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my shitty cpu wont allow me to good sculpts
Use zbrush, you can make a character on a 2015 laptop
zbrush is so weird though i tried importing a model and it set it as a brush instead of just importing the model. id have to learn about it.
Yes, you are in the 2.5d canvas.
I recommend learning it, the amount of polygons you can push on an old shit laptop it's incredible.
I've tried blender but no luck with it
if you're making 3d models, you'll have to learn a gorillion programs anyway

zbrush is one of the non-negotiable ones
Play some mega man legends then switch to low poly
focus on the primary and secondary shapes, don't do the fine details
if you're a good sculptor then you can make good sculpts even at medium poly
Why does sculpting use CPU instead of GPU? Makes no sense.
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Zbrush also use CPU . Most application use CPU or CPU+GPU ( aftereffect , MD sim ). The only time it use pure GPU is GPU rendering
Blender is usually handicapped by its code and not the hardware unless yours is ancient. Modern CPU have multiple cores ( cheapRyzen 5 5500GT has 6 core / 12 thread ).

Meanwhile most operations in Blender can only utilized a single core or a few cores ( aside from CPU rendering ), especially anything that's in the modifer stack can only use 1 core to calculate, which causes bottleneck.

Meanwhile a more specialized application like Zbrush(sculpting), MD ( cloth sim ), Unreal ( scene building ) ..etc are coded to utilize more cores (multithreading), thus speeding up the process.

If you have modifer of any kind , disabling them might gives you a boost in performance

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