his reuse of existing assets?
Just bringing awareness
>if you knew how the bg3 shader worked you wouldn't speak about his work on those so trivially
I speak on them trivially because we're not on the same level. Masks, noises and blends are standard issue
Shouldn't be illegal morally imo. It should be something like mandatory credits + percentage of profits or single fixed sum, depending on volumes and pricing models.
> modelling assets from scratch
> creating textures
> arranging premade assets into scenes
> animating premade assets
Those are all different forms of art, it's not like animation isn't in its own a form of art. It's not purely technical thing like UV-mapping for example. So it's wrong to downplay animators. It's just a different kind of art than modelling or creating textures or arranging things together (which is arguably what is called "design").
No one's saying animation isn't art. But if it's not a team effort, and you're just using their assets/designs without the original creator's consent, you're an art thief, plain and simple. I can guarantee you, none of these porn artists have any of the game studios' permission to use their assets to make money with them. Why should you have the right to ride on someone else's success, when you weren't invited on that ride?
>Covid 2 not likely to happen again
I don't know about that, everybody was saying Covid 1 was never going happen, but it became the event of the year
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sTaNdArD IsSuE bTw
if it's so easy to steal art and become a huge success like nyl why don't you do it, retard? also any smart game developer knows fan art (even porn) is good for your game in 99% of cases. overwatch would be nothing without the lasting legacy of the porn
Not that anon, but big, complicated node graphs like that are kind of easy to end up with if you know just a bit more than the basic "plug texture into socket".
A lot of it is the same kinds of operations just duplicated a bunch of times. It just looks complex because there's no fucking way to organize nodes in a way that doesn't look like a fucking mess.
I end up with node graphs just about as complicated looking when making procedural materials like asphalt or concrete roads. They really balloon in proportion any time you decide to add another element, like lines, some dirt, tire marks, wear, or something else, since you don't just need to factor in the base color, but the roughness, bump, and other attributes.
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Nobody said it's easy to become a huge success, but it definitely is easier when using industry level professional designs, that you have no right to use, and would never be capable of doing yourself. Nyl probably is reasonably talented, but none of that changes the fact that he's also an art thief, and a waste of talent. Also NTA, but I don't do it, because I'm not a morally bankrupt ass, who resorts to questionable practices. I'm successful enough as is, without needing to resort to theft. They probably could be successful doing their own thing as well, plenty people are, but obviously they wouldn't be reaching nearly the numbers they are getting now.
Also this. Here's one of my own character's shader networks. And this is just a pretty basic skin material.
>sTaNdArD IsSuE bTw
Yes this is standard stuff. I'm gonna assume that this is the first shading graph you've seen that looks like this?
>if it's so easy to steal art and become a huge success like nyl why don't you do it, retard?
Is that a challenge? I can get involved and make more impressive looking stuff if that's what you want.
>also any smart game developer knows fan art (even porn) is good for your game in 99% of cases. overwatch would be nothing without the lasting legacy of the porn
I agree withthis bozo. You're beginning to sperg out on someone else's behalf.
>I can get involved and make more impressive looking stuff if that's what you want.
ok go ahead
interesting. how many people do you think are out there operating at:
1. your skill level
2. your success/income level

i'm not really into /3/ porn, but the field seems pretty small and a lot of it looks relatively low-skill.
Alright bet. You'll know when you see it
That's hard to estimate. But I'd say that if you can hold a job in the animation industry, you'll probably be able to make it as a porn artist as well. Assuming you're not completely helpless when it comes to marketing yourself. The more varied your skillset, the better of course. Personally when I switched to porn, I could mainly animate, as that was the only thing I had done as a professional. On other areas my experience was limited to what I learned in school and what I did in my free time. Honestly my characters looked like crap for the first years, maybe they still do, it's hard to get constructive criticism from coomers, either they gush about it, or complain that the boobs are too small/big to their specific tastes, but the decent animation quality was enough to carry me in a small niche with very little competition at the time.
>it's hard to get constructive criticism from coomers
it's strange that this board is blue.
there was a blender general over on /aco/ for awhile but it died pretty quick. i'd be somewhat interested in messing around with nsfw if only for the technical challenge. i don't get to do character work a lot but i do want to try cfx stuff:
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Bros, our main man SkuddButt is dying.

Coomer bros... what are we even working for?
pour one our for a real coom nigga
pretty grim. it must feel terrible working on something and wanting to finish it as you feel yourself decline until you can't do it any more
hope he has someone who can clear his smut wall after he dies before his parents come around to his house.
appeal to simps, pedos, bolsheviks but i repeat myself
Damn, this makes me sad. I used to watch his streams on picarto and he would actually respond to me and remember my username.
>if you can hold a job in the animation industry, you'll probably be able to make it as a porn artist as well
i certainly hope a professional could succeed in what is largely a hobbyist community
Is not that hard to say no man, i remember there was a random guy that acted like he was my girlfriend and tried to ask for free animations and images, you know what i did every single time? I said no in the most rose tinted way posible to see what he came up with the next day.
Isnt nyl a junior animator? I have never seen him make any kind of complex scene
Did he eventually gave up and offered his body?
why would he work as a junior professional when his patreon makes money money than a senior artist would get?
more money*
Why didn't you make him your personal paypig?
He obviously wasnt going to pay and also i dont like to do comissions i prefer making my own stuff.
real secret is staying topical, majority of people follow what's popular and new. New game, new movie, new anime, new console, new skin in a game getting popular etc
Terrible advice. Being topical makes you inconsistent and people want to come to an artist knowing what they're gonna get.

