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• Respect /aco/ and global rules
• Take it easy and please be nice to the drawfriends! Remember, they do it for free
• Keep art critiques short, and only give if requested
• To make the new drawthread, wait for page 10 or Image limit
• Nobody is entitled to deliveries under any circumstances within these threads. Don't critique others' requests; If you don't like it, don't draw it
• Ignore the bait, you're better than this
• Stay on topic, and report bait, deliberately poor/antagonistic "criticism," and off-topic posts

• Reply to the OP when you request
• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), and keep it to one post
• One request per thread
• The request must be of an Original Character. This means no licensed characters, there's a General Drawthread for that
• Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost
• Be patient, not all requests will be fulfilled, it all comes down to plain dumb luck
• If you get a delivery, wait 2 threads before you re-request. If someone breaks this rule, don't waste posts by complaining

>Drawfags and Drawfags-to-be
• Feel free to drop your blog/site/commission/etc info, but only after delivering. Otherwise, you're just advertising
• Remember to reply to the Anchor Post to make deliveries easier to track
• Don't hold back, if you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take
• Ignore the drama and draw what you want, it's nobody's place to tell you what you can or can't deliver

>Drawing Books, tutorials, practice websites, and drawing programs:

If you're looking for a deleted thread, try checking

Previous thread >>8055038
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Anchor post
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I fully realize that this is a super detailed design so my feelings aren't hurt if this gets passed on - but if there are any of you out there willing to suffer for the pure love of the game, I'd love to see some takes on my fantasy-feudal character here, Kono

my art on top, @Vectitious_ on the bottom. I've added a new one I was able to bang out between commission
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Requesting my elf pulling her mask down and revealing she was deep throating a dildo
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Offering up my Cleric gal Chloey either posing, or after some fun.
Requesting my oc Bethany undergoing bimbofication due to her own suddenly growing butt, whether through brain drain, accidental “self hypnosis” by said butt as it leads to her gaining other bimbo-like traits, or other means such as some bimbofying item being lodged in her pants without her knowing and getting stuck by said butt growth by the time she found out, for an example.

Fine with very large sizes, if the artist sees such sizes fit. Bonus for mild pants/clothes rip. Button pop is nice if anything is done with the chest.

And for anyone who takes the time to read this, or even doesn’t and just sees this part, have a nice day :D
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Since the RPG dude is busy, i wonder if it would be fun to have my own spin at an adventure like that.

Just one problem. I dont like drawing men so i can't decide on whether i would make it be Futa/Female or if it should be like tentacles and yuri or whatever.

Opinions on that? Opinions on my "Character sheet" ?
What kind of setting would this be? something sci-fi with hot lesbians in tight suits and xenos? maybe like a post apocalypse thing with futanari raiders looking to capture and breed our fem protagonists in a mad max/fallout like setting

Character sheet looks solid, maybe needs a place for character personality or backstory.
I'd add something like Commoner or Support maybe? So that thoses characters without fighting skills can still tag along and make themselves useful (as healers, diplomats, cooks or the like).

As for the actual action, I guess you could tailor it to the characters somewhat? The evil witch have her way with the lesbian priestess while her summoned tentacles ravage the ranger.
I don't think anyone will blame you for drawing floating dicks as stand in for faceless men though.
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Requesting a drawing of her in cow pattern pajama with deep cleavage and big bulge.

Example of such pajama: https://files.catbox.moe/1defc5.jpeg
Other pictures with this character: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=lucca_%28hayabusart%29
OC in not mine, but owner(artists) is okay with fanarts.
Whats the setting going to be anon?
A look at the sheet would tell you what sort of setting it is anon.
I'd add Promiscuity to the sheet. You'll need to be more proactive for anything to happen consensually with a prudish blushing maiden or proud noble lady compared to a slutty goblin, so that'll let you plan accordingly.
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Requesting my trainer getting all her clothes chewed and broken by her playful tyrunt leaving her naked and embarrassed
sorry if i don't have better pictures but can you make her hair curlier as well?
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requesting a pinup
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request a genderswap bimbo version of my character Jompalo (left) with the same art style and pose (right)
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Requesting Amelie topless and successfully stacking a house of cards on her bust.
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Requesting my Shygal OC in one of the two poses linked below.
Requesting Princess Janet in a cowprint bikini.
Cute chibis!
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Requesting my OC, Hannah, doing something cute and/or sexy (like looking up at the viewer while she's on her knees), please.
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Requesting Tamawra X. Porter, Intergalactic Deep Space hooker, wearing any of the outfits on the right as she tries for more clients on a new Space Station.
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I'll just dump her here for 1 more thread then stuff her in a folder for while. Uh Requesting this dumb character I made, relaxing in the nude, maybe listening to some music
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I was thinking fantasy, but i can totally adapt to that sort of stuff.

