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Adeptus Custodes Edition

Previous Thread: >>8054269

Thread Question: What do you think of the female custodes?
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The only gripe I have with female custodians in cannon is that they haven't been properly enveloped into the lore yet, GW says they've been here since the first of the 10000 but since we've literally seen and explored the story of the exact first of the 10000 you'd figure they'd at least bother to tell who the first female custodian was and what she did.
A female piloted dreadnought would be a good example.
People act like this is the first time GW did a retcon. Like this sort of thing is nothing, the Necron’s whole backstory was a big retcon and the Genestealers originally had nothing to do with the Tyranid’s but suddenly are now. I take this over the stupid retcons in fantasy Endtimes.
Maybe they don't know how to take the Helmets off, like in the Xtacles?
Would have to be the sally for me, bangle is the most physically attractive imo but I don't think I could handle the flaws
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Massage femstodes' boobs until she lactates
>(You) are summoned by Konstance Von Carstien
>The schizophrenic vampire believes that you're her long dead husband reborn because of how closely you resemble him
>She forces you into playing the role of her husband, as well as makes you pick up necromancy
>She can't afford to have her hubby look weak
Because it just hasn't been explained or had the lore added to soften the blow to the community, because most of them are Autistic, and these things need to be explained. Both because it makes the setting more interesting and because people want stuff to be explained like a Haynes Manual.
And since we know so much about the Astartes creation process, the fact we know so little about the Custodes creation process means that everyone assumed that the Custodes creation process had a lot of the same caveats and restrictions (especially since some soruces claim compare the creation of the two super humans to each other). So what GW needed to do was explain:
>How is the Custodes Creation process different from the Astartes?
>What are the factors that allow the Custodes to recruit females as well as males?
>What are their recruitment practices?
>What is the ratio of Male Custodes to Female Custodes?
>If they have always been here, show us examples (I don't mean this in a snarky way, actually make some lore about why every notable Custodian has been male, and where the female ones were).
Just dropping them in with no explanation is just so fucking lazy and completely misses the mind set of the player base (which isn't surprising for modern 40k's codex and rule writing).
>What do you think of the female custodes?
A pathetic way for SJWs to get back at space marines for not being able to feminise them directly.
>Waaaah what do you mean we can't make Femarines?!
>W-w-well guess what, CUSTODES are women! And they're BETTER than marines! Manmarines btfo!
The entire exercise is born of spite. They despise all-male institutions but if they can't get rid of one, they will overshadow it by making it inferior to a 'gender diverse' institution.
Ok, and where in the hell are they supposed to be “explained” at? I figured that was the point of the codex. Would these whiners really be happy if they give an extensive point to point detail on how they are made and many there are or just find more excuses to bitch about it. GW had made far far worst retcons and I didn’t see excessive bitching about those things especially from those that never talked about or cared about warhammer before.
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Since last thread died before this was really discussed:
>Which one?
The Blood Angel, Dark Angel, and Salamander are the ones that I like the most.
already answered here >>8147142
I'm gonna say iron hands, mostly because I know she'd help me with homework
>this before finishing Horus, Alpharius and Roboute
Is this the Kahn?
Nope, Femstodes
>whiners whining about our whining are bad because whiners are bad but when we whine about what we want it's good but when whiners whine about us getting what we whined for it's bad
We all know the only reason they made the change in the first place because of whiners who whine about how women need to be included everywhere.
Telling whiners to fuck off and being annoyed when they are blithely appeased whenever they want is not a bad thing.
A good chunk of us are fine with femstodes actually. Would've liked them better integrated with Sisters of Silence and the lore, but fine overall. It's not all "whiners"
Devils advocate but there's clearly a good chunk of players that are actively against it.
/40kg/ made a pol on it, it's almost 50/50 between people who hate it and people who don't mind it/care about the change.
MWM also made a poll (obviously not the best source but only other poll I know of) on his youtube channel, and highest voted option is "love it!" while the "don't mind it/care about the change" option is second place.