You don't drive to Burger King to get tacos, do you?
Tf "staying topical" means? Staying on the same topic, or chasing popular topics?
i think ur confusing style with relevancy, cosistency in your style only comes with practice and that's what people will come back to you for, if u want money and fame you have to chase what's popular unfortunately.
people goon over that stuff?
what are people willing to pay for their fetishes?
doing what is popular at the time. the current thing.
Chasing this in 3D is a fools errand. It's fine in 2D, since you can just draw anything you want in a couple hours. In 3D you'll likely always be coming late with the fads, and chances are that the FOTM has already passed when you finally get to push out some decent content with it.
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You're confusing a bad idea with a good one. Businesses and artists alike excel when they focus keenly on fulfilling a specific niche. Audiences want to know that they can go to you to get what they like. That means that you specialize, ideally at a subject that you love to do. Win win!

Every successful and recognizable coomer artist conjures up the content of their works in the same breath as their name.

Mogudan? Slutty Rei Ayanami.
Ratatat? Blacked waifus.
Oda Non? Lingerie MILFs.
NTRMan? You guess this one.

Just like McDonald's and nasty cheeseburgers, Dairy Queen and milkshakes, or even beach volleyball and tanned chicks in shorts. A thing is powerful by its association and you as an artist create the association between you and your art. Stop talking like wishful faggots and start walking the welltrodden path to success.
> Every successful and recognizable coomer artist conjures up the content of their works in the same breath as their name.
Sure but it doesn't mean it has to stick to the same fandom. Some do stick and it works great, others don't stick and it still works great because they do whatever fandoms in their specific recognizable style (like Mantis X).
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>Mantis X
I just scrolled his Twitter and the dude clearly posts loli and loli-themed shit. It's 95% of his timeline.

Your exception to the rule is the rule. This is the level of brainlessness in this thread giving out advice.
It's more of a variation of chibi. Like, his take on Frieren is chibi version of Frieren and that's how he does all his characters. For me though, more outstanding characteristic of his style is reckless animations. A lot of people do chibis of popular characters, but when you see another Mantis video you can immediately tell it's him.
> Your exception to the rule is the rule.
It's not really an exception. It's just that some artists have very specific style which you can immediately recognize independently of fandom they're working in.
> reckless animations
And I don't mean just any reckless animations, I mean, he does it in a very specific way that is very recognizable.
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Every artist has his style. It's part of a man's artistic expression.

Of the artists I mentioned >>1001464 none draws like another. Their style AND their niche defines their work. The two together makes an artist stand out among a sea of coomers.

The point is to do what successful artists do to be successful yourself. Not what the idea-anons here think should work but rather what has demonstrably worked in real cases.
I have some questions for the more successful (in art or life in general) anons.

What habits or routines do you have to maintain consistent productivity (balancing quantity with quality)?
How do you deal with burnout or avoid/mitigate it in the first place?
How do you effectively market yourself & your work?
Set deadlines, and do your best to stick to them, and keep your goals within reason and in smaller relatively easy to handle pieces, something where you can see the end, so it doesn't feel as unsurmountable. Tell the deadlines as rough estimates to your fans, so dropping them isn't as easy.

Only work as much as you can handle, if you can only handle a day per week, then set your deadlines with that expectation, and try to make peace with the fact that it'll affect your income. Better some income than none, after you truly burn out.

Post freebies in category relevant communities, forums, discords, pornhub, twitter and so on. You can try posting suggestive, but SFW content in non NSFW platforms as well, although can get you banned. If you're starting out, you're probably not burned out yet, so try to maintain a faster release pace at the beginning, to help with building a following. Freebies can be either snippets, delayed releases, or lower resolution versions of the premium content. Some for example release 720p videos for free, while keeping 4K or similar perks behind a paywall.
>since you can just draw anything you want in a couple hours
You can change colors and pose a 3D model in a couple of hours, too. As long as it looks somewhat like the character in topic, it will get clicks. Check out RudeFrog for example. And they share other DAZ modelers that do the exact same thing.
>In 3D you'll likely always be coming late with the fads, and chances are that the FOTM has already passed when you finally get to push out some decent content with it.
Depends on how long you wait after the game models finally get ripped.
Wake up in the morning, snap one off
It's not much, but it got me to where I am today
Pornify everyone, especially children; age them up if you have to.

Create a separate pseudonym for your porn to distance yourself from the kiddies, create a new email address specifically for said pseudonym. This should minimize drama from the sexual discourse.
so like Boogie and their shortstacks.
Lawlet here, is it actually legal to make coombux using some company's game assets, or is it just something they turn a blind eye to?
that's what I'm confused on;

like, I'm willing to sell my lewd base meshes on gumroad; but I will not sell a lewd Lopunny in any shape or form (especially if it's an edit of an preexisting model).
are you american? if not you prbably shouldn't care.
It's illegal. But so is charging for fan art, and plenty of people get away with it. Companies do some times crack down on porn made of their games, but it's pretty rare. I think Mihoyo came after some Genshin content creators early on in the game's life, and I wouldn't put it past Nintendo to do something some day. In general, the risk is pretty small. But technically, you could get in legal trouble, if the companies happen to feel like it. Personally, if I'm trying to create a stable foundation to live on, I'm going to do everything as by the book as possible.
>I'm going to do everything as by the book as possible.
Bro, I wouldn't even bother. Even if you're squeaky clean, big companies will still try to fuck you in the ass with DMCA shit.
I once made a scene based on that road in Miami with all the hotels, sold like hotcakes on posters and shit (made a good chunk of side cash off of it). Take2/Rockstar DMCA'd it claiming it was their IP with no option to dispute (because everyone knows T2 owns Miami since R* made Vice City that one time).
Fuck publishers bro, steal every cent out of their bottom line that you can. I'd fuckin steal food out of their kid's mouths if I could. They don't give a fuck about you, and will try to fuck you even if you're not even trying to do anything related to their IPs.
Maybe if you didn't plagiarize Vice City you wouldn't be butthurt that they nailed you for it.
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It was Miami. Don't know how to tell you this, but T2 doesn't have a monopoly over a street.
Immersive story telling
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You ain't writing Coom Hamlet nigga, you're pumping blood into the penises of perverts.
No pornographic work has immersive story telling by its own very nature. The same goes for originality
The right kinks: you hit the correct niche interest you got yourself a career (just avoid commie shit like furry, femdom, trannies ecc... for your own mental sanity)
>Coom Hamlet
nicely memed
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>want to try my hand at this anonymously
>can't, because anonymous payment is a meme
Just come up with a nickname that doesn't include your real name as its part and have no references to your other profiles.
depends what you mean by "immersive"