Depends on the characters i get i suppose. If people share Xenos and space girls then that would be that.

I did include a personality/background (Goal). maybe i should have more space on it. Thanks!

I'd think those are totally valid backgrounds and goals. The Classes are just there to know what characters would do in combat situations (A Commoner Fighter that has a pitchfork. A Cleric support who would rather heal than hurt)

Altho i suppose such combinations aren't immediately clear with the expectations behind what classes normally are, huh? I'll take it into consideration!

Also you are right! Floating dicks wouldnt be a bad idea! I should include that as an option

Fantasy was my plan but can turn it Sci Fi (Space or Apocalypse) just as fine. Depends on what people share for characters.

Promiscuity as a stat you mean? i was considering including a Libido stat for the purpose of "Convincing doing lewds" but yours might be much clearer.

I thought people might include it under personality, but it might be clearer to just replace "Wisdom" with "Willpower" and have that involve how likely the OC is to accepting lewds and succumbing to libido?

Thank you all for your feedback. I made these edits that hopefully are much clearer.
Any designs of the front torso/legs or are they to be determined?
I'm actually working on a full map of her ink right this moment, but I'm not expecting anyone to adhere to my specifics on something this detailed in a free drawthread - so simple, generic "filler" tattoos of that same sort of style would be more than appreciated. waves or clouds or whatever is easiest.
>Promiscuity as a stat you mean?
Not really a stat, just a basic info on what to expect from the character , just like personnality. Might be important to know if you planned for someone to take the lead in some lewd some situation but they're all virgins, stuck-up or idiots unaware of sex like with the last party.
Ah, so a little note of how Experienced in sex they are or their opinion on sex in general. hmmmm

I can see levels like... Naive, Virgin/Prude, Fling, Slutty, Nympho
for the stats you could also let everyone know if it's like a 0-10 or 1-20 system and where the average is.
Like if it's 1-20
1: Morbidly weak, has significant trouble lifting own limbs
10: Can literally pull their own weight
20: Able to out-wrestle a work animal or catch a falling person
helps people be on the same page about the stats.
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Made further changes. I'm pretty happy with calling this the Final Version unless there's more to revise
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Sounds good, well until then here's her face getting fucked:
yooo this is great! thank you!

where do you post your work?
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Sounds fun here is an old D&D character of mine, hopefully she makes the cut.
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Requesting Wang Mei bound and gagged like an old fashioned damsel-in-distress with the same pose and gag style as pic related. If you can, keep her shawl on or maybe use it as a gag.
Well, that's a way of going about it. But thank you, good work all the same!
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Hi! Requesting Coriolis, my sky mage and astrologer!
She often perform drugs enhanced astral projections to further her researchs, which leave her weak and disoriented for some time.
I'd like to see her taken advantage of during or after one such session, consensually or not.
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requesting Jessilda coming out fresh from a shower and showcasing her glorious hindquarters with a dipleased and irritated, yet luscious look
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Requesting Anger riding on Flash's dick in bed.
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I'd like a female oriented request of a maid having sex with her Fox Boy master. The Fox Boy master and the maid are having sex in the Lotus sex position while on a fancy luxurious couch and most of the maid's dress is stripped off except maybe her skirt, or just unbuttoned but the bottom part of her maid's uniform is removed. Both the maid and the Fox Boy are looking at each other lovingly.

If it's okay, I'd also like a bit of dialogue which the Fox Boy says:
>"Get pregnant, give me an heir and bear my children and more of my kin."