You have to remember neither twitter or 4chan are representative of any fanbase proper, and this isn't me dismissing them completely it's just that you have to remember that these facts about these sites.
4chan, is pretty much always contrarian most of the time and thrives off of contrarianism.
Twitter, is pretty mentally ill and completely retarded with regularly having the hottest shit takes known to the human race.

So you have to take anything here or on twitter (more like the entire intern) with a grain of salt, and also you have to remember that they are not perfect representative or the "average member" of any fanbase.
All that matters to me is the fact that there are giant post-human women for snu-snu in the setting, praise be.
But it was explained.
The emperor made what people described as biological alchemy to restructure and perfect the human form into his ideal soldiers, the process though being so sensitive and delicate and prone to fuck up he could only make 50 a year.
After death, with human scientists using notes and a lot of fuckups, they make 1 a year.
It's explicitly said they source the custodes from the infant noble sons of Terran Aristocracy.
From its inception in '93, femstodes were never mentioned.
So instead of doing a Cawl (holy shit controversial breakthrough in the creation process!) Or saying that they were like a hidden division that came forth, it's hack writing saying "they've always been there".
Of course, this also has the cynical point that they were mentioned to placate Amazon communig suits wanting a big strong female in golden armor for the upcoming show, but were such fags they rejected sisters of silence, sisters of battle, or inquisitors.
And for ppl that liked the change, where are the new models, head sprees, anything to signal such a change?
Idk, u can like big muscular ladies, i like big muscular ladies, but the reality isn't just nerds bitching without reason.
To further on your point, every other super solider that the Emperor made was male (thunder warriors, space marines, primarchs) I see no reason why he'd break his trend.
>I'm excited to see this piece finished!
In a better world, I'd know how color theory works
I adore that the general result of the Custodes codex has been "HAHA BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBIES" its so fucking grafitying. Proves my point that the only people who ever wanted fem!marines or fem!stodes were either idpol retards who aren't in the fandom, or sexual deviants

This isn't hypocrisy because I recognize I am a sexual deviant, but that doesn't mean I want my fetish made into canon.
Fantastic cheeks, the interface ports are a very nice addition
Ultramarine because I play Ultramarines
Imperial Fist-chan, because I bet she's secretly super cuddly
*cough* cough* pleeeease....Vulkana...and Aryan twink....art....*dying sounds*
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>What do you think of the female custodes?
While I do not mind 10ft tall muscle mommies, they have no real place as Custodes nor Space Marines or Primarchs.
40K is a brutal setting, strength and wits matter the most and no matter who you are, you will be treated like dirt. It's a setting working off of efficiency at its core. To take the example of Female Custodes:
Custodes are the peak of Humanity's soldiers, of course they'd be men because men are naturally stronger and in a setting like 40K, only men would be chosen.
Meanwhile the Imperial Guard works as a unisex faction due to it being a faction where bodies are constantly needed to be thrown at enemies, doesn't matter whose body.
All Femstodes are is some gooner addition. I'll still goon to it, but it doesn't fit the world.
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Skin me mommy
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that's rather painful
Huh. That’s just the right mix of psycho vibes to make me want to avoid it, but props to the artist. I like that it looks like it’s mostly women’s faces she skinned.
>her face is stapled on
uh oh
would have been fine if their implementation wasn't so fucking lazy. They could've said that the Custodes started inducting the firstborns of Terran nobles regardless of gender following the losses at the Lions gate to recover their numbers for the upcoming crusades. Too bad all they cared about was pandering. I wonder which "consultation firm" was behind this one.
GW should write you a check for that. It’s much better than how they shoe horned them in
I like this. Firstborn being given up for political/religious reasons would also be a neat tie to Warhammer Fantasy's Nehekara where the same happened for people becoming mortuary cult priests.
Yep, would be a good parallel to the Vostroyan first born too
or maybe they could've fucking given the Sister of Silence something. Like I dunno. Elites. Troops. Vehicles. Fast Attack. Fucking anything.