This genuinely looks schizophrenic
Pick a fetish then no matter how lazy your Daz screencaps are the Patreon bucks will flow.
This is standard stuff, anon. If you can't even handle something as basic as this, 3D probably isn't for you.
Is this still true in late 2024? I feel like coomers are disillusioned by all the lying game developers and pornographers.
Not so much, most of the ones who do this and make a lot are grandfathered in. They don't have to bother improving much
Can you make porn without being doxxed? Thinking about starting but don’t want it associated with irl me.
I really like how low poly looks but i'm struggling to think of how NSFW low poly would even work. It would seem like to many any kind of deformation for insertions you'd really need way more polies...
There are many other ways to have stylized minimalist look. You can have some kind of unshaded limited palette flat colors stuff, but be high on polys. I haven't seen good-looking lowpoly porn animations, except probably few minecraft ones, but that doesn't even count because it was hot because of pacing and being bestiality and actual penetration wasn't even visible.
pornbros, do you know how to make a butt properly deform? im trying to rig a character but her butt implodes whenever i move the leg. do i need bones for the cheeks?
I'm a 2d artist/animator and just have been really inspired by low poly stuff, but now that i'm actively learning it i did run into that wall. Do I just maybe make the lewd scenes 2d? Or would that just be too weird if ingame characters are all 3d otherwise. Like the problem gets even bigger when I consider fluids, because even if say I get them looking right and rendered in 3d software, making that happen in engine is pretty much impossible for me.
> Like the problem gets even bigger when I consider fluids, because even if say I get them looking right and rendered in 3d software, making that happen in engine is pretty much impossible for me.
Just as a side note, lowpoly fluids can be manually animated using pure vertex animation and that will work probably everywhere. With high poly fluids this is probably impossible amount of work and it would likely result in too big files anyway.
Are there any examples of games you can think off that use vertex animation fluids I can reference?
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I don't really remember if there was animated water like this (probably yes) but there 100% was vertex-animated fire in original Spyro (PS1). Also there is vertex-animated fire in Quake. Vertex animation is basically arbitrarily moving the vertices of your model in edit mode during animation. No rig/skeleton/whatever.
Depends what you mean by doxxed. I think patreon requires photo ID if you do nsfw shit.
oh really? what the fuck.. and I thought about leaving my current job in the industry to make coomer animations
it's fine... as long as you don't use your real name in your account name it will all be fine, stop being paranoid...
I lost the spark a long time ago, i dont want to animate anymore wtf is happening?
I'm gonna be that guy, but being scared of doxxing is one of the dumbest things you can be scared of. All you have to do is not barbara streissand yourself, and no one would know— ie, ignore the doxxer. The chances of you being successful enough to warrant a doxx is already pretty low, but the chances of the person who doxxed you having a bigger reach than you is almost zero. A doxxer will at most be able to reach like, 50-100 people in your sea of thousands of followers, and out of those, who's gonna care? no one. The only way you make people care? Making a post saying you got doxxed.
Sounds like a weight painting issue. Select armature and the mesh object and then with mesh as active object open weight painting mode and see where the paint touches. That's probably what's caving in your booty mesh. Also make sure you've got enough segments. You don't actually need to make the leg directly connect to the spine, you can just offset parent it.
t. 1 month in blender
>What's the secret to a successful career in Adult 3DCG?
I don't know but I'm going to give it my all.
i know the answer and it's not >>1002456. that's the most "1 month in blender" shit I've ever heard.
no, I won't tell you. if I had to figure it out on my own, so do you.
thank you, i'll try it
complete waste of digits
If that doesn't work, a few other ideas. Try merging vertices and faces in edit mode. There may be overlapping. Also normalize the faces as maybe they're inside out. Even with my only one month, I'm going to keep working to help you. We will surpass that other guy who lives for the sake of only himself and sees everyone as an enemy and a threat.
If I wanted to turn my relatively complex original character into a 3D model for NSFW stuff, including genitals, what would the budget look like and what file formats would be most useful for the porn artists? The level of complexity is relatively high because my character has complex hair, and I want it to have jiggly physics and good genitals for the commissions I get done. I saw Projekt Melody paid $5K for her model but she had issues with the artist later, so I’m guessing it’s going to cost me more than that.
I ended up finding a good video about it
I don't know if this is appropriate for a blue board
Honest work pays more for less time, and less discrimination irl.
>but why would anyone care
In most countries, the government will monitor you, not just in terms of tax, but in terms of the content you produce. And ordinary people will ask about your work, and you will become an outcast. If you're already lonely, like most of us here have been at one point or another, you will make it 1000x worse.
i eventually realized that making porn is a meme and i am far better off for it. literally no one i used to know in these circles is happy.
I don't want a circle I just want money
Animating using other people's models and not trying to release content using your own models until you are actually competent at modeling.