And the maid can say:
>"Yes master, yes. I'd be happy and love to."

The maid image is based off an OC or is a random one shot character drawn by Twitter artist "hero_of_groznyi".
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reposting slime oc
kindly requesting pinup or daki pose or just anything lol
nude ref sheet if want https://files.catbox.moe/gtefks.png
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Will this do?
Might as well submit my fish to this one too. Thanks for the chance anon.
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Requesting Lisa the sailing succubus in either shape. Che can be fucking a ship's captain or some sailors in either of her shapes. Any gender is fine, feel free to use other OCs with her.
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Requesting Trollkin muscle mommy Thane gangbanged with dicks everywhere please
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I need to do the front still, but that'll have to be later
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it's later
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Requesting a teacher with short bobbed hair like pic related but brown
body type: small breasts but HOOWEE WIDE LOAD
maybe some highlights/dyed tips like in the reference but red? I don't think blue would mix with brown
she's 35 and an ex-prostitute
give her a heart tattoo on her right breast that could be visible if a shirt was unbuttered a bit too much
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Looking for some brat breaking!

We are practically 1-2 characters away from a full party, huh? Nice
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Might as well give it a try. Its a Sabbat Tremere Vampire for man old VtM game
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Requesting my boy Contract being touched all over by ghost-like hands. Going and rubbing him all over, especially the fun parts.~ or do whatever the fuck you want to do with him. :P
Snuff and Vore are also on the limits, forgot to add those in
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Requesting my lamassu girl shaking her fat ass, give her some cellulite if you can pls.
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I use yall so much for drawing practice I’d though share my fairy demon Hemot
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okay NOW it's done

I swear I'll fill a couple requests from here to make up for the images (I've already selected them)


Oh, a Sorceress huh? That would mean a team of Barbarian, Fighter, Rogue and Sorceress.

Unless there's some other caster to contrast vampiress (Like a cleric or Druid) i think we have our team.

Will give a few days so that it doesnt feel so first-come first-serve
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I think the party may need a healer, especially if they are going to be facing these kinds of hardships, so here is my cleric.
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Requesting my bi mage/eldritch monster researcher Maya having a good time getting fucked by a monster, eldritch creature, or higher being. If that's not to your fancy, maybe an ENF scenario where her uniform malfunctions in front of the other mages, gets torn in a battle, or a spell gone wrong.

She can also create a double of herself, feel free to have fun with that.
Requesting my belt summoner, Derma, getting DP'ed
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delivery from the last thread
will be next
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Requesting my dragon-priestess either resorting to prostituting herself for donations in a seedy back-alley, or being fucked by some wild wolves/monsters! <3
Hell yeah, thank you dude! Absolutely nailed her look and I LOVE how you incorporated workout equipment
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I can offer my fire Genasi, but she might be redundant with Clara I suppose. Not sure which class suited her best.
Requesting my wolf boy Jade wearing a flat chastity cage as he tries all manner of ways to feel something. Him with a desperate look on his face.
(Examples of Desperation)
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Can I get San Francisco Detective (Black Cat Division) Abby Lynch laying down, spread legged with torn clothes and her detective badge on its lanyard between her boobs. Leaking/covered in cum, with a fucked silly face. Doesn't necessarily have to be an ahegao but that's the vibe.
Not sure which class? She's giving me Kineticist vibes from Pathfinder. So i guess a Monk that manipulates Fire could be an option?
Otherwise the difference between Sorcerer and wizard si that the former is "I just vibe with my magic to cast it" and the latter is "I read books like a nerd to make magic handsigns and chants"
Or druid without the animal shapeshift if she's connected to nature.
Well fuck. Since RPG dude is Busy with what his Current projects are, I wanna see about Throwing Milo into this one as well. but it seems like that might be too late. I hope doing this is fine, Been A while since we saw him. Does the Sheet for Milo Look fine?
Huh, Kineticist seem like a pretty good fit as well! Doesn't seem to involve a lot of close and personnal fisting, too. I had gone with Sorceress because her talents are mostly innate, given their origin is "mom was tossed in a volcano as a sacrifice, came back pregnant a few months later".
Druid cover some of the mystical aspects of her education, but they relate mostly to exchanging with, appeasing and bonding spirits, and she otherwise deviate a fair bit from the traditional imagery of druids.
I'd definitely like to see some Cat and Fish fun on the adventure, The Admiral would love teasing a cute catboy
Thanks and glad you like it. I was going for the whole 'disdainful goth' pose for that first one