So fucking lazy is exactly it. They just slap tits and long hair on a Custodian and call it representation. At least the Sororitas got a little bit of love with new models, but barely.

Its pathetic, it's so halfassed, it's so thoughtless and most importantly: FUCKING BORING.

If you make a change in warhammer and it's boring, you should be fired.
Include a line about how this hasn't impacted the gender ratio of noble families for implied atrocities.
I'm annoyed by them but at the same time I understand like two legit reasons people wanted them outside of coomer reasons.
-There is currently no niche for super human women in 40k outside of living saints.
-All female characters the write have a habit of getting sidelined for space marines or be terrible. Aka, the xeno lore problem
Now that we have female custodes we might have lore relevant women that won't be awful.
I wish they were implemented in any other way, but here we are.
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Shame they didn't make them all female, would've loved to own an army made exclusively of 10 foot tall muscle mommies that dwarf all the boys in the Imperium.

Yeah i don't care if it's destroying the lore, because 40k was dying even before that, i stick to what i already know and my own headcanon. Whatever changes GW is making, is something completely alien to what warhammer was.

They should just ditch the woke shit and embrace the coom.
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TQ: Fucking trash. I'm smart enough to separate my coomerism from the actual canon.
Who is this even meant to be?
The art pic is of the only named female custodian we know of I assume, Kesh, the one who participated in a blood game and decided the best way to win in one move was to teleport a cyclonic torpedo into the throne room.
God I want her to rape me to death and eat my soul.
I just want to touch Sanguinia's wings so badly...
Would you mark the sensei cannon in the 63k universe or no
And if they are how would you incorporate them
I'd say no. Even with a potentially much lighter setting of 63k they just feel off and not fitting. Though they do go along with the "The Empress is a massive slut" headcanons that some people use, that doesn't really appeal to me and I think having Empress-descended bloodlines kind of defeats the points of retconning stuff happening to the Primarchs and giving a lot of them happier endings, since they're the Empress' daughters.
Absolutely amazing fem-night lord
Oh she’d probably just trap your soul in a statue in her palace so she can keep raping you forever.
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I don't think they should have happened. It's been such a stupid thing to do as it lessens how interesting the relationship between them and the SoS are, and GW acting like it isn't a retcon is a straight up lie.
I find large, muscular women hot and I have an autistic fascination with gender swaps and how they are designed (hence why I lurk here), but I play Warhammer and read the books lore because the setting is interesting. Not to get my rocks off (again that's why I come here).
>Daemon Princess Lorgara "revived" her consort
>It's more of an psychically created automaton based off of her memories of him
>The word bearer's tend to avoid this hollow reaction of their mother's consort
>Anyone seen conversing or interacting with it tend to go missing
>Fulgrima just has a collection of lewd statues of enemy’s that she defeated and raped to death before having their souls stolen and placed in said statues back on her pleasure planet.

>Whether the mood strikes her, she turns one or more of them into a real person again, effectively bringing them back to life, just so she can defeat them in combat and fuck them to death again, before putting their souls back in a new statue.

>They remember everything each Time they are brought back, and know what is coming

>If they ever disappoint her in battle or in bed, she makes it so they are aware of what is happening while they are statues.

>They can do nothing but watch the horrors of the pleasure planet excess, completely immobile and alone.

>She says that if any of them ever beat her that she will let them go

>Obviously hasn’t happened yet, and even if it did she would probably be a sore loser.

>Her favorite prizes are Iron hands, grey knights, inquisitors, Aldaeri, sisters of battle, and custodies.

>Crown Jewel of collection is Ferrus manus, whose statue contains her skull/soul, and is used by Fabius in order to create her clones that fulgrmia try’s to convince to join her, before rapeing them to death when they refuse.