If you failed step 1, every step after that is going to look bad, but if you find someone who passed steps 1 through 4 already and start with that work, you're more likely to succeed at step 5. So, make fanart.
I just started and I'm absolutely in love with the process. I enjoy minutia. Give me a rigged character and I'll give you movement with love between the key frames
Where does greatm8 fall on the scale for animation/stylization? I think he uses sfm and draws over models for stills

Its obviously inferior overall but is sfm better than blender for anime models?
SFM and something like Koikatsu has it's own type of charm. Not to mention, considerably easier for a lot of things. Personally, I think greatm8 has great storyboards and style, even if it's not blender levels of realism (which are a bit played out due to just rampant overwatch animation clones)
No. SFM doesn't do anything better than any of the more comprehensive 3D packages, blender included. The only thing it has going for it, is that it's easy to pick up, as all toys meant for children or the mentally stunted tend to be.
No sorry, I meant Koikatsu has easier things. Because the community is primarily sex related and you can easily download scenes and animations that already are fucking just plug and play the characters you want. and the style has it's (acquired taste) charm. Please let me know if there's a blender community of similar scenes.
The topic is about a successful career in adult CG, not about getting your rocks off to some premade animations. None of what you say should be a criteria, when choosing your application of choice, if you're even mildly serious about making a living out of this. If you want to fap, have at it, but no one should ever consider SFM or Koikatsu as a viable option for anything beyond that.
You are conflating "career" with "craft". The best tool for your career is the one that makes money and makes your workflow easier. You are thinking like an artist rather than businessman. The KK market is very big in asia if you're not aware. There are people making a living just selling scenes for others.
Nonsense, no one is making more than pocket change with stuff like that. What I'm suggesting IS the optimal business decision long term. If you're unable to reach at least 6000€ per month, you're wasting your time, and should just work a normal wage job. For a decent payout, you need to actually do something that not everyone else can. It's not too hard to go over 10000€/month, if you actually apply yourself, and take the effort to learn real tools of the trade, instead of the toys you're suggesting. Once you learn the tools, they are faster to work with as well. The simpler a tool, the easier it is to learn, but at the same time, the more limited it is, and lacking in specialized optimization. There's an inherent wall that comes with SFM and Koikatsu, that an artist can't pass, no matter how good they are.
So you're making 10k+ a month right? Can you show me an example of your work?
Yes. And no, I post here since I can freely spout shit anonymously, it's the main draw of this place. If I post my work, I lose that anonymity.
Could you post an example from a peer or competitor whose work you'd value or estimate they're either at the skill level you describe and/or earn 10k a month.

There are a lot of people posting about what good animation is without actually posting any.
Nyl and Redmoa come to mind as pretty solid animators. I think someone mentioned them in this thread earlier. I can't really say if they're better than me or not, it's hard to compare your own skills to others objectively. Nyl is definitely better at rendering/lighting than me though. But I do my own character models, and only use OCs, Agent red girl is quality wise pretty low, decent enough, and passable, but nothing to write home about. I assume their success is tied to something else, like amount of output, but this level of quality would still probably be enough to make a decent living regardless. And of course, the more niche your content, the more you can get away with in terms of quality. So it's not that cut and dry, how good you need to actually be to make it.

Almost everyone in the top 50 here is earning over 10k. Note that a lot of creators have more platforms than just patreon as well, where they get income. And from my own experience, I make around 15% more from patreon than what the patreon payment estimate on my page says. Plenty of people make over 10k despite being under the 100th rank as well. I'm not in the top 50 of my own category for example. If you can hold an industry animation job, 10k should be no problem for you. It will take some time to reach it, but if you keep at it, and can do similar quality to the ones mentioned above, it should be doable enough.
Or you could schizophrenic and have nothing to share. It would be a simpler explanation.
You're name dropping without saying anything useful or insightful.
I'm not trying to convince anyone about my income anon, they asked, and I answered, whether you or they believe me, is up to them, it does not matter to me.
They asked for examples, and I gave some. What's the problem? I'm just providing my own experience. It's no skin off my back if people don't switch to porn, less competition for me.
It seems to me that you are trying to lure people into whatever disgusting fetish you're into with vague promises of money and independence. Just like what a janny would do.
But maybe I'm wrong. Feel free to post some of your work and credentials, so you can prove me wrong.
You caught me, I go around fooling people into porn, in the hopes that they just happen to choose the obscure thing I'm into as their niche, while never letting them know what that niche is. Surely I'll get lucky one day.
You're making vague promises of money and independence. What title do you have to make such promises?
Can't make money without taking some risks in life.
I'm the guy you spoke to about Koikatsu, you said nobody will make pocket change with KK / SFM. Where as your own top 50 link appears to include several. I cordially invite you to take the L on that.
I know I could make better porn myself if I put in the time, but I'm still going to jerk it to some shitty animation
such is the struggle of life
That's because he's full of shit. You can believe the words of an anon who thinks himself king shit but won't say diddly or you can believe your own eyes and what you see to be real.