Potentially- haven't picked out a req for the next one, if any (at least any that have turned out in the sketch phase)
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Potentially? Cool, feel free to consider it then. No pressure, but i was thinking of requesting the "Triggered" or "Reprogram" one:

Have my elf held by rope/chains or hands as she's unwillingly tattoo'd with the mark or is in the process of being reprogrammed with phrases like "Elven slut"

might be fitting as an instant loss of heroically being there to beat futa orcs/bandits
I dont tie Story to classes. Otherwise it becomes impossible to play with alignments and stuff.
If you want to be a druid then be a druid. My definition for them is: "Pull their magic power from Natural means and have a territory they might be interested in protecting/claiming as their own or are otherwise simply tied to it"

Given the nature of how she was born, Sorcerer does make the most sense.
I didn't include "Warlock" because those are "Need patron to lend them their power at some cost".

Sorceress (Powers) with Druidic vibes (Community teachings) seems to fit just fine tho.
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Trying out some smaller canvases to do quicker turnaround and get less lost in the weeds. Experimental, this may be too small. I’ll leave it to anons judgement
Ayo thanks! This is great, anon. Abby'd get her mana tank filled up and then some with 67 loads lol
Requesting Pyha looking up mindlessly at the viewer
forgot to add pic
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Sorry its just a doodle! wanted to do something quick.
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Slightly different pose but cute oc so drew anyway
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Requesting my griffon knight incapacitated/immobilized and raped after picking a fight she shouldn't have, with a monster, a magic user or a group of determined humans.
Thanks so much, anon! This is great! She'd be super upset about bending her shades lol
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My ocs
um... your South Park OCs are using the kid design
>My ocs
What about them, moron? You do know how these works, right? I don't get how you ESL can navigate this site, but then pull something like this on any thread.
Mb man im high as shit
>one in red is named ava shes a cultist and more a Yandare type person
>the other roger he's British

they are both adults i j just cant draw for shit and made them in a shitty site southpark creator before i found the other one

sorry if caused any trouble
>hat and glasses
i can smell the m'lady from here
It does sound Like A nice Idea desu. We will have to see who is Picked for this Adventure.

I have seen your Character around for a bit on these threads. You got somewhere you keep all of the images you have of her? She is Quite the character
whatever happened to the commission threads where artists post their price sheets are we just not doing that anymore?
I have technically made my Selection of characters.
Making some notes now to see what plot points i can use based on the PCs.

That said, I have no idea how ruthless I'll be on the campaign itself.

I might need to keep it open and receive more PCs to have as substitutes in case some bad end i suppose?

We'll see.
cryptofags ruined it, jannies delete immediately
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Requesting my unlucky ninja Rui getting her ass used by bandits, oni, bar goers you name it and feel free to take creative liberties. A little idea I've been playing around playing into her bad luck is accidental bondage
yeah, hot garbage. Met like 5 of my favorite artists through that thread. You can search #commsopen on twitter and find people through there
I have some stuff on Twitter, @BluePenguin404
Feel free to DM if you want to talk more
ay nice! much love for the sketch
>Sorceress (Powers) with Druidic vibes (Community teachings) seems to fit just fine tho.
Yeah, I'll probably go with that then.
Something I forgot to Mention about him, He also can Do Alchemy.
>>8136860 >>8133897
Hoooopefully this works!
Quick version without the button up shirt.
Very nice. I like your style.
I wish you would do my request.
Dunno which is your request, friend.
But, we'll see if there are others in here that catch my eye~
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I’m still got work to do to it but i’ve been at it for a while
holy smokes thanks!
awe thats lovely!
thank you boss
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Will probably be deleted like the requesters post but here it is
Not OR but that looks dope. The demon gives me major Chernabog/Fantasia mixed with Heavy Metal vibes.
Thank you! I love that classic 70s feel of demons, and metal so thats exactly what I was going for.
Yeah. Unfortunately thread rules prevent me from trying to piggy-back a direct request with my OC lol
that wasn't even close to subtle btw
What wasn't? I'm not asking for anything and I haven't even posted my OC in-thread.
I don’t mind what’s your request? I prefer fantasy and only do pencil and charcoal however so be warned.