>Plans to add the rest of her sisters plus her mom to it eventually.

>The whole collection is called the harem of the frozen dammed.
I never got how this became a big point of contention in the first place. They retcon lore very regularly. It's what happens when you have stories arching over decades of writing with dozens of independent writers.
idk, I just pick and choose the lore that I like and then fill in the spaces with stuff I make up
>I never got how this became a big point of contention in the first place.
It's because it offends their "Culture War" "sensibilities" to add Females into what they thought was a Boys Only club.
>A good chunk of us are fine with femstodes actuall
Not as good as you think. Not enough to keep GWs CFO from bailing.
The moment I give two buttery shits about those fucking C-suite tools, you'll be the first to know, Anon.
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Angel milkers.
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And then some angel milk.
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But which one is Alpharius?
Most of the people who are bitching about this are people who never gave a shit about Warhammer or the Custodes before.

Let’s also not forget Lore before stated that none of them left earth/Terra before to protect the Emperor, but once the Custodes now have miniatures to buy, lore now states that groups of them secretly leave Terra all the time to do stuff they think is for the greater good of the Imperium or the Emperor told them so in there dreams, and now they openly do it when Guiliman told them they can now.
All of them.
>Most of the people who are bitching about this are people who never gave a shit about Warhammer or the Custodes before
Just as most of the people people supporting the change too. Even more comical is that it's mostly "men" who then are jumping to the fetish of muscle mommy as their reasoning for it. I doubt this change will bring them more actual female players.
>lets not forget
Every time some one brings up prior lore changes, they seem to be disingenuous with it. People in this community did complain about prior retcons, and the nu custodes changes was definitely met with some questioning, but the nu custodes retcon was at least to make it seem like they had some other history and just being in the palace as guards 24/7. Attempted evolution of story vs twitter/one off retcon that further conflicts with the recent nu custodes lore retcon from the past few years and goes against the emperor's consistent making of all his super soldiers male only
>miniatures to buy
And yet no miniatures from the model company...

Anyways, back to posting the reason for this thread being rule 63 marines and other rule 63 swaps with 40k, and if custodes are now sadly female in canon, they don't need to be posted here anyways

If you want sister models, go the route of 3d printing, there are a few creators that have some good sister styled stuff.
Not only this, but players who dislike the new lore can just ignore it, not buy the new miniatures and only play with people who share their tastes (which they were probably doing anyway). It has zero impact on their actual gaming experience.
They would be extremely fluffy.
Hell, considering they probably won't make Female Custodes Models ANYWAYS, at best offloading surplus Stormcast as a stand-in, means it shouldn't matter at all at your table.
>A few members of her collection are regular civilians she enjoyed raping too much to just toss their souls to her Daemonettes afterwards.
>Theyre generally pretty boys with no chance of beating her in a fight so she just revives them tied to her bed and rapes them to death over and over.
>Her favorites are spoiled hive noble heirs and rookie guardsmen because she gets to put on the nymphomaniac Cougar MILF charm too.
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>but players who dislike the new lore can just ignore it
So why can't players that want femstodes just ignore the already established lore or them being only men?

Honestly for me it's less that they retconned it and more that they did it very lazily and that it doesn't seem to be for a greater 'artistic vision' but to just pander.

As this anon pointed out, >>8155092
it could have been done much better and would have caused a fraction of the controversy.
I fucking dispise this lazy and uninspired change. The Sisters of Battle and Sisters of Silence exist and have been in desperate need of a model's range expansion for decades. But because these clowns cannot stand to NOT have something of their own they will force it in with the most stupid of writing. And then try to gas light you if you dare complain or speak up.

and quite frankly aside from a fetish they have no purpose, and quite frankly I and apparently a vast number of people don't share it (at least to the same degree) so even then I still wouldn't like it.