The truth is you can make bank with fucking KK or SFM even in 2024 because coomers want heat and your tools don't matter. People jerk off to WORDS ON PAPER and you can't achieve great results with basic 3D tools? It's what you're doing with what you've got that matters. It's a hard pill for quitters and anxiety-ridden anons to swallow because it means your lack of ambition and dedication restrict you more than any software ever could.
Go back to your janny hideout on Discord and tell them there's nobody left on this board. You've done your thing and now you have to go recruit somewhere else.
sometimes it's more about the energy of the animation than the execution
>your tools don't matter
Man that's what I'm saying. I know this is an art board, and people should rightly be proud of their craft. But this thread is about making $$ and the art is a means to an end. You can't get too ego over the flavor of tool you use. If you can use SFM or KK to pump out 20 scenes in the time it takes someone to make 2 ultra HQ blender / maya scenes, but you make more money, who's really more effective? I don't think it's necessary to switch tools or anything, just the elitist rhetoric of calling animation tools "toys" and shit is annoying. I'd give it more credit if he posted some shit to backup his talk.

> it means your lack of ambition and dedication restrict you more than any software ever could.
That being said, if you want to do any other pro animation or modeling work, blender/maya is the way to go 100%. If there is any aspirations other than lewd then jump right into pro tools. You can learn basic fundamentals with other tools, but might as well start and muscle memory the intricacies of more robust softwares.
Just because they have SFM in their name, doesn't mean they actually still use SFM to this date. A lot of those started when SFM was the main software of choice for coomer animators, and have since switched to more modern software. Not that there still aren't some straggler of course, but those are established artists since years ago, it's hard to lose your patrons, as long as you produce some content, once you gathered them. Seriously, go on and try starting a patreon using SFM in this day and age and see how that goes, vs all the much higher quality offering. Koikatsu is slightly different, since you can probably make money by making models for people, but I have a very hard time believing anyone could make any significant money making animations with it at least. Not that it matters, my original point still stands, that there is 0 reason to use them vs all the other options that don't limit the artist's artistic freedom of expression with incredibly limited tools. You can draw in paint as well, but it'd be a massive waste of time.
You can do passable content with SFM with enough skill, yes, the content just will never be as good as from someone of a similar skill level, using either Blender or Maya. You're setting yourself to fail, by going with decade old software.
Quality over quantity works better for most creators, since it helps you stand out. And again, these days, you will create content faster with Blender, compared to SFM, once you've learned the software. Even Maya, if you're willing to put in the work to import the models yourself, you don't need a new model every week. And it's pretty trivial to move models between software these days, once you have a handle on it, that is if you must use game models, instead of your own. OCs are just as viable as those game characters are, in the right hands. blender specifically has a better available model variety these days than SFM. If you go OC, there's is 0 reason not to use Maya.
To add, this attitude, that lewd content doesn't deserve the same attention to detail as other production ready content, is just idiotic, just because a portion of the viewer base isn't capable of appreciating it. There's still plenty of people who will always opt for higher quality content, and ignore low quality. By creating higher quality content you stand out from the the rest, which helps with visibility. I admit I tend to be a bit elitist when it comes to light weight hobbyist programs like MMD, SFM and so on, but recommending them to anyone in this day and age, is doing a massive disservice to that person's growth as a 3D artist, when there are much more viable tools available, that are easy to pick up today, thanks to abundance of tutorials available to get you started.
How do I cash in on the fact that people want to see the girls from Marvel Rivals get fucked? Can I get away with making geo grafts and models or do I actually have to animate?
I'm not a 3d person but as someone who feels "gifted" with the ability to 'just know' when I'm looking at kino, to me its usually whoever is masterful at organic bodily animation.

I don't care if your model isn't hyper realistic or plays well with lighting, if the movements are spot on it just activates the neurons in your brain. plain and simple
>Just because they have SFM in their name, doesn't mean they actually still use SFM to this date
Wow you're blowing my mind with a completely new revelation that I didn't already know.
> Koikatsu is slightly different, since you can probably make money by making models for people
That's exactly what I said before
>there is 0 reason to use them vs all the other options that don't limit the artist's artistic freedom of expression
Lists reasons, then goes on to say there is 0 reason.
> artistic freedom of expression
this just sounds so gay man. I'm sorry but you seem really hung up on your own ego. The top two patreon animators are making 2004 pixar style futa and overwatch futa. Few people outside this thread are going to respect that as art.

When it's not considered a scarlet letter on your resume, and not often blocked by payment processors on a whim, we can come back to this conversation on the viability of a lewd content career as a 3D artist. There's also a fundamental divide in our mindsets. The "growth and improvement" part of being an artist is second to the money making aspect. Improvement should be done to a point where you have a competitive advantage in your niche but any more is indulging in a hobby. (In this topic of career). What growth has Agentredgirl's content gone through in the past 4 years? The first post on twitter looks the same (often better) than the current stuff.

>Quality over quantity works better for most creators
Idk man, citation required. What is even your definition of quality? If you're just equating it with unique style or niche sure, but many on that patreon list produce things that look like dogshit to me personally. Where as every algorithm rewards consistent and constant production and people are more inclined to pay when they are receiving things more often.
My point was, they're not making money with koikatsu specifically, they're making money by selling to people who use koikatsu. There's a difference. The content they sell, is created elsewhere, whether it be custom texture packs, or mods/custom meshes, whatever. I admit I'm not too familiar with the game, but surely no one is making money by selling some slider presets for the ingame character editor?

Where is it considered a scarlet letter? I've gotten multiple job offers from former local industry colleagues since starting on this, despite all of them knowing what I do. Granted, I live in Europe, where people aren't quite as stuck up when it comes to these types of things. But I have a hard time believing any respectable studio would deny a job for a capable artist that otherwise fits their criteria, just because they've done adult CG in the past.

