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if cris can have his own thread then ill have mine

workan with a model right now
When I did anime I used to make mouths on the wider side like in your pic, and I also used facial rigging instead of morphs for expressions. I found that making the mouth collapse into a small "o" shape like it often does in illustrations is a lot tougher using bones than using using bones to make mouths wider. Since then I've started making mouths very narrow in "rest pose" and it really helped. If you don't intend to use bones to rig the face or intend to use the animate only in the DCC with subdivision over skinning then you can mostly ignore this. However anime mouths are still often really narrow in "rest pose" anyway so I'd do that even if I only intended to use morphs simply because it looks better.
show without subdiv modifier so i can observe your edge flow
Not OP, but look at the picture again. At the area above the eyelids for example. Have you ever seen curved polygon edges before? The wires you see ARE the actual mesh before subdivision.
oh I see, my bad
how do you find reference images like that?
Nice work so far anon
God loves cute
Isn't that how subdiv shows wireframe with "optimal display" checked?
Does this smoothed/simplified wireframe really correspond to lowpoly geometry?
I mean, if you subdivide and decimate you can get something other than what you started with, is it different in this case?
You're right that the checkbox just outputs the wires it gets before subdividing (so if you stack several and keep optimal display off on some it won't output the actual mesh wires), but it's doubtful that OP's modifier stack is big given how sparse and clearly-not-decimated the wires in the pic are, making it essentially the same thing in this particular case.
> You're right that the checkbox just outputs the wires it gets before subdividing
As I see it, checkbox outputs simplified/smoothed wires of result after subdividing. If it was outputting wires before subdividing they wouldn't be curves.
If it was outputting smoothed wires before subdividing it would be outputting wrong wires, because just smoothing lowpoly edges into curves could give different result.
Or do you mean it uses wires before subdiv but somehow smoothes them into curves using geometry after subdiv? That would make sense.
I think it just marks any completely new edges (ones with completely new both start- and end-points, not ones with either one old point) for not-rendering-edges in wire mode. Divisions are applied per-step so such markings are preserved with even with 2+ divisions.
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front hair today. Might work on the back hair + cat ears too if im gonna overtime.

Also yeah. For the anons that are confused this is subdiv without the "optimal display" turned on. The one in the OP image has it turned on.
reference_sheet original fullbody
> reference_sheet original fullbody
Holy shit... there's 44 pages of those! Had no idea.
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back hair is kinda done? I could've done double layered hair but im feelin a lil bit lazy.
Cat ears, hat, and ribbon to go.
Then apply modifiers then tweak for asymmetry
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Cat ears/hat done and asymmetrical. Im gonna jog for a bit then start putting on the ribbons.
I have a friend of mine who will texture the model since im terrible at that.
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Model is done without the textures. Im gonna wait for my friend to do it. Then we rig
Those hair bangs are a bit shoddy, don't you think? some of them have too much mass near the tip where they should be tapering much more harshly
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could tweak it when my friend is done texturing.
Also im 100% sure i combined the mesh at the end of the front hair.
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texturing progress from my friend. All done now. All thats left to do is to rig.
How do you apply textures like that to your geometry?
Do you just select faces on the model and drag UVs?
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i dont know sadly. My art collab partner handled all of the UV and Textures. I usually just do seams UV.
That is some really basic texturing, you could easily learn how to do that on your own
not anon bad not bad, I had very little faith in you, all you need is to PROlly draw a nice and stylish animu outline around the right parts of the character
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Rigging now. Front, side and ear are next.
my texturing UVingi s much worse in general than his. I can't get it right even with multiple practice.
>its just solid colors
it is but the orderly UV alone is worth a lot.

yeap. Haven't added inverted hull yet. Dont know if i should do shader nodes instead.
She looks like she is doing the gangnam style dance
Nice work anon, although I personally would've added a few pee stains on her panties
Go for it!
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Model is done. I'll probably post some gamedev progress here too.

Follow instructions in readme.

Super neat anon, any ideas on what you are gonna make next?
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I tried.
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Started a new model. Mahiro from onimai just for practice. Im gonna art grind for 11 days.

Basemodel is setup but ill do some improvements in topology.
>cant work on 3d because of my remote 3d job, and yea its in blender
i need to stop waisting time on watching slop tho
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Blocking the general outline of the hair now. Im just eyeballing some of it.
You need to fix your old model first, it’s incompatible with everything including blender. Weird moves from your photos, the arms and knee aren’t aligned with body shape experiences. I also suspect you have not tested and just assume the hair isn’t a problem, let me tell you, it’s always a problem in 3D.
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>its incompatible with everything
works on my machine. Anon probably didnt know how to set it up
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back hair is next
You’re using unity, no one animates in unity. That’s why we have Maya and other software to achieve this.
thats why i gave a .blend with rig tools and .fbx ready that is ready for unity
it isnt my problem if you are unwilling to use blender.
You dumb rigs are custom designed to work on your settings and don’t follow common rigging principles. You’re in the wrong here not us.
>works in unreal, blender, unity
am i supposed to make it work for your paynigger autodesk software too anon? How about you rig it yourself you massive gigantic faggot instead of crying?
If you can’t make it work in blender like this anon tried to do >>998957 then it’s your fault.
don´t forget to add a penis!
Did you draw that loli reference imgs? Can you share?
not OP but it´s official, acd734fa78 for the whole artbook
Awesome anon, thank you
>that orderliness

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