I just realized i’ retarded an messed up my reply to OR and their post wasn’t deleted
Oh, it easy. My request is the best one.
Also, do you have any socials?

9th page btw
>Page 9
Thanks a lot, anon! As >>8145265 said that's a really neat imagery, I dig it!
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*whistles* ayyy, gj anon!! Tthese look fantastic, lots of energy~
wew thanks!
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saw someone was working on a pic of Maisie last thread, don't know if he is still around but I figured I'd at least post something so he knows I'm still around.
Still around, still a WIP. Hopefully Soon (tm)
Can I have Juno Sildranus giving a graduation speech for a battle-mage military academy but all she can think about is the creampie leaking down her legs?
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Requesting my cleric in any kind of instant loss scene you'd like!
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From the last thread
Hope you don't mind
Yooo, thank you so much for drawing my boy Jade! He looks so cute like this.
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Requesting a flustered Dani being groped at by another woman or women.
You are a legend anon, thank you! Got a blog?
OR here, thank you!
Instant loss scrnario?
OR here, really like the delivery :3
Love the way you drew the butt, and the final panel chest is pretty nice too. All the other little changes are nice and bring it all together. Overall, it’s very good.

On another note, her purposely loose fitting clothes certainly aren’t anymore ;P
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Belza's OR here, this is great. Do you have socials?
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Nope just shitpost on here
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After drawing god knows how many OC's in here, I've actually never made a request myself so here's Erin. Request her getting fucked by any OC you have, man or woman, or any other OC's people volunteer. Anything's fair game, go nuts!
Maybe 2koma rings a bell? It's usually a 2 parter with the first showing off the girl followed up by them getting fucked hard
2-drawing comic where a character shows confidence or doubt about a situation in the 1st panel, only for them to "instantly lose" and get fucked on the 2nd one (Most commonly a warrior hero ready to defeat every bandit... only for bandits to gangbang her 5 mins. later)
Ahhhh gotcha
Oh damn, what a nice surprise to come back to drawfriend. Seriously thanks for the fill as well as all the other stuff too. Rui looks amazing in your style!
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Requesting my OC Nat in their bunnysuit looking exhausted after receiving an unwanted cumshot. Emphasis on freckles or their flaccid penis is a bonus, sweat is a bonus, do what you like. If you wanna do dialogue something simple like "Babe- I told you to pull out... Now I have to work like this..." or something. Feel free to be creative, if you wanna do bruises, hickeys, bitemarks, whatever go wild. All I ask is that it stays a solo piece w/o other chars in frame.
Oh hey you're that absolute madman who drew the giant orgy piece a few threads ago.