Sure, you can get away with not improving your skills, but if you think there's no benefit on improving your craft, you're delusional. Do you honestly think, agent red girl wouldn't be doing even better, if they did actually bother to continue improving? Someone new will eventually come along, that shits on your work, if you don't continue to improve, granted, it might, or might not affect your sales, it will depend on the market at that time. Regardless, it's also something you should do either way, in case you some day want to switch out of porn, since people do eventually get bored with what they do. At that point, you want to have a competitive skill set.

I don't disagree, animation quality is one of the main things people notice first. Good animation will carry the rest of the video, even if it lacks in quality otherwise. While the reverse is much less true. In that way, it doesn't matter where the animation is done. But animating in blender and especially in maya, is much faster than SFM, and gives you access to things like simulations, cloth, hair, soft bodies, external plugins, and so on.
People sell premade animated scenes. Think selling a premade rig with animations already with assets and environment. etc. There are also people selling content like videos ala how other animators sell their videos on patreon etc.

> if you think there's no benefit on improving your craft
I never said that. I explicitly said improve enough to get and maintain a competitive market value.

>Do you honestly think, agent red girl wouldn't be doing even better, if they did actually bother to continue improving?
#1 on patreon for adult animation. with abysmal quality. We can both agree on that right? At some point you hit diminishing returns. The market doesn't have good taste by in large.

>Where is it considered a scarlet letter?
America. I'm a (tangentially related field) hiring manager and we throw resumes in the bin for much much less. Not to mention how gen pop will think of you. This is a grey area, in the shadows, style work. And I doubt that will ever change.
Sucks to live in a 3rd world country I guess. Here no one cares, as long as it's not you in the actual video doing lewd stuff, or bring it up constantly, but even then, most places won't bar you entry, not that you need to mention it in your CV in the first place, and in the 3d industry reel is the main thing that matters, so just don't include your lewd stuff in it, if you're lacking material, you can always create new non-lewd demo footage for a reel.

The thing with lower quality is, that while there are plenty of people who have made it that way as well, you'll need much more luck, to make it as a newcomer doing that. It's hard to stand out from the masses, if your content is just more of the same, so you need to be incredibly fortunate on timing/going viral or whatever, one out of hundred who are doing the exact same thing. While if you create actual quality that stands out within your niche, you will make it, no luck required. Assuming you're not complete ass at marketing yourself of course.
You're writing a lot of bullshit that will only lead people to make the wrong decisions.

>It's not too hard to go over 10000€/month
Yes, it's quite unlikely to do all that, actually. According to your own graphtreon link (I suppose it was you in the other post), only the top 18 are consistently above 10,000 dollars (not euros), and for that you'll need at least 3k patrons which is not easy to do.
There are fucking thousands of adult animation creators using Patreon, we're talking about less than 1% making more than 10k dollars consistently, and you say it's "not too hard".

>For a decent payout, you need to actually do something that not everyone else can
Which in itself is extremely difficult, because technically almost any animator can do anything. What will really set you apart is your own style, your personality reflected in your work, and this part is basically a lottery.

>It's not too hard to go over 10000€/month, if you actually apply yourself, and take the effort to learn real tools of the trade, instead of the toys you're suggesting
Total bullshit. Fallacy to try and force someone to accept your point. You should be ashamed of yourself for behaving like this on the Internet, are you 15 years old?

>If you're unable to reach at least 6000€ per month, you're wasting your time, and should just work a normal wage job.
Imagine discouraging new artists because they can't match up to the top 1% in the business. Man, you're a fucking retard.
fart hole
An artist who captures lifelike motion will succeed in any medium with any software. For that skill is rare and it speaks to viewers on a subconscious level.
I admit I was a bit unclear there. What I meant is, that it's not too hard if you're someone who works/has worked in the industry. Obviously if you're just starting out you're not going to be making those numbers any time soon. It takes years to master 3D. This was aimed more at people, who are fed up with their industry job, and want to go independent. For that purpose, CG porn is a great option, and the path of least resistance. I'm assuming here that people who are actually serious about this, already have the skills to do content at least at the level of people in the top 100 or so. In the same vein, if you can't go above 6000€ as an industry veteran, you're probably better off keeping to your better paying industry job. But at leas as a professional animator, you should have no trouble. You won't get to 6k immediately, of course, it takes a year or two to gather followers. If you're a starting artist, you shouldn't be doing porn in the first place, you should be working on your fundamentals, whether that be through self training, or through some school. And yes, it's much easier to reach the 10k target with proper tools, that is an undisputable fact. Optimal tools make things easier, for those who bother learning them.
>Sucks to live in a 3rd world country I guess.
lol, it doesn't matter where you live. Odds are your country is a vassal state to America, at least culture wise.
>the 3d industry reel is the main thing that matters, so just don't include your lewd stuff in it, if you're lacking material, you can always create new non-lewd demo footage for a reel.
100%, but that still conveys that lewd not mainstream acceptable.

>you need to be incredibly fortunate on timing/going viral or whatever
that's the case with every single artist. Half the battle with success is marketing properly alongside other external factors besides the quality of the work. If you were to ask me the priority checklist of what's required to make it big it'd be:
>consistency of production (quantity)
>quality (enough to reach a mild competitive advantage in your niche)
Have any good artists recorded and explained their workflow for this?
I, for one, would be very interested.
>Have any good artists recorded and explained their workflow for this?
There's one guy I saw on pornhub "how to make porn in blender" or something who had some meta career advice videos. But there's not much. I'd be interested myself if you find any
As for location, you could apply for a remote job; the problem is that you have to deal with the difference in time zones (like working for a Studio in India, while living in Texas).
I'm not personally looking, but yes that's an option. Though few people in the US would want to work somewhere where they are paid a 3rd world wage like India.
You should LDAR.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"""""""""""""""""""""""""FEW PEOPEL""

r u stupid or retarded
I'm not, but I can tell you are in your ability to read and comprehend. That or very ESL in which case you should probably go back to your area of the internet.
You crazys dont have a healthcare system or police to protect you. You’re the 3rd world country in this conversation not the world. Everyone else has moved on to something that isn’t Autodesk or Adobe, there’s other software companies that exist beyond your money grabbing scam in America anon.
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They cry as the beg to be let in. Please, oh please!
>I want to indulge in your promise of wealth as seen on tv.
He begs out loud!
As they take their commands as a vassal state.
>yes sirs, I will consume all of your culture and regulations as you pass them down to me

