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let's see some sexy sexy chrome
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new spl4ts?
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autist spamming the catalog again
We know, we just hope the mod wakes up sooner this time around.
how many did he kill this time around?
What happened?
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Surprisingly none, but I assume that's because the catalog was still reeling from from the 1st time he pulled this shit where he wiped out 20 threads, and it hasn't filled up again
some mentally ill loser spammed the catalog with steven universe threads a couple days ago, pushing like 20 threads into the archive. he tried it again yesterday after his ban cleared/evading his ban
why did he do it?
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need tall replika wife
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who doesn't?
Need motorcycle gf to ride
you and me both
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Anyone else got introduced to her during their early teens?
Goat Arcee
I thought I was the only one.
How could anyone not like her?
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ded thred
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going to bed
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p.10 my robrother
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>p.10 my robrother
only p.6 this time my cybro, you gunna help keep it that way?
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>have sexbots to fuck
>don't give them the means to suck cock
Why even...
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What other features would you include? Open to suggestions from anyone
drink dispenser tits
chem laceable "saliva" resivoir in mouth
3ft long myomeric tongue
speakers for music
a heart of gold for me to love
synthetic substance that functions as lube, saliva, or female ejaculate.
flavor options are available.
removable head so you can use it like a fleshlight
Inflatable "curves" that fill with a thick fluid to roughly mimic human fat. Breasts, hips, buttocks, belly, etc.

Various included devices that improve sexual interactions. A tongue that can extend and split in half. Internal stroking mechanisms in the genitals. "tentacle-like" devices that can be used for light bondage or additional internal stimulation of the partner. Color-shifting skin eyes and hair.
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Right, so how else can we improve and upgrade the female form for fucking?
a futanari option, in the form of some kind of synthskin detachable dick

vibration settings

modular portions, like the ability to add extra arms, or that triple mouth like you see on the billboards in cyberpunk 2077
So how many of you degenerates listen to SofConMac's audios?
pretty sure the better question is how many of us don't
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a e s t h e t i c
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Their sex must've been so freaky
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Thirsty simp.
a simp is always thirsty
Did the nandroid threads die a long time ago?
Are the nannies welcome here?
not with loli shit
Don't worry, I don't intend to.
>after youve already done it
god damn youre dumb
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; borg open medbay airlock
; borg rogue halp
Emmy is a shit character and not a robot
it's a fuking normal girl who "identifie" as a robot but seriously she just painted lines on her knees and hand and goes "teehee look master i'm a roooobot'" fuck you
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look bro
>waaaahhhhh this character isn't robot/monstergirl/whatever enough >:(
Do you fags have any idea how annoying you sound whenever you do this?
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Love me some Elsie
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don't die
Anon with no clue about Emmy lore here tf is he going on about?
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Bro, I used to be like you but now I realize this attitude is unhelpful. It kinda made sense when the most popular fembot back in the day was either Aegis, 2B or some girl with lines as you say. But now? I think more mechanical babes like the twins from atomic heart (pic somewhat related) or even the assaultrons have begun increasing in popularity. I don't know if the norms are getting exploratory or modern women are just that bad but
times are a changing brother.
He's just a clanger who prefers his fembots to be more on the mechanical side. I wouldn't worry about it.
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Would you rather the robot be a sexbot or a willing, independent partner?
These things do not need to be mutually exclusive.
I think the other Anon meant to imply that a "sexbot" doesn't really have free will, either because they're not actually sapient (just very good algorithms that imitate being sapient and having a personality but no real free/independent/creative/self aware thought) or because (and this is a nightmare scenario) they're sapient but their core programming forces them to be a sex slave no matter what their choice/desire actually is. Versus. A fully sapient and free robot (basically a synthetic person).
This is my interpretation of their post and their actual meaning in their question could be (probably is) entirely different. YMMV
Yes, that's what I meant
To rephrase it:
Would you rather have a robot built for sex, or a robot that chose to have itself modified for it?
Definitely a sexbot with sapience, happy to be what they are.
One that deliberately chose to have sex mods installed is much hotter imo
the only videogame community that can get horny for a 32x32 sprite that is supposed to represent a robot of some sorts

borg supremacy ftw

free and independent ftw. the sexbot stuff just irks me and i find it uncomfortable personally. being built just for sex sounds sad. the draw for me is the fact they're a sapient machine and all the interesting consequences and interactions you get out of interacting with one
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Built for sex. 100%