Hope your request gets filled, and that you have a will to live again.
sexy bimbo, thank you so much!
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Requesting Hayden in the "Mega Milk" pose?
She look uncannily like one of my sisters. I do hope I don't know you, anon.
So this delivery is a reworking of one from the last thread I was asked to do with a friend's OC(the guy who asked to use her last thread), Pipeliner. Hope you like this second slice
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The Privolmok meets his match
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Delivery of the aftermath
OR here. Love it! Thanks for picking up my request, anon!! You got any requests of your own?
I have to make a reference sheet for her but certainly! Just need a minute to get it pounded out.
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Her names Mittens, she’s not a very good succubus so has to make ends meat working as a barista. Either way I’d like to see her getting jackhammered in a starbucks bathroom
Aw, that's amazing! Thanks a lot, anon!
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Requesting art of my oc, demolition doll. Nothing specific comes to mind, just nothing with scat/fart/vore
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Requesting my tough OC Nianta (without her jacket) having her suit ripped, her body and suit written on, and looking like she's had a train run on her.
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Requesting Edda the witch with enormous breasts like the ref.
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Requesting art of my voluptuous femboy psion. He's got a pear shaped body, his skin color is bisected, his hairstyle is punk mohawk with sideburns, and his outfit is sexy open sci-fi soldier armor. If you want, you can give him a cock cage that matches the outfit, or have his big balls and cute uncut sissy cock out in the open.
This is brilliant, Anon. Thanks tons!
momma millers....
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As you were kind enough to deliver on mine, I can only reciprocate, my friend. Deal stands for anyone else btw (no male shit tho)
Fucking amazing anon. OR here i love it.
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Might as well, I put all info in the picture as to not take up too much text space.
Feel free to do whatever, creative freedom and so.
Ideas said in the picture are just suggestions.
whats tg into male and what is haigure (Is it the pose?)
OP here, thank you she looks amazing
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Cute OC, mind if I keep ruining her?
Aftermath delivery
TG means basically her getting turned into a guy. And Haigure is some kind of Japanese stuff from Crayon Shin-Shan that the internet of course had to lewd.
Bit akin to brainwashing/hypnosis, the leotard and the pose thing yeah.
whats your thoughts on Futa Twins?
Go for it, anon!
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/req/ my boy Jeak fooling around with a girl (ITT or one of your own).
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Here you go.
OR here, brilliant! Love the idea of her getting railed by futa cock, Thanks anon!! You got any requests for any of your OC?
I was just vibing around actually. Didnt have anything in mind, but if you want, now that i think of it... feel free to make them actually railing Erin or something :)
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dunno if this would be a great place to ask for this, but could I get a himbo glowup of my teen orc martial artist from a cyberpunk setting?
is human with animal head enough to be considered furry or do i have to go to /b/?
Yes. If it has a snout, it's furry.
You can finagle it by saying it's a mask,
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Perfectly fine place to ask...
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Or here, Thank you again! Feel free to~
Wow thank you so much for the fill drawfriend! I am in love the premise you made for it too, seriously I can't thank you enough
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Requesting my OC Emilia Prisi in her lingerie with her bust tied up getting fucked/raped by my other OC futa Karol Monroe, something like the reference with Emilia's legs all up and her feet curled
Who's the artist ? love the art style
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Request my witch getting tentacled by an eldritch invocation please
From the characters or the sex reference?
Riidi, sadly now he has a waitlist of 34 commissions
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A delivery for a delivery, my friend. Continued the scene

Let me know any other time the twins find themselves on that train...
Damn, love the swagger you gave him, thanks for a fun fill.
Gorgeous! I'm definitely game for more if you are. You get to pick this time though
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Delivery from the last thread, Apeface having his way with Lucy
I feel like you're forgetting something.
Princess Maxine, a greek demigoddess.

Could use some lipstick focused stuff.
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cute ninja
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Bit of a weird request, but would anyone wanna draw my Spiral Knights OC(the one riding cowgirl) getting dicked down?

Her name is, well, Cowgirl. I never really came up with more of a name for her I just like having the little robot-people fuck.
OR here, thank you so so so much for the delivery and for including her earrings! Her tummy looks so cute as well, you really captured her look!
So if I don't have any art for my OC can I make a collage of elements that she has and put it up instead?
Oh hey thank you so much for the fill drawfriend! Your style feels really familiar, you wouldn't happen to be on twitter? Because I don't think its the threads because i'm here on occasion
ayy, the artist who I comm'd for art of my Inkling finally delivered after having to prod them and remind them. He came out pretty cute. Even got an apology chibi because it took so long

I'm just sharing cause eh, OC thread, why not. I like the OC discussions the threads have once in a while when someone asks a question (I also think I shared the wip here ages a go) Catboxing it to save precious image space
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OR here.

Outstanding! She looks so lovely and adorable (love those dick-sucking lips of hers)!
Thank you!

Do you have a social or link of your other work? I'd love to see some more.
@SpecialKev800 on Twitter
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Requesting my paladin girl struggling against a curse urging her to constantly perform lewd acts despite herself.
And perhaps her companions are eager to help, but they think the magic sustaining the curse will exhaust itself and eventually fade away if she indulge it. Or the curse strike her suddenly, while at the tavern or in a dungeon. Or some other scenario you might prefer.
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Okay. This is the collage thing for my Mage's Apprentice and part-time Adventurer's Guild Guildmarm, Edeline.