but it's the disrespect and contempt that this blatantly shows towards the fans, and the cannon. because to me the narrative, cannon, and thus the setting was the biggest draw and got me invested enough to eventually start playing. I hate this.
Again, this doesn't actually hurt your game in any way, shape or form.
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The smut general has been COOKING
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Wider hips version.
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And bigger boobs.
Hue, I made edited these.
Glad you like them, forgot to post them here.
It’s more so the motivation behind the change rather the change in of itself that has people in a tizzy. There was really no good reason to change the lore, and if they wanted more female representation they could have just expanded the sisters of silence who where already a sort of female custodies being the other half of the talons of the emperor rather then lazily Retcon decades of lore.

Honestly In a vacuum the change isn’t that big a deal, aside from ruining the little ying yang between the custodies and the sos. It more so that it was a retcon motivated by current year zeitgeist that has people (not unjustifiably) worried about what other changes gw will make going forward if this is the kind of stuff that they are willing to do.

Also while 40k is no stranger to retcon the motivation and implementation behind those retcons were (usually) much better. The same people who hate femstudoses are the same people who hate primarus and crawl, such as myself.
>they could have just expanded the sisters of silence
People keep saying this but the fact is it wouldn't have worked.
Custodes players (people who actually care about the faction and play it, meaning their opinion over all matters more) don't care about SoS, never have, never will.
Hell, when GW shoved off their codex the first time and we still didn't know about this female custodes thing, custodes players on /tg/ absolutely hated the detachments, there's 4, 2 are bad, 1 is ok but it's a skew list and the final one is SoS centric which is why they hate it because they don't want or even care about SoS.
Maybe If the sos had more than one unit and actually good rules people would care more about them.

It’s the space marine favoritism cycle all over again in microcosm.

>Verification not required.
I just think they’re hot. Not even in a coomer way, but these threads are literally focused on the attractiveness and looks.
Fantasy End times had far worst lore breaking retcons like the whole Malekith Phoenix King thing and yet I didn’t see 40 minute videos of “anti-woke” advocates bitching about those lore breaking and awful retcons despite never giving a shit about Warhammer before.
You…you do realize that the response to end times and 1e age of sigmar was overwhelmingly Negative right? And that there were tons of people who refused to,(and many who still do) play age of sigmar even with their whfb minis and buy the new stuff. Fuck the video with the guy who was so pissed he destroyed his whole skaven army!? Don’t say that people weren’t bitching about end times, hell they still do a decade later.

As for the lack of videos Warhammer YouTubeing was barely a thing then. TTs was just starting out, and the only loretubers around were shit like onemindsydicate who literally just reads the wiki verbatim. In fact the above were mostly focused on 40k not even fantasy! Can’t exactly have YouTube rants for warhammer fantasy when there aren’t any channels for them around, and barely any on 40k. So don’t you dare say that people didn’t care about stupid lore back then, and that this is all political theater.
And yet the people complaining about it now are those that barely or never play the tabletop or cared about Warhammer let alone the Custodes before this change, some of them not even able to say Adeptus right. These tourists didn’t care about Warhammer before and just want to jump on a bandwagon on this tired “anti-woke” war that has gone nowhere and are just bitching mountains out of molehills. And where were they when GW did genuine scummy things like sending cease and desist notices for many fan projects or greedily charging for things that were never charged before. I think those are more concerning then “going woke”.
I could say the same about people celebrating the change’s saying that they don’t even play Warhammer and are just happy that the chuds are getting owned. Political grifters exist on both sides and in every fight of the culture war, but even you have too admit that a large section of the fanbase, many who have been around for years,strongly disagree with the recent change and the motivations behind it.