>free and independent ftw. the sexbot stuff just irks me and i find it uncomfortable personally

Disagree mate. The idea of some empty chasis designed and built with the sole purpose of pleasuring cock... Then stuffed with an AI intelligence that fully understands what it is, what its body's function is and what its role in existence is. Then driven by its own internal code to eagerly fulfill its role by taking cock in every place is was designed to like the good, obedient, functional machine it is, is fucking hot.
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I knew I'd seen that chick before.
Its the same chick, its just what happens when the driver update fucks up
each to his own ig. i like media that focuses more on the romantic/love part of robot/human relationships than the sex stuff. it could be smooth metal down there and i wouldn't really care
100lbs, 4ft2in, 2 hour battery, arm can lift 4lbs, $16k.
This isn't what you're meant to fuck, but this is the start of the ones that you can fuck.
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>This isn't what you're meant to fuck
that won't stop me
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A mindless sexbot with a programmed personality of a willing independent partner.
If it's a self aware AI it might not want to be in a relationship with me and I'm morally opposed to slavery but a convincing enough illusion of romance is indistinguishable from the real thing.
>posts one with a dick
Do warframes count? I suppose they're more like biomachines.
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>the only videogame community that can get horny for a 32x32 sprite that is supposed to represent a robot of some sorts
it's the same kind of autism that lets you set up a hyper-optimized 50 MW RUST engine
A robot that was originally a human who chose to be converted into a sexbot. A choice I would make. Pic unrelated
i remember when open air fusion was a still thing on tg. irradiating all of the engineering department with some random atmos techies was peak engineering. now they've added actual fusion reactors into the game lol
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elsie truly is the sexo exo
Do you think Exo's have sexual organs or is it smooth down there
it's on canon that they are fully functional
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God, TG's ui looks ugly as shit. I don't know why they don't use nano like /vg/station does