He grasps for relevant rebuttals,
>autodesk or adobe
when nobody has even mentioned them before.
>muh money grabbing
yet his real motivation is betrayed. He feels inferior to Americans. How could he ever afford such luxuries on 30 rupees per day? Little does he know, Blender (the main tool talked about here) is free! Oh what joys he can now think to himself. And he won't have to have those sour grapes.
Bro Aesop's story for that fable ended in tragedy. The grapes weren’t edible, you literally just admitted to dying from your stupidity. Blender can’t offer jobs, it can’t make you a successful person and it can’t provide food.
The full story is in that image
Wait, patreon still support nsfw?
You have to make an account for that maybe?
it seems like a grey area. They can just on a whim decide to ban you it feels like
Dumb Americans don’t know Greek storyteller Aesop who famously wrote the Tortoise and the Hare. Now you crazies are trying to convince the world that you won’t die from your stupidity.

The fox didn’t think this though, the fox was a try hard, the fox died. Blender community who also commonly used fox as their main animal, died as a fox.

You are dead.
what the fuck are you talking about. take your schitzo somewhere else
Even your story ends up with the fox death. Blender doesn’t help feed you. Learn literature stupid.
I was implying you're the fox with sour grapes. Which credits my original point that you don't have reading comprehension.
Again learn literature, you made Autodesk and Adobe the fruit, i am the plant. You’re the dumbest fox who decides to starve to death because of free software.

You can’t switch between Autodesk and Adobe being the fox. The fox doesn’t have super powers. The fox will die as told in the original story. Not once have i support Blender, you added blender and you’re the fox. Fox is stupid and you are too.
mental illness
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Sorry dude, your ESL has caused you to miss the entire conversation.
>Again learn literature, you made Autodesk and Adobe the fruit, i am the plant. You’re the dumbest fox who decides to starve to death because of free software.
this legitimately convinced me you are insane or very unwell. The entire post was about you being jealous of America. None of it was even about 3d software except for the part where I said you could afford Blender (the main topic in this thread) because it's free. In the post, you were the fox making fun of America because you're in some 3rd country vassal state. Does that make sense? I can see why this is confusing for since you missed the entire analogy in the first place.

Your replies are further and further unhinged. Mental illness as >>1003383 said.
How long would it take to get as good as someone like sfmnewbie or amazonium.
what's your current level of experience?
50-100 hours of very focused learning. But since you don't know what you don't know, it will likely be triple that.
Attacking me won’t fix your problem with the story you created. If you admitted for me to be the fox then why did you change it? You left interpretation on the table, this is your responsibility as an author. The fox will die anon, you will die in America just as the fox died on its stupidity.
>it's your fault I misunderstood
I didn't realize at first that you were schitzo and that I'd have to explain what I figured would be clearly obvious. I didn't change anything. For fun, you know where I'm from. What country are you in?
what should i learn, there is not 100 hours animation tutorial out there.
>people are arguing about literature in a thread about 3dcg titties
>im a loser reading about people arguing about literature in a thread about 3d titties
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There's definitely 100+ hours of tutorials out there. And if you're starting from zero, then you also need to learn tools and basic fundamentals.

You can find this course for free online, but I forget the rip site. Worth the little bit of money though.
Entry course to get familiar with all the parts of the software and pipeline. Read the lesson plan there and watch those 7second videos at least. You can probably skip the modeling parts since odds are you'll be using other people's asset rips. smutba.se good place to start for assets that already have have genitals grafted on em. You won't need too many things like substance painter or texturing.

Then you're gonna really focus on animation, specifically sex stuff which I haven't found lots of documentation on. Lighting and shading is after that.
I took this course back in the day
, but I can't say I recommend it at least at the time I took it. Not as beginner friendly as the cgboost one. And of course, youtube will be your friend for many questions or mini tutorials.

Character animation for impatient people
How to animate your 3d characters fast

>There's one guy I saw on pornhub "how to make porn in blender" or something who had some meta career advice videos.
He had some good advice of finding a style and composition as well. But that's advanced stuff once you can do basics.
no experience with the course directly but p2design has an animation course that's about the same length as art of effective rigging 2, and that took me ~150 hours and was very good. you can probably find it somewhere online
You’re avoiding your mistakes and trying to mislead others. You’re in the wrong here.
>ignores the location question
It really is that bad huh?