I agree with you though that not boycotting gw for their previous scummy actions but for this is hypocritical. The reason you are seeing such a strong response is because of the wider zitgest of political correctness and where these views lead IPs. People are sick of this shit like people were sick of the religious right a few decades ago. Maybe if we had boycotted gw for those earlier events this whole incident would not be happening. Better late then never I suppose.
“Large section” doesn’t equal majority and how large is it really? They could just be the loudest of a minority for all we know. Unless someone shows me actual stats or polls or whatever that shows hard data on what confirmed Custodes fans opinion on this change I’m just seeing a bunch of whiny tourists blowing hot air out of there asses.
Im pretty sure that there was a small civil war in custodies subreddit before mods cracked down, but hey believe what you want pal ,just know that a lot of the people pushing for this shit are tourists like you claim the other side is,and that there is a lot precedent for a small group of progressive activists to completely fuck over an ip.
>in custodies subreddit
NTA but if your yardstick for what the wider fandom believes is what a bunch of terminally online spergs are saying on boards, subreddits or socials, you unironically need to go outside and talk to some real people.
Ah yes let me talk to a large portion of the 40k fanbase without using the internet I’m sure that is logistically feasible!

You have a point though in that reddit is full of retards,then again it’s not like 4chan is any better in that regard.
>let me talk to a large portion of the 40k fanbase without using the internet
Start by going to some local events and regional tournaments. You'll find plenty of people who'll be happy to shoot the wind with you, and I guarantee you most of them do not care about people getting mad online.
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I go to tournaments to have fun, not discuss stupid retcons but sure i could ask a few people if the subject comes up next time.

It's because at this point it should be abundantly clear for everyone what's going on and what the direction is.
I find it baffling that people can still take this stance of despite everything we have seen over and over again everywhere, as if it's magically not going to happen here too.
We have had almost couple of decades of people saying
>It's not a big deal, lol why do you even care about some little thing?
>It doesn't really change anything
>Just ignore the tumblr SJW politics and they'll collapse under their insanity

This has nothing to do with legit retcons, but instead it's about powerful funds and people driving their own agendas into the system through controlling monetary flows.
Immortal franchises like Star Wars have been ran to the ground in the name of ESG. They even tried with Lord of the Rings, but it's fairly immune due to being such a fundamental giant in fantasy.
Disney as a company has been committing financial suicide, just so they can push the message.
Not to mention this shit is increasingly affecting real life industries through DEI hiring practices.
This won't stop by continuing to ignore it and hoping the progressive politics will go away. They take an inch now and before you know it, Sisters of Battle are going to have a bunch of niggers and transsexuals in their ranks, just so you have no escapism from the modern day politics.

That being said I don't even play tabletop 40k. I just watch lore videos, play on PC and consume the porn, so I don't even mind new canon tits of all types in that regard, because it gets artists to draw more wank material.
But let's not pretend this is going to end in anything but a repetition of everything we have seen so far.
If GW doesn't do the bidding of Blackrock, their stock will tank down to where it came from pre 2019 and they'll never take that option.
>I don't even play tabletop 40k. I just watch lore videos, play on PC and consume the porn
And there it is.

Yeah and?
Sure I don't play tabletop, so from that point of view it's absolutely fucking irrelevant to me what happens with the game.
Hey I should care even less than you and everyone else here.
I don't need to care about having to buy some expensive titty custodes minis in order to have a lore accurate army.

But does that invalidate anything I said?
You seem to think that 40k isn't affected by modern day politics and GW surely isn't just taking the knee here to suck some Fink cock for those ESG funds.
Wake up, Blackrock is a major shareholder and GWs stock went up +2000% over the last 8 years.
The only reason their stock is still up there, is because these funds haven't pulled out and that's because GW leadership is appeasing them and this trend isn't going to stop with female custodes.
If you think that the bosses are going to let the stock tank +60% from here by telling Fink to fuck off and not enacting further change, you're absolutely delusional.
But then again if you try to ignore this reality hard enough, then just maybe this time around it's going to be different with this massive franchise and it's going to be the single outlier in the world that resisted.
So far this mentality of simply trying to ignore the incremental change creeping up, has really worked wonders in gaming and movies and society in general.
Unironically take your meds.

