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Epic's new marketplace just launched, combining the Unreal Marketplace, Sketchfab, ArtStation Marketplace and Quixel all into one.

How are you finding it so far? Any good? Worth publishing on?
Never heard of it and I'm not motivated to learn more.
I used the script to download every single thing off the quixel marketplace, all 18k items
downloading stuff of quixel is a pain in the ass, it keeps resetting the default fucking settings and I can't just bulk download stuff
Fab is even worse, can't even look at what I've 'purchased', just loads a page endlessly. can't imagine it'll be much better
You got any tools to rip stuff from Sketchfab?

Wanna back up some free content there since Epic is gonna shut it down at some point
>buying stuff off of artstation

maximum cringe

>I used the script to download every single thing off the quixel marketplace
Good job, you literally wasted your time and didn't actually download anything at all. Good job just mindlessly using a script without even understanding what it does.

Always amazed by the beacons of intelligence that browse this site...
NTA, but as far as I understood it, the script simply adds ties them to your account. Up until FAG launched, whether or not you kept anything was up for debate. The items were free to add to your account, but you still had to add them before you could use them (which is what the script did).
I'm guessing somewhere along the line, Epic caught wind of it, and instead of just saying "No, fuck you. No one gets anything now, even if you bought it legit", just put the "claim all" button on the front page of FAG. Which does the same thing as the script essentially.

So I'm guessing that the people who hit that button or used the script get and keep those assets, but anything new added they'd have to get like regular. I'm sure there's some grace period as well, where after a few weeks the claim all button will be nixed and that newcomers will have to purchase megascans things like normal. FAG gets to pretend it's an "early bird" gift, everyone keeps the shit they got, and no "controversy" springs up from retards on Twitter (and also avoids a useless class-action despite it probably being clear in the EULA that things can be removed/revoked at any time).

Everyone wins, and we all lose because of the cobbled together frankenstein known as FAG.
i only go to unreal marketplace for free monthly assets and will do the same on fab
Why did they have to give it such a gay name? Do they think people will find it cool?
I think it's based on Sketchfab which Epic acquired back in 2021.
>look at how cool we are! instead of sketchfab, we'll call it fab! so vogue! so cool!
>can't even look at what I've 'purchased
just sort by seller and then quixel for all the megascans stuff
nobody who is good uses it. Buying assets is cringe.
then how am i supposed to get rich by selling assets if no one buys them
The goal isnt to sell assests and get rich (wont happen) but to get as much likes on social media as possible
>t. brainlet
If you are making a game and doing everything by hand, you are severely limiting your scope. Might be ok for your dime a dozen shitty indie game with uninspiring retro models, but utilizing pre-made assets intelligently can go a long way.
heres the thing about making games. You only need one good level. You dont need 100.
You are in no position to decide what people should or shouldn't have.
100 levels of absolute crap or 1 level of something with substance dude.
Thank you for emphatically proving you're a complete idiot with no idea.
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that idiot, non-artist itt is defending buying assets with the argument that he can't churn out his tired old crap fast enough without them and that they are "good enough"

meanwhile I am making just one good level of all 100% handmade assets
We don't care, idiot.
Anon-chan, games do not always consist of one level. You can still make multiple good looking levels with handmade assets, it will just take longer.
>if you don't make all your assets yourself that means you must be a non-artist
Ok so you're a moron.
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So the marketplace is no longer accessible through the Epic Games Launcher? Seems kinda shit desu.
What does that even mean, retard?
Or you can work and afford buying stuff
It's an hrt related issue
On my end or his?
are plugins coming or what?
I thought chuds were antithetical to troons. You're not even getting your own meme lore correct.
Just make your own. Chatgpt/Claude can write 90pc of it.
>Chatgpt/Claude can write 90pc of it.
With data about the new shitty marketplace that it doesn't have because it was trained in like 2022.
write one for the downloaded zip, anon.
the website has no api afaik.
it took me a couple of hours to put together a zip importer that unzips files to project directory, loads in the fbx, cleans up the attributes and creates a material with all the maps hooked up
works for 3d assets and surfaces
if you're just using blender/most renderers gpt/claude should be able to do it all for you
calling out the stupidty of "AI" does not equal the inability to write your own plugin.
Fab was a huge fucking mistake
It's shit so far
I can't login because their captcha is broken lmfao.
Sell it for $99.99
I really hate those captchas where it's like "select all the tiles of a motorcycle", and it's a fucking pajeet on a scooter, but you roll with it and select all the parts of the "motorcycle", and the thing tells you you're wrong and fucking retarded because you also selected the handlebars, even though they're STILL part of the fucking scooter.
Or the ones that do the same thing, but it's multiple images of different things ("keep selecting until they're all gone!"), and it's something like "select busses", and you select all the fucking busses, but then it tells you you're wrong and fucking retarded again because you didn't select that pickup truck that's really fucking big but obviously not a bus, but obviously the AI knows better than you and KNOWS it's a bus. Like, why the fuck am I training the thing if it apparently knows better than me about what's a bus and definitely not a truck, or what's a motorcycle (even though it's missing handlebars).

Anyway, I hate captchas. Mainly, I just hate the audacity that it thinks it knows better than me.
>select all the tiles of a motorcycle
I clicked through enough captchas to realise that there's usually just 3 to 4 tiles they expect you to tap, so you don't even need to select all 12 tiles of the motorcycle.
you need to polish up the graphics on level 3

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