I know this is the lewd thread but something simple (even just a neutral pose) that I can use to request other art later on would be appreciated!
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I forgot to mention that the skirt also goes down to a little over her knees. The frills of the shirt are only an inch or so visible.
Oh shit really good work thanks you a lot for this!
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Somehow missed the bangs part, but not the sidebangs. Anyways here's what i got
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Her name is Doris Elhyson, an noble vampire. she's a perfect young lady (self-proclaimed) of the EIhyson family.
An ancient vampire bloodline.
Requesting paizuri
Draw my request
Thank you so much! Can't wait to show my bf! We have meet ups with our friends for LARPs and this is gonna be my costume!
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Requesting my shark girl melo showing off her tits while flipping the bird
Only if it’s a Bad_End
those are the best
I wouldn't mind some bad ends for my OC. I agree. They are the best.

Also, bump
What OC?
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Hate when this happens

She already got a fill this thread. I was just saying for the future. Also to bump the thread.
So, any news anon?
I don't have ocs BUT hands grabbing and fondling women are hot
Requesting more just like this
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Bumping it up from last thread, think I had a drawfriend on the line. Requesting my assassin having too much fun hidden as a courtesan, or perhaps biting off more than she could chew, or simply getting taken advantage of. Whatever your heart desires
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Requesting Autumn squirting hard while masturbating with a flute much like the reference on the right
it happens far too often too
What's her personality? What's her story?
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requesting my space queen being tentacled
Simple as she enjoys trying to move pieces in the world, having fun on the hunt, pushing boundaries. It's not about being on top or number 1 it's about pulling the strings of those who are. To put some personality traits down, I suppose ambitious and cunning with a sweet touch of sociopath
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Requesting my asylum inmate Raven in some sort of anal-related misfortune/bad end! Love to see her on the end of machines, probes, mad science etc but it's up to you. My only stipulation is she keeps the straitjacket on!
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Requesting my Caracal Tgirl Sara, in a cyberpunk style outfit (One of those high collar sweaters or a jacket) flashing her ass, upskirt, bare ass, panties, anything butt focused please.
Anyone want to request their femboy characters getting dommed?
You can give my boy Contract here A try. I really wanna see what will happen.~
Is it by a muscle futa or hung femboy? if so you can use my boy >>8158337
It reached 10
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Requesting my Luchadoras Halfling in an instant loss/bad end scenario.

Thinking she could be hopping in the ring against a mystery opponent, thinking it's your usual 3-count match, only to find out her opponent is Long D. Johnson (or some other "they got a huge dick" innuendo name) and the match is a fist to climax looses... IN A CAGE! (escape is no longer an option)

Or anything you guys can come up with.
And it only happen to her, somehow. As if thoses curses had a mind on their own.
Thanks you, anon! This is great work!
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It's the first of may. outdoor fucking starts today!

As is tradition, requesting my Romani inspired sorcerer partaking in some outdoor lewdness.
Oh hay you did a good job redrawing this, Maisie's ass is gunna sting for a week from the looks of those welts.
Pipeliner's owner here, thanks for letting me pair them up! Do you have more of Maisie to share?
Not really, Maisie is a new OC so I don't have much of her yet.
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Cinco De Mayo is coming up, requesting La Mariachi, the Mexican mercenary bombshell, getting into anything you perverts can come up with.

I would like to see her in something a bit softer, caught by cartel members they have brought her to their boss, who turns out to be a sexy female as well. Rather than execute her on the spot she instead has her taken to her private quarters, handcuffed to the bed frame, and we will get treated to some sexy bondage scene. Strap-on, riding crops, tickling with feathers, hot wax pouring, electrostimulation, etc. Nothing too rough.
Do you have anymore references?
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Sadly no, just that one, and only because a friend of a friend was an artist who likes Spiral Knights. I made a quick refsheet of her using some images of my favorite gear from the wiki though, if that might help?
Ok but can she get pregnant tho?
Probably not, but breedingplay is fine

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