I will and you just stick your fingers in your ears, close your eyes and keep on insisting that society isn't and hasn't been changing in insane progressive ways.
Every single major franchise driven to the ground has just happened because of genuinely ignorant suits making bad decisions, and surely not trying to adhere to a list of ESG demands that we know exists, which is a requirement for funds buying stock.
Every girlboss, race swap and unfuckable ugly character design is just a genuine mistake done repeatedly and no one at the top has figured out destroying entertainment is actually bad business.
Oh yeah and 40k will be an outlier, it will not be affected at all because the leadership sticks to their principles and cares more about the product than stock based performance bonuses.
That's nice. Did you catch the game last night?
>no images
>one line replies
I'm 90% sure you're just a tourist riding in on the drama
I'm 100% sure most of the parties involved in this brouhaha have no life outside the drama.
Not either of them, but half the reason I don't care about the drama is because all my friends who play custodes are busy trying to figure out how they're gonna fix their armies after the codex changes, and I mostly play orks so I've been doing the same. But for what it's worth, I think the drama will pass easily enough, and it's not like the semi-porn focused thread is the place for that anyway; this kind of ranting is a lot more /tg/ material.
Take some absolutely heretical sanctioned xeno prisoner rule 63 ork as payment for this derail.
I think the change is dogshit, usually I can ignore terrible lore like Erda and the cancer that 30K brought but this time it's in the actual codex. My friend who plays Custodes thinks the change is gay and is considering quitting all together. I understand why given how the lore is just worsening over time.
Erda was the best and funniest lore because she showed up in one book to do nothing and then died in the very next book and literally 0 people in universe noticed or cared
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Reminder that this is a porn thread.
Post some tits at least.
Threesome with a SoS and a femstodes.
Then the question becomes what do you lose fist, your mind, or your pelvis?
Love the detail and attention to the abs, even with the balloon tits on the custodes; but that just makes sense if the God-Emperor/Empress made them to be perfections of humanity, they'd be perfectly desirable physically too, even if their minds were more like automata depending on the source.

Both. Your pelvis cracks as your mind goes blank, and you are broken upon their beauty.
>Both. Your pelvis cracks as your mind goes blank, and you are broken upon their beauty
I hope they can be a bit gentler
It's a metaphorical breaking. Well, your pelvis is still gonna be cracked and need healing, but that's accidental. They'll just have to tenderly nurse you back to health in order. Once you've recovered, they'll have to make sure your dick still works; there will of course be rigorous testing.
Neither, I always win.
Depends whichever gets first dibs.
If it's the femstodes, pray that your pelvis holds, unless she chooses a position like missionary, but then be careful of your spine once she wraps her legs around you leg locks you.
If it's the SoS on top then your mind is going to go feel woozy fast and the femstodes can also then whisper lewd things into your ear while pressing her giant melons into your back.
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Need Etna
Huh, why are we almost dead on page 7 now instead of 10? Did something change?
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For me, it's the Empress.
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After cumflation
some retard has been spamming Peridot threads and bumping off any threads in the way of his gem-asshole crusade
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by the way, I've not seen someone draw the pillarwoman custodes yet, The battle tendancy anime had one in a background shot. also I thought they didn't use armor ports, like their armor was such an expensive masterwork they just dont need them.
Give it a bit, I’m sure someone will make jokes about it. They do look a bit generic though; like I’m sure I’ve seen a bunch of anime style designs like that.
>I like that it looks like it’s mostly women’s faces she skinned.
Those are the faces of all the whores who looked at her man a few nanoseconds to long.
Only appropriate for a member of the Night Lords (or would it be Night Ladies? Night Maidens? Idk) Anyone who's assigned to them will have to learn the depths of their obsessive love pretty quickly.
I asked which female version of a Primark would be most likely to breastfeed her sons or daughters and someone mentioned It probably be female version
Mortarion and he was going to draw that . Does anyone have the image made because of that?
Hey Anons, do we have a list of the femarch names? Just so I can make looking up femarch fics easier.
I know some people were using a list from one of the fics that got posted here before. Digging up on desu had this list, but it's not strictly complete yet.

