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>blender artists bans all political imagery and discussions
>this includes:
>human vs machine
>any war scenes / imagery
>global warming / environment

what a complete shitshow. Hope no one visits that place.
sounds good to me
no ai
no human vs machine
no environmentalism
no election
no war scenes

read it again

its 1984 all over again
this >>999474
impossible to talk about anything these days without some politicsbrained retard coming in with a hot take and derailing the discussion
Good, nobody cares about your gay politics
>Blender bans Art
How is this new?
Bender was never for making art.
It's a program you use to see if you like working in 3d or not.
After that you grow up and start using a real program.
what about mecha tho
also OP is a massive colossal ultrafaggot
Did they remove the Ukrainian flag too?
Based as fuck. Finally an artist forum taking a stance against boring retards like OP trying to force politics everywhere.
Except they DO allow politics, and it is they who are shoving it everywhere. What they ban is any counter messaging to their approved narrative. You just like their message, and not even because you agree with it but because you're hardwired to fall in love with authority figures.
Nobody cares about your politics you boring idiot.
you literally cannot post an image of any war now, even man vs machine.

Use your head. BA stinks on ice now.
Don't care, worthless retard. Cry about it.
>>blender artists bans all political imagery and discussions
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>burgers fuming there's a place where they can't rub their silly pick-a-side into everyone's face
I guess my local Blender FB group is the best because there's none of those "don'ts" bullshit
If you render something in blender, you can't even post it on BA because it wasn't "made in blender" either. The place is infested with mods too
>amerimutts think global warming is politics
what exactly does politics mean here? i don't understand it
everything op mentioned with the exception of elections and modern wars are not political
mechas don't even exist yet
banning all these things won't stop >>999476 in any way
good. keep a forum about blender, about blender. no one cares about your pussy take on ai and politics.
>simpler time were people didnt take a hard political stance.
>individualism over pronouns and herd mentality
>Related, I do realise that I made the decision to support Ukraine when Russia invaded the country - and I sent a very strong political message by doing to. At this time, there are multiple active conflicts around the world and people have rightfully asked me why I didn’t do the same thing for other for them too. There’s no right reply on this, and given our new ‘no politics’ rule, this needs to apply to ourselves too. So I’m reverting the BA logo to its original state and I’m deactivating the Ukraine flair that people could add to their accounts.
i remember i used to go to Blender Artists to read the ai threads and how much of a shitshow it was. Turns out, nothing they claimed in those threads came true and we are all still working our same shitty jobs and the vfx industry is now destroyed
When it comes to art, you'll have no problem separating political art from non-political art. Given political art, discussion in connection to it but not about art is what is being targeted specifically.
Global Warming is even worse than politics, it's a hoax designed to spread fear among stupid people.
>global warming
reasonable ban
>human vs machine
>any war scenes / imagery
so the ukraine won or they just had their shill budget cut?
No politics here either, "please"
>There are three things I have learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin.
anon, communities have moderation rules
different cultures around the world have expressions like "don't discuss religion and politics and whatever around friends/family/coworkers/etc."
it's not 1984 every time people decide to focus the discussion or recognize disruptive patterns
>no wars in artwork
that place is a literal hellhole
>"We welcome people of all nations :)"
>scroll up three posts
>they banned a guy for a Russian flag

I hate leftists so much it's unreal. Reading between the lines it's very obvious they were happy to support politics when people agreed with their stance on Ukraine, but now that people disagree with them on Israel """""suddenly""""" politics are not allowed. Hope the faggot site dies and they follow after.
russians aren't people so the site is under no obligation to welcome them
sounds racist and nazist.
are you a bigot, trans sister?
Another seething third-world Polak
>russians aren't people
2 edgy 4 me lol
>I'm okay with having my shit pushed in because that's what I'm told to like
>no human vs machine
Haven't they seen charge? That's literally official animation

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