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Fuck the spammer edition

No futa
No drama
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>Fuck the spammer edition
>No futa
>No drama
Is slop allowed?
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Gunnerkrigg Court - Parley.
In moderation
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>Fuck the spammer edition
What happened? The catalogue is a third of its usual size.
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The Peridot spammer that usually plagues /co/ ran amok. Flooded the catalog with 80 threads.
Damn. Seems like bad design that they can't de-archive the bumped threads.
They absolutely can, they just can't be bothered.
I remember when the mods used to give a damn
he can't keep getting away with this
He's been doing this for like a year and a half at this point. The only way we'll be truly rid of him is if someone actually hunts him down and kills him.
Man I just love the way this artist does muscle girls. Rare to see people draw this kind of build so well. I just wish he would draw something else besides Chi Chi all the time.
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My thoughts exactly. But it's hard to turn away a full course meal.
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Have you seen the way he's been drawing her lately though? It's basically just his own OC now. Just want him to go back to beefing up different waifus. But I'm just whining now. Pic unfortunately related.
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I was fully willing to support him even after crossing into OC territory, but that's not Chichi, that's a damn orc!

She's still sexy, just not Chichi.
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Tumblr syndrome
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Wish there was more art of Zarya and Marisa together.
With a few tweaks she'd make a cute orc.
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I just wish the 3d artists would stop giving both of them futa dicks
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>I just wish the 3d artists would stop giving both of them futa dicks

Well, here is something I threw together in about an hour.

Don't know why it came out so grainy, though (sometimes I get a 'clean' render, sometimes this).

I do kind of agree with you about futa, but one of the artists out there, who goes by the name Squarepeg3D, makes a lot of his assets available for either free or very reduced price (I have a TON of pose sets from him I've barely scratched the surface in using. Most are constructed for Futa on Female images, but its easy to just use a Male model in place of the Futa when I use them)
why make her worse?
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looks cute, would cuddle with her
Man, I have literally never seen Junker Queen without a penis
fuck overwatch porn makers
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At that size you'd be the little spoon.
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that's better than being the big spoon anyway
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Some of us aren't into femdom.
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Might want to consider adding "no hyper" to the next OP.
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Pretty sure that all the hypermuscle nuts have fucked off to /d/
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Any good model for Blender that actually has these side muscles?
Source is https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4978426
Just for clarification, you mean these muscles
That explains why there's always a wide variety of futa threads. The jannies are rumored to be trannies; that's why it's tolerated.
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There's a lot of futa threads because /aco/ is western /d/. You don't need to go full tinfoil hat
Jimmy Olson looks annoyed and confused there.
Rare sight of a pregnant muscular woman.
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More like scaroused
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lol, lmfao even
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God I love muscular women (with flat chests), i wanna tease their nipples
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Is there any art of pregnant muscle women?
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It's just harder to find as artists prefer to draw pregnant women as softer and people are less likely to tag women without six-packs as muscular_female on booru sites.
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Is that her older sister or her mom?
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iirc it's her D&D character
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Snu snu with benefits.
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More like this, please
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Why is a strong woman's back so sexy?
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Take your pick:
>In general, seeing parts of a woman that's normally soft and smooth with muscle tone is erotic
>It's a vulnerable spot, so seeing it turned to you with muscle tone is erotic
>It's a woman's back, so it automatically makes you think of backshots
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God damn, why has this hag not gotten pregnant!? Haaaaaaaaaaaa! >:(
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>Tfw when no horny cuddly and sexually assertive muscle wife
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You'll never get one with that defeatist attitude.
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Jebriodo isn't the hero we deserve, but he's the hero we need
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