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Cursed version
Unkempt girls or nerdy antisocial types welcome.
>Bonus for Hex Maniac but other girls welcome
>No futa shit
>No gay shit, but lesbians are okay
>No Queen of Spades cringe
>No gas or onara
>No drama
Previous thread
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To what spells would Hex Maniac resort to get/keep a husband?
tits too small
Reagan is so cute here
a little bit
boosting for my type
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While Hex greatly prefers you busting your nut inside of her bareback, she will accept you using a condom.

However, she WILL suck them empty afterwards and this is not negotiable.
such a demanding little cumslut
What a hotty slut
Slim or fat hex maniac?
Fat is more comfy
Fat Hex is the sexiest
I NEED this!
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Imagine dating her. Would be fun
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god I wish
reagan is bae
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Imagine dating this mess of a woman!
God I would lick her out like a dog
Hell yeah, love how slutty this is.
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the only thing I want in life
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>Thanks for 700!
700 what?
700 dicks that entered her
That's a lot of dicks.
for you
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Feel free to just feel Hex up. She'll like it, the fucking weirdo.
She's such a loser desperate for attention!
And I'm just the man to give it to her!
no me
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I wanna make out with Hex's butthole
>I wanna make out with Hex's butthole
What does it smell like? What is the texture? How strong is the flavor?
ketchup and onion
Sounds deliciouso.
it is
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I was going to ask for a sauce but I am assuming you made those yourself with AI ? If so they look great!
Would you?
We like them like that around here.
>no neets
>no kara
>no funny little nerd girls who are shy and shit
>Losers and Slobs
Pic unrelated, OP? Art makes her look like a fashion model.
>makes her look like
is she not a fashion model then?
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What's she thinking about?
the perfect innie
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Honestly this, most of these girls are too prettied up to be slobs
They're losers
Hiding those massive mammaries...?
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hiding them where?
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Under a sweater.
these are my favorite out of the entire thread
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would tenderly handhold while babymaking in the matingpress position
She would love that!
of course she would because I would be the one doing it to her
Who are other hot loser girls besides Reagan and Hex?
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tomoko kuroki
perfect body
That's why I love the Hex Maniac. Such a perfect slampig body
very breedable
At first I thought she had four tits, but then I realized that was her sleeve. Which makes her look way too long for her width.
Dating Hex and having her dropping all the spaghetti!
don't see any spaghetti in that pic
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Came here to say this
exactly this
I don't get why Hex Maniac is such a fucking posterchild for the "failuregirl waifu" archetype. Most of the time she's drawn off model to look like a supermodel anyways, just some random witch chick had you no context.
Show me filthy girls, in messy bedrooms eating pizza or smoking pot and tryna pass by the wagecuck life by having hot sicknasty supersex.
Hex Maniac underwent the same phenomena which I affectionately call "The Gardevoir Effect". Basically, it means that "Uoohh Gardevoir is so sexy bros...." well, yeah, anything can be sexy if you draw it off model enough. This obviously isn't referring to people who actually find her base model appealing (same with Hex Maniac), however the vast majority of Gardevoir simps have some sort of big tittied, widened hip waifu version someone on twitter drew once.
At least Bowsette fans are fucking honest about it.
Oh I totally agree, though I like that her behavior can be off putting like >>8072552 >>8074977
she looks like she'd halfheartedly jerk it while watching movies because she's bored and isn't really watching it too closely anymore
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>Losers and slobs
>Most of this thread is Hex Maniac Girl, who is neither a loser or a slob, just goth creepy

You are all fake
What about her?
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Such a hot cow!
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Don't be mean, anon. She just needs some attention.
This anon has a point. Beauty queens ain't slobs.
Should be "Losers or Slobs" then because Hex is a femcel due to how creepy she can be.
beauties don't count as femcels either
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Including Ragen ITT makes the least amount of sense out of everyone

>Genius level intellect
>Child prodigy (graduated HS as a pre-teen)
>Invents useful (kinda) tech on the regular to help her company
>Is CEO of said company.
>Presumably makes bank due to CEO role and deep state connections (she lives in DC so properly prices or even rent won't be cheap.
>Has plenty of friends that love her
>One risked his life to save her ass

Her only major flaw is her social awkwardness around guys she has romantic feelings towards (initially) and her aversion to PDA. And even then both aren't even her fault because they were caused by her upbringing with her manipulative psycho dad and her.... eccentric.... mom. She's probably the most normal out of all ITT if you ignore her childhood and dating life. She's at worst awkward and a bit dorky.
She's a huge slob though and a control freak
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Why has Reagan such a long nose?

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