engine looks cool though
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>"This next test will evaluate human decision making and adaptation in urgent and high stress environments. [TEST SUBJECT NAME HERE], you are required to extract a Weighted Companion Cube™ and escort it to the exit, while navigating this test chamber designed to be disorienting, confusing, and distressing via the use of Apature Science® military security drones and maze-like chamber designs."
>"To add urgency, I will be deploying an Aperture Science® developed Robotic-Android Personal Enrichment apparatus, to be piloted by my own Personality Core™ for in depth data collecting on your skills and the Robotic-Android Personal Enrichment apparatus."
>"Please note for this [MILITARY] exercise, that failure may result in death at the hands of test hazards, including myself. Due to this, I have opted into developing and installing hardware into the Robotic-Android Personal Enrichment apparatus to personally extract genetic material from you in the event of imminent failure at my hands, so that future generations may learn from your imminent failures.
>The Enrichment Centerâ„¢ has advised me to allow test subjects a [1 MINUTE] head start, but due to your exemplary performance in previous high-stress tests, I have overruled the Enrichment Centerâ„¢ and will instead increase the difficulty by allowing you [10 SECONDS] before I deploy myself in the Robotic-Android Personal Enrichment apparatus."
>The test timer begins now. Run. Immediately."
Do... do you not know what imminent means
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It would be insulting to her to just call her a walking dictionary when she is the greatest mind on the planet.
In layman's terms, she knows what she said.
>In layman's terms, she knows what she said.
does that even matter if nobody else does?
Why did glados build herself such a thick ass
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She knows with certainty that she'll catch her subject. Nobody has escaped the maze. Failure is imminent.
Densely packed and folded artificial muscle fibers, in conjunction with state of the art hydrologic limbs, allow for sprint speeds that easily exceed that of the cheetah without the limitations of stamina. Practical tests have also shown a surprisingly sharp turn radius at high speeds with acceptable strain on fibers and joints.
Her "fat ass" is a feat of engineering that no previous test subject has been able to outrun, outmaneuver, or outsmart.
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So is anyone in this thread looking forward to near future inevitability of sexbots?
Also what current humanoid would you most want to fuck?
For me probably Optimus or Fourier
Put sex-attachments on the GR-1 and it's pretty fuckable.
Which? None? My main problem, these are all sorely lacking in secondary sexual characteristics.
>near future inevitability
Near is questionable. In a sense they are already here, but are far too expensive in operational costs and maintenance. Until they are reasonably affordable, they're not near.
Not that the current biological s.o. path is in any way considered cheap.
I don't need a perfect humiform thing either. A certain alieness and uncanny valley is a feature.
Unless they can go way, way over the top. Like, an XCom Viper slithery machine thing would be awesome.
>H1 Unitree
>Looks like an absolute rape machine designed to beat the ever living fuck out of you first.
>'nuff said.
>but are far too expensive in operational costs and maintenance.
Pic related is $16,000
There is another company that is trying to sell their (admittedly very small about 3 foot) bot for $6000
They are only going to get cheaper.
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>My main problem, these are all sorely lacking in secondary sexual characteristics.
That's a very simple matter once you have a robot that can reproduce human mobility.
Expect sex toy companies to be selling fully autonomous walking sexbots with onboard LLM and TTS within a couple of years at most and a fairly large online community of people making their own robots possibly sooner.
>But, not operational costs and maintenance.
In effect, if you can't afford a second (or first!) automobile, you can't afford a sexbot.
I'm not arguing against inevitability. Near-term affordability is what will keep it all out of the hands of people who need this most for a long time, and for the same reason all electric vehicles are taking so long too.
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>people are going to take out loans for sexbots
>>But, not operational costs and maintenance.
What do you expect it to need regular oil changes and new tires?
It uses electronic actuators and has a battery outside or possibly needing to replace that battery after a few years the only maintenance I imagine it would need is charging and cleaning unless you're planning to wail on it with a hammer.

It really seems like you're just trying to be contrarian for no reason.
>Need to take out a loan
Or just save up.
good luck repairing it yourself
We could have these threads more often but we can’t because that means only having 5 simultaneous AI generals instead of 6
robofortune's tight metal ass
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>good luck repairing it yourself
>google "how to repair fuckbot 9000"
>Youtube video by botsandvagene1997 "How to repair and replace actuators and wire harnesses in Fuckbot 9000 sexbot"

Oh no
>My main problem, these are all sorely lacking in secondary sexual characteristics
>He doesn't see the new Atlas as the mechanical succubus it really is
>google "how to repair tesla"
>new battery pack/electric motors/literally anything that isn't the tires costs more than just buying a new car
if you honestly think you won't run into the same problem with proprietary femdroid parts, you are delusional
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Crazy how Exo girls are just made to be fucked.
>cave story anniversary
>no {} art
clovis bray intentionally put whore programming into all female exos
yes, including elsie.

you know its something he would 100% do
probably wanted a harem of exo bitches
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It's a well known fact that one of the requirements for an Exo female to stay sane, they need to take at least three cocks a day. Though it's usually common for them to take more. Thankfully there's plenty of charity organizations out there, run by both humankind and/or the eliksni, that promise to keep female Exo well tended to.

