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Tropics work of love edition

THIS GENERAL ISN'T JUST ABOUT SLAVE TRAINERS OTHER GENRES OF GAMES FIT HERE ALSO (Please read the next part for further clarification).

This is a general about slave trainer games and the creation of games where you play as a male and dominate women. Discussion about games not being created here is also acceptable as long as it's related to the topic at hand(i.e. playing a male and dominating women). Futa belongs in weg not here. If it has a dick it's not a woman. If you let others fuck her, you're a c u c k and you don't belong here either.

Just use f95zone fag

Tropics list

If I forgot you please mention it

Maverick wrote a guide for scripting. Shows how to write/structure scenes for coders. Good for idea-guys & script-writers:
Contact info for major contributors:
Some of these people are looking for writers and artists. If you're interested mention it.

Report & ignore shitposters, people that scream proxyfag/samefag/waifu/waifufag, people that post beast, multi-male gangbang shit and futa spammers
Previous thread >>8059498
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Tropic more
telegram sluts
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Masters of Raana question: I've got Nicole to the point where she asks about getting a News Office.
The wiki says that it produces income based on "her Discipline, skills, Prestige, Fame and Willpower."
Which skills, exactly? I want to get her skills to a decent level before doing the news office because I'm sure training is going to be tough afterwards.
She should have hard nips
open ai sluts
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Imagine being redknight and aben and wasting your time spamming this thread with the same imaegs for weeks
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Pathetic redknight and aben
Futa is gay and so are you
Not that i really care what you think.
But you do know she is a shapeshifter right?
she could be a squid for all you know.
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>she can be anything you want.
>I'm going to give her a dick and balls!
Yeah you're gay.
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No, I'm just not a faggot like you.
Why is someone mass creating steven universe threads?
There is literally 56 peridot threads right now?
It's a dude who keeps flooding /co/ every other week with these exact same threads, I guess the mods finally banned him so he moved here
What a psycho
I see the mods are being useless
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>kids next door
>not kids
i'm sincerely looking forward to an eventual idea you stick with and make it a game. liked the idea of grand strategy rape game, but would also probably enjoy a point n click if it suits you better.
what a fag
can you sell him to science like the text implies? don't want his downsides, but don't want to release him either without getting any shekels
There is a science lab in Crystal Heights, and supposedly you can sell him there, but I don't have enough influence to do anything.
ah thanks, it's the Hunt Research in Crystal Hills. gonna grind some influence then
Green gem sluts
alright, finally got 6k influence. after that, one has to go home and into the actions menu to be able to sell him for 7.5k. pretty lame, after finding out, that caught combat slaves sell for way more than what is offered in the menu where one decides their fate, if one adds them to the household and sells them to auctions. thanks for the hint though!
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forgot pic, my prowler was a nerd
The "send to" feature in the action tab kind of threw me off. I guess that's how you enroll slaves in the gladiator program now, but it seems you can't have them fight for prizes anymore. That was pretty lucrative iirc.
You get banned for post loli on /aco/
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You're a lose redknight
the constant reorienting of menus gets more and more confusing. i think he should do less about the rpg system, since it's at a good point now with being able to have lots of npcs, who can do jobs, and all slaves can get pregnant now. the interaction with the slave girls on the other hand was probably not touched in a year or two, every girl has mostly the same text, just the CGs vary, but they are quite small and can't be enlarged by clicking them.
your picrel is quite fitting, since one has to grind for an eternity, just to get a virgin slave. but i'd be surprised if she even has some flavor text, aside from breaking hymen at the beginning. the rest of the interaction has probably the same text.
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>her cervix
wtf, i got it all wrong
God I hate reused images
What are those horns on top of the GDS logo in the bottom right?
super sluts
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it's a horned tengu or demon. both of my difficulty settings are maxed, and this one signifies Grimdark i think.
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Why do redknight and aben like Seeing so many dicks in one image? Are they gay?
some artists just can't afford more art, please understand
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Why are you so obsessed with cock aben and redknight?
heroic sluts
unholy sluts
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i've just played part 1 of once a porn a time and it wasn't bad. can't decide if rapunzel or anna had the hotter scenes
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Why are you gay?
Because he likes cock
I'm trying out Masters of Raana right now.
Is it just me or is this game grindy af? I spent ~4 hours on it and feel like I've gotten nowhere.
VERy true
been playing for a long time, and this run i went for academic for the first time. one gets 200 slavery bucks every day, and can earn additional cash by lecturing in the academy. this gives time to read some books in the beginning, though a lot don't matter anyway. medicine is only "worth" to get up to 40, but it's only an increase of 10 hp per stimpack. higher academics, science and intelligence above maybe 90 is pointless too, it just increases the money earned by lecturing marginally. after progressing in the lower right course, one gets the ability to buy performance enhancing drugs that increase str, dex, stam, stam rec, charm, manipulate, stealth and maybe others by 20 for 1.000 bucks up to 120. those skills drop every day, but paying the money every few days is laughably cheap.
since one can now capture and process male slaves, this has become a cheesy way to make money from low tier enemies like those swamp bandits, who previously were simply a resource drain.
raising sexual and bdsm stats though, is still a mystery for me. lower levels seem to raise slower than higher levels, like it's with combat stats, which raise on a critical hit only.
the real problem is raising and managing stats of npcs. one either grinds for example willpower by assigning them to morning bj, only to humiliate her for -1 willpower per day (there are other ways, but this one requires just two clicks), repeating it for a long time, or spamming new day while they wear humiliating clothes or have another % chance of losing willpower. but for being able to spam it one needs to have enough money and food to burn through, which means that the game is already beaten. at this point i usually lose interest, since the sex system is too repetitive and cheeseable (start seducing, casual, talk dirty (rude)).
with the rework of the npcs which happened over the last year i am very hopeful that GRIMDARK will improve on all of it eventually.
OK so its not just me. I've tried messing w/ "training" slaves and am 100pct not getting what the game expects. I thought Jack o Nine Tails was convoluted, but that one was easy compared to this thing.
I've given up trying to train/fuck any of the slaves in the game, I just hired a bunch of mercs instead and am just killing or enslaving+selling anyone I find with zero training. The game moves much faster this way, but I don't think that was the goal of the game lol.
I might try an academic route next. That looked boring af tho.
super mega sluts
sluts that likes poem
I took the huge penis perk in a previous version and that made willpower drop pretty quickly.
I tried the academic quick start like the other guy said, swapped out the sharpshooter perk for the one that boosts charm, and did the tutorial quest to get Mae. After grinding some money to upgrade the rooms she was easy enough to seduce.
Ranged combat is easy enough to train at home, but BDSM is probably never going to be viable unless I find a slave with the Perverted trait
Yeah I don't know what the fuck BDSM is used for. I tried to break Rebecca because she's a bitch and I hate her but other than lowering her escape chance, it does very little other than make her hate you forever.