Horus > Hathor
Royal Dorn > Danu
Magnus >Madonna
Leman Russ > Lofn
Ferris Manus > Athena
Vulcan > Vesta
Perturabo > Petra
Konrad Kurze > Kassandra
Lorgar Aurelian > Aurelia
Mortarion > Morrigan
Lion ElJohnson > Atalanta
Or, because they are literal transhuman perfection, emps wanted them to be shining beacons of what humanity *could* be. Remember, emps was a paragon of rational thought, and rationally, you'd want your perfect humans able to fuck and make more perfect humans. The astartes specifically aren't perfect, so he didn't want them breeding.

His death changed all of that though. Instead, the femstodes were kept secret and celebrate so the temptations of daemons couldnt take that route. My head cannon is that they were basically 5000 Adams and 5000 Eves enough genetic diversity to populate a world.
nothing was as funny as that author getting assblasted over people saying that he was writing a freaky grooming incest fic because he couldn't stand that people recognized that he was writing a creepy grooming incest fic

Wasn't half of the author's points there that Gulliman was not going to be the one initiating any form of sexual desire or contact, so it by definition couldn't be grooming since he wasn't attempting to groom them into being his wives/sleeping with him? Plus you know, the whole fact that the primarchs aging supernaturally fast and all and being very driven and determined women.

But this isn't exactly the place for those things.
I mean there are others and a better view of this one in concept art, I cant find them in a resolution that isn't for ants.
Nah, I get what you mean and I more just meant "skimpy/bikini style clad tan or dark skinned woman who's got that gymnastic/amazon body type." is a common design in anime and stuff. I do think it'd be a good custodes look though.
Anyone have deets on the guy who drew the realistic fem guilliman? Looking for the photo and their @
Except the Emperor did not want modified super humans to ever be the outcome/representation of humanity in part to avoid any potential dynasty issues (all male), all the super soldiers were there to safe guard humanity in their slightly rushed evolution that the emperor was trying to force to insure that humanity would survive
I know of a few more:

Magnus > Magna
Fulgrim > Fulgra
Roboute > Minerva
Sanguinius > Sanguinia
This is a red board son. We are arguing about porn logic first, real lore second.
What type of man you believe each Femarch prefers?
can range from "utterly normal but mentally resilient dude" to "can break one of my leggionaires in half with a hand behind his back, naked"
A perpetual, they dont want to loose anyone else.
We've talked about each of the primarchs consorts before, you can probably find ot if you bother to dig through the archive.

But if I'm remembering right most were either explicitly perpetuals or modified for incredibly extended life spans.

I remember on of the bits about Sanguinia's consort, was that all of the blood angels consorts were identical to him, because of the shared memories thing.
And he died.
If only the models were that good
Thank god for 3d printing
Yeah, I know it is wishful thinking but if GW had to make female custodes I'd honestly base them on that art by Cnmbwjx/Ryuusei.
Strikes a good balance between being sexy and functional while also being clearly feminen in shape.
Aside from the fact its all a scheme to get that esg money (itself a scheme to force social engineering onto the masses via corpo greed), it also flies in the face of existing lore where emps is a baseline human supremacist who literally pissed off his sons by making the rulers of the noblebright imperium other humans. Mixed gender superhumans are freak accidents of superhuman sexual reproduction waiting, something emps was extremely against and would definitely purge if it happened through warp fuckery
Tl;dr, its a lazy shift done for cash injection that is only supported by brainrotten coomers whose only interest in the game is to jerk off
>inb4 where do you think you are?
I fucking hate your genderswap threads and am only here to ragepost, later.
At least you're honest.
See you never.

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