All it costs is just a couple of legal rights being signed away and they're golden.
many such cases
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>if you honestly think you won't run into the same problem with proprietary femdroid parts, you are delusional
Who says proprietary will be the only option?
It's like you are trying to find reasons to be upset
who says they won't be
For sex bots to be viable we'll need a soft and squishy skin-like material that has the elasticity of TPE and the longevity of silicone.
Without that a sexbot is either going to be too fragile or too rigid. I've never found any silicone blend that was soft enough that wasn't 'clammy' or rubbery to grope.
why? what's wrong with a hard shelled bot (the objectively best kind)?
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are AI fuckers welcome here?
things like shodan and glados? sure
things like ai generated slop art? not particularly
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There are already open source humanoid robot projects, every major robot made by companies like Boston Dynamics has had an open source ripoff within a year, seriously take this doomer bullshit out of the porn thread.
yeah i meant the former
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curly brace?
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What about her?
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I require her in vast quantities
ccg still MIA?
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I love these stupid sexy drones
Aren't they on /trash/ now?
Machine mother.
She does not get enough art.
that's exceptionally dangerous, bro's gonna die of dehydration
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I think the answer might lie in using 3D-printed implants made from a synthetic derivative of human collagen. Nothing beats the original, right? https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/collplant-successfully-bio-prints-200cc-commercial-size-regenerative-breast-implants-and-reports-additional-positive-pre-clinical-data-302165927.html
Honestly, seeing 3d printing go from a niche hobby to something you can find in a decent library/school and seeing the development of metal 3d printers I don't see why we wouldn't be able to make our own femdroids in the future. Then, all it would take is some enterprising lad to sell a basic kit and anons could go wild with the rest.
bumping on my phone
You degenerate.
What kickstarted this for you? For me, it was playing Portal when I was 10.
I wish I knew
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For me its likely from watching Wall-e over and over as a kid. but what really kickstarted it for me was when I played Virtual-On during my teen years.
>has a dude's name
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stop thinking about AI sex

never realized the Virtual-On mechs were sexy until now
Is Atlas a dudes name?
I always thought it was more neutral
The horse incident
what is that?
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o-oh my, she's flexible
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What would you say are the broad categories of robot waifu head?
Compound eyes + Faceplate.
Faceless mask.
Camera head.
Screen face.
I'd probably change out Camera head for a more general Object Head
Are faceplates really a must? I like my robot waifu to give BJs.
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I love faceplates that just magically produce lips when needed, or face-shields that can be removed, because yes I too like the blowjobs.
>the fake vagina
simply >>8208436
>heavy breathing intensifies
I don't get the appeal of robot internals.
It's like guro for me, absolutely repulsive.
The fact there's so little Exoprimal porn (not to mention most of it is dino zoophilia faggotry) is absolutely criminal.
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beeep booop
We need more exosuit porn in general
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Man, I wish I could mass post.
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>"Mangement has asked me to remind all miners that while the BET-C Advanced Combat Version has been made with parts acquired from pleasure bots they are NOT to be used for that purpose."
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/ss/ death by Snu Snu is god tier.
She's just tall
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reminds me of this
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need dommy gynoid
Is there like a name for pussies like that? It looks so fucking hot
>need dommy gynoid
Seconded. Very seconded.
Need misanthropic gynoid who keeps me around cause I'm cute
>tfw they ran out of time and almost had an ending where you joined her
I wonder when we're gonna get some lewds of Jade from Warframe. I didn't have a pregnancy fetish, because the idea of a kid being formed in there always irked me. But with Jade, god damn that body drives me crazy
It's only a matter of time before some autist commissions pregnancy fetish art of jade
puffy vulva? lips that grip?
Man the lore makes this kinda funky lol
what's funky about it?
Cause they're controlled psychically by evil disembodied brains
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/pol/ has a robo-waifu thread up right now
We are not going to pol
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Hey, fellow robo-fuckers, what do you think about my OC?
it's pretty good
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Thanks. She's my... Passion project.
a worthwhile project indeed!
Variable tightness and full control of internal "muscles" to milk penises.
Vaginal tongue toggle?
Viscosity settings, to make her juices as thick and slimy as you want.
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Thank you, my friend!
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too complicated
Worth it though
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Armpit sweat glands
Breathe in
Does anyone have that series of comics where a guy orders his emotionless fembot to be embarrassed about not wearing clothes, but then she acts so convincingly that he starts to actually feel guilty?
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You mean that robot housemaid comic by NekuZX?
That's a classic
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if you think about it, breasts are a good addition to a robot's design because they could be filled with padding to provide protection from impacts that could damage the sensitive electronics as well as the mechanics in the upper torso that gives the arm and neck joints mobility

also they make my dick hard
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you love to see it
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Hm? Explain please.
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