It's just so much easier to spam
every day instead
It's used to raise corruption, which I think is the only way to get rid of the Feminist trait.
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Why do you post the same images every thread red knight
>Still waiting for a gargoyles Demona add on.
no fucking way, thanks for the heads up!
What are the actual changes though?
There hasn't been anything significant since Vern left
Any new clothing options?
Fleshing out existing characters and adding new serum traits from what I've seen.
modding sluts
vtuber sluts
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Why do you repost the same series of images every thread redknight?
Because he's into men
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Anyone know on Raana if Dakota / Aimee paths are exclusive? Can't figure out wtf to do w/ Aimee.
I think I figured Raana out, finally. It's actually more similar to Jack o Nine Tails than I thought, where the focus is getting slaves happy / to like you first, then discipline them. If you don't do that they never get fixed. Jack o Nines had a "mindbroken" state that Raana doesn't have. They basically just get to point of irrecoverably hating you in this game.
That said, after 4 days of this I just made my base starter troops supersoldiers and gave myself $10M. Tired of the grind.
Also just realized this is the first game I've played that effectively uses AI art mixed in with DAZ renders. Will use it next time someone asks as example.
>I don't know what the fuck BDSM is used for
It's 100pct corruption. What I'm realizing is ideally you reduce willpower, then increase corruption. Seems like once they are corrupted it gets a lot harder to reduce Willpower.
This has been out for quite awhile. I wrote up some events for it ~2 yrs ago and couldn't get them merged lol.
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>Seems like once they are corrupted it gets a lot harder to reduce Willpower.
I dunno, like I said I took the huge penis perk in a previous game, enslaved the Valkyrie and had to use BDSM to get rid of her Feminist trait. I wanted to keep her willpower high because I thought it might help with combat like in Jack-o-nine-tails, but her willpower dropped like two or three points every time I fucked her.
>This has been out for quite awhile. I wrote up some events for it ~2 yrs ago and couldn't get them merged lol.
They release an updated version every so often. The last release was in September and the following one was supposed to be in January I think.
alien sluts
fish sluts
Hello, I'm looking for a game that had a very similar premise to Babysitter, I think. I remember that the main girl had two friends that you could also pursue, you could get a blowjob on a bench relatively early from an alt chick, and like halfway through the game there was an obscure option to just go on a trip to a snow resort or something and you could bring a female companion along. Does anyone have any idea what I'm talking about?
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Why do you post the same series of images every thread redknight?
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Why do you post the same series of images every thread redknight?
kindred sluts
thinblood sluts
werewolf sluts
Needs more lolis
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Aloy trainer when?
Why do you post the same series of images every thread redknight?
witch sluts
This threat is so fucking dead I don't think it really matters what's posted here.
I'm tempted to make some sort of scripted cheat start for masters of raana that gives you 10 million and up levels all of your fighters to essentially invincible. It would make the game a lot easier to run through on a as a story mode.
I understand the need for grind, but the idea that she would let this thing run for several years in game, which is appears to be what it wants you to do, is ludicrous.
There's not enough story content for it to be a basic story mode game though. Maybe in a couple of years.
It's kind of barebones when you remove most of the grind.
investing in sluts
I don't know. I spent something like 20 hours on the game, before I hacked it to give myself a bunch of money and very strong followers. And I don't think I'm through half of the story content on the game right now even with that.
Lol the other reason is I Now understand that I fucked up and sold some NPCs that I shouldn't have. I would need to restart the game, to get all of the content.
I'm pretty sure you were older than the girls and you could go on a study date with either of the friends to try to tutor them and/or flirt with them. One of the friends was more studious and the other was more flirty.
Oh my holy fucking shit after digging through 40+ pages of thread after thread on F95 I actually found it, I wasn't just making shit up in my head - Twisting Vines.
didn't the witch game have a loli version? I remember one had it but it was deleted
Never got finish
Redknights mom is a slut, she fucks dogs.
>actually doing 40 pages
>giving up on the things you want
Doing this almost made me a eunuch - by the end I had lost almost any sex drive. There is just so much shit.
I know your pain. I just finished looking for a flash game I played 10 years ago and it was really bothering me I couldn't remember its name.
Truth seeking sluts
dark sluts

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