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Painting with stencils allows you to use textures generated by an algorithm to quickly photobash your models.

Here, a tutorial will be shown on how to do this from the basics.
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This is a nice tutorial, or even 2 tutorials in 1, but I believe primitives have perfect premade unwrap (and it's even visible on previous screenshot). Worth adding in future, that you actually don't have to do this to built-in primitives, only to custom modeled geometry.
No wonder it was already there when I entered the UV editor. I didn’t know that.
Anyway, I wanted to document the whole process using the simplest figure, the cube.
Ok now remove the texture seams.
You could probably just inpaint that in whatever local diffusion crap is popular now.
I'm going to make another tutorial but now with a low poly head.
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We start with a mesh
In this case a low poly head
If you want the step by step tut to model this just tell me.
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this is the image I'm using taken from midjourney
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