My only mistake is engaging you and your ESL.
Damn, feels like I missed the gravy train then...
Any other platform took the following, or coomers are now out of crowdfunding platforms?
Plenty of them still use Patreon, it just feels like it's on thin ice. Some others
Fanbox / Pixiv

Your mileage may vary
I am more of a lazy shit, so I wanted to try AI generated slop, but I am so lazy that even that, I may not do...
Again you Americans are the 3rd worlds. You made shit up all the time, you’re still British through and through. You’re making the same mistakes as them by isolating yourself from the world. You have house problems, gold problems and language issues. All you been saying is nothing but lies, and as one of Aesop stories foretolds. The wolf will eat the lying kid.
What's his endgame?
this shit is ugly
OF model style grind
For real. It feels like the top producers all make futa manly looking women with ridiculous size ghetto body proportions shit.
i didn't even realize he made stuff, i thought he was just an extremely dedicated replier
and considering making models and having people credit you in their twitter post does something to the algorithm which boosts you big time he probably gets the same effect by replying to literally everyone
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any tips on learning to make textures like the marvel rivals ones? it's like an even less refined version of the hand painted / heavy brushstroke style arcane uses
or is this just a real artist type deal and to learn it you have to learn everything
wow that actually looks amazing, thank you
Back to /pol/, now!
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let's be honest, do i have a shot at this?
i'm drunk as shit right now so ill probably regret making this post later, but atleast it'll be a failsafe incase my shitty games fail... right?
reptule pusy.. image n... the smell
There's a market for every kink
if model quality mattered people like mantisx wouldn´t be swimming in cash. post animation
I've seen several similar model styles have success. But it's gonna come down to how well you can animate and make content.

Some similar content: Hentype, Nyl, KrockyAnimations, and esyrsa8peically Shait
I live in a somewhat 3rd world country.

The income you get from making 3d Porn is basically way better than owning a small business, but with no tax in the middle and getting corrupt cops forcing you to pay bribes.
wtf??? that nude 3d images are not allowed here, is this a joke??
/3/ is a blue board, yeah
>unique style
>just overwatch mei in different enviroments and gay link
Theres no "grift". No trick or deception. Theres a few decent animators but you know them already. Youre just upset that theyre successful and you arent. You dont even realize this little attitude you got going on is why you aren't successful to begin with.
I assumed 5 years cause thats how long it takes for the average content creator to earn a livable income.
To reply to as many top artists as possible as quick as possible for free advertising.

Saw a screenshot from a discord of some popular artists talking about him and a few others that do what he does. Recommended to block him.
Its the pewdiepie effect. You were there during the beginning of the blender animation grind and did a niche that was unfulfilled (likely futa or furry).

Try it again with an alternate account. Fresh and do the same thing you did and I guarantee you, it wont happen again.

Covid was basically a second chance at riding that beginning wave again. If you missed starting around 2016 and missed covid, you wont find that same success again.
>Youre just upset that theyre successful and you arent
This is such a shitty retard argument I don't even know where to begin. "No" would be a good fucking start though.
Their "success" has nothing to do with mine, and vice-versa. We're in two completely separate, non-competing, fields. They're just average at animation, even the "good" ones. The people that shower them with cash are the same kind of people that you show YOUR work to, and can't comprehend where to even begin with, or think "wow! you drew this!?". They're outsiders impressed by the most basic jingling of keys. That's perfectly fine for them, we're all different people and they probably know how to do shit that I don't, and the roles would be reversed. There's probably some physicist jerking it to the worst animation possible that would make me fucking vomit, but if he told me some other physicist's paper was trash because of x and y I wouldn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

But as an INSIDER and an animator, YOU should know better and realize that nearly all porn animators aren't successful because they're top-tier professional level animators, they're just enough to squeak by for the masses, and that barrier to entry is very, very fucking low. Especially when coombrain is factored in.
nta, but look at the top adult animation on patreon. I won't say they don't have "talent" or whatever, but they certainly have bad taste. (or at least produce content for people with bad taste)
Do you use a paypal business account? I've been wanting to get into it, but I'm not sure how I'd record the income on my tax forms if I even made enough worth declaring.
Its not an argument retard, its a statement. No ones arguing with you. Didn't read the rest but im guessing its the way you cope with not being upset.

Dont worry anon, you'll get a big retweet one day.
define "Bad Taste" because I feel that is pretty much subjective.
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Yeah of course it is subjective. Everyone thinks their own taste is the most accurate and best. Apparently a huge amount of people willing to spend money on 3d hentai enjoy masculine looking females with ridiculous proportions. Don't forget to give them all dicks.

ie: Nyl, Radroach, AgentRedGirl, B.E. Grove,

I have my own theories as to why, but it's not related to this thread.
if it about hentai and Trans in general, the go right ahead.
I do not understand what you were trying to say
something about the LGBT.
I don't consider futa under the umbrella of what the USA would call LGBT. Trans and LGBT are more political terms with different connotations. Might be different than where you are.
There are more people who would rather see girls fucking eachother or insert themselves being fucked by girls than there are self inserters that want to see themselves fucking women
to each their own. I still think most of their models are ugly though.
Furry Porn.
If someone has $9,000 for a fur suit they have $10 a month to get CG furry porn.
Not with that attitude at least. If you're unemployed, or have the free time, what do you lose by trying, if it is something you would like to do? If it's not, that's another story, there's nothing wrong with working for a wage, if that's what you prefer. There's up and downsides for both options. I will admit that making a breakthrough is harder these days, but not for the reason you imply, it's due to advertising having become harder. A lot of the options that were great back then, like pornhub, have become a shadow of their former selves, and there's no real good comparable replacement available at the moment. Twitter is probably your best bet at the moment to gain visibility, and even that looks to be collapsing.
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Be a degenerate.
It's scat.
People want scat.

Just ask Under the Witch
Here's a question where the fuck can you upload NSFW content now?

Pixiv seems like the best option but you need to censor uploads. Twitter is inconsistent and bans people often, FAs new policy has them going through just taking down things at random and BSKY seems like a very small userbase with no gallery function.
rule 34 video?
I see a ton of shit on r34 where the animation is robotic but there's still a ton of people commenting on how good it is. is that a sign that the guy who made them is getting paid? I hope so.
Its fine for most video content but they have limits.

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