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Sadly it seems the current thread was proverbially pushed off a cliff by a certain board-wide incident before its time. So I suppose we'll just have to start over.
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I love this pic, but I just realized her berry form has some really weird perspective going on with that sports bra.
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cannot unsee it now, thanks a lot dude
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Sorry! Wasn't as easy as I thought, but maybe this edit will make up for it some.
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Now we've got two berry threads? Interesting.
previous thread *was* prematurely archived apparently? I thought it had just died kinda whacky to see it back
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She is compared to that blueberry
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Where'd that come from?
it didn't come from anywhere, it just was and is and shall be
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I'd like to see more blends of muscle girls with blueberry expansion
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Wonder if there's any blueberry art of Stelle from Honkai Star Rail out there
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if there is then I've yet to see it
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I like discussing berry fantasies with people, but it's been ages. Where do you guys go to do that, now that omegle's gone? Pls don't say spicychat or ai textbots. Discord's not the best, either - since public servers on disboard tend to be full of either underaged or dim-witted people
Try omegle.fm. It's adult only. They have filters to ban kids :)
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Blueberries for ants
much better res
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"What ARE these? Uploads for ants?! [throws them to the floor] The pictures need to be at least... ... ... three times bigger than this!"

"... He's right."
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Alts that were only posted to Twitter, for some fucking reason.
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One more, last one.
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Thinking about a permaberry teacher struggling to be taken seriously by her students after her "unfortunate accident", and failing miserably
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I feel like there was a pic that was exactly that, maybe by an eastern artist?
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I know exactly the one you're talking about but I don't remember the artist. Here's something similar, though.
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Anon that made this, please come back
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Google image search hasn't gone to complete shit yet. https://x.com/morrowston/status/1740128439993348169
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OP reporting in. what's up
I wonder what the stand that turned Jolyne into a blueberry would be called. “Pure Imagination” is the most solid name I can think of.
Pure Imagination works, but if you want to be more faithful, i dont think araki would reference film OST stuff. He seems to adhere more closely to stuff that had album releases and at least some contribution to pop culture. Also, Pure Imagination's a bit on the nose, isn't it? (pun intended lol)

Blue Moon, the Frank Sinatra song, is my personal favorite choice for this scenario, but i'm sure there are plenty other fitting songs to reference
“Blue moon” is a great choice for a stand name! I’m more of a movie person than a music person, hence the “pure imagination” suggestion lol.
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Blue Monday's made a pretty big pop culture impression. Plus there's always Blueberry Hill.
Well, the first blueberry thread got locked due to lack of activity.

[morose sigh]

Here's the Desu Archive link, if anybody cares.
I always found the early stages of blueberry-fication to be the hottest.
More artists need to give warning when a purge is coming
>no bitchy milf berry
sadness descends upon the board
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I know this image has already been posted here, but this is urgent.

The Deviant Art staff deleted this post of DarKenn-Productions within the last few hours, as I knew they inevitably would, and he defiantly reuploaded the exact same picture, believing it to contain no sexual content. I don't think he knows that DA stealth updated their terms so that the won't allow under age characters even if they've been aged up to be over 18.

If any of you anons have a DA account, please warn him that he's likely about to eat a permanent ban hammer! This is the exact same shit that got The Hungry Lurker banned, and he tried uploaded his deleted pictures with the characters almost completely edited out.
Blue bump.
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Sexual body writing is so hot.
That and berry girls getting a cream filling is art I want more of in this fetish.
Lushaani and Noitalfin give me very strong "should not be allowed within 1,000 yards of a school" vibes.
The Deviant Art purges continue.

DarKenn Productions somehow managed to avoid getting his DA account nuked, even though the original and both re-ups were removed. He has since opened up a Pixiv account and uploaded most of his inflation artwork there. Thank you anons for doing what you could to warn him of the dangers of the censorious staff setting their eyes on him.

Others have not been so lucky.

KageKira101, most mostly made morphs of of actresses and signers, had his Deviant Art account nuked without warning earlier this month. He opened up a new account, KageKiraV2, then the mad lad spent all of the last weekend reuploading almost every single picture he had on his original account... that account was also nuked by Tuesday.

KageKira has since relocated to Tumblr, as he is clearly persona non grata on DA.

Apparently, Deviant Art have gotten so stingy that the won't even allow fetishistic or erotic depictions of celebrities. Fucking. "CELEBRITIES."

That's another indication to me that DA is in financial dire straights, as I suspect that they're so strapped for cash that they're paranoid of catching a litigious lawsuit from some egomaniac celebrity (like Taylor Swift finding one of the several blueberry morphs of herself) and that catching enough lawsuits would bankrupt them. But is there any legal precedent for or against this? Is it actually illegal to make sexual depictions of real life people without their consent, or is it one of those gray areas that's just considered to be in poor taste?

Follow up!

Not that I wish it upon him, but with how purge-happy NKVDeviant Art have gotten, I'm legitimately surprised that Booberries-Morphs hasn't caught any flak yet... unless he's being passed over because he has a pro membership -_- ...

Deviant Art is only "deviant" in the same way Hazbin Hotel is only safe edgy.
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>sorority factory tour
shocked this isn’t a more common subject…
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Are these... weirdly rendered polys? How would you avoid that, or what causes it?
Just cover it with torn pieces of clothing
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Those aren't dead pixels, this wasn't rendered by Zack Snyder. If you look really closely (and you have to look REALLY close), there are tiny droplets of liquid (sweat or juice, possible a mix of both), covering their bodies, and those white dots are supposed to be light reflecting off them. The effect isn't implemented properly, but there is an artistic thought process behind them, as opposed to being made in complete technical error.

As long as I'm on the topic, I wish artists like Shubi Jubi and Softest Core would make their berries with a more firm, spherical look to them, like an actual, you know, blueberry. There is artistic skill behind this works, but as far as blueberry inflation goes, this is really just nothing but WG that's been painted purple.
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I have something a little different I'd like to share; blueberry inflation ambient sleep aid videos.

To open things up, here is actually a dishonorable mention, but one that is so obliviously awful that it hits the sweet spot of "so bad it's funny." "Inflate Into A Giant Blueberry With Willy Wonka | Magic Transformation Roleplay" by Knightmare. The only thing more tacky than her costume is the backdrop set, and her acting is so horrible that it seriously makes me think of Gal Gadot performing in the Glasgow Willy Wonka Experience.

First is "Berry Producer ASMR" by Sangria Snake. Heavy, muffled sloshing and wet sucking, with brief moments of high heel steps and pencil writing.

Second is "30 Minutes of Blueberry Inflation Sounds" by VileVlasic. Half an hour of stomach gurgles, deep water currents, crickets and ambient night sounds, and a woman heavily breathing and sensually moaning. Mind the occasional freight train horns. Good for unwinding or letting off some built-up steam.

Third, slight change of pace, but Wonka related, "Oompa Loompa Helps You Sneak Through Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory" by Shanny ASMR. On top of being exceptionally relaxing ASMR, Shanny puts incredible effort into her costumes and makeup. I've seen worse looking Hollywood films.

Four, and your headliner for the evening, "ASMR Willy Wonka SQUEEZES You" by Miss Chloe ASMR. Putting aside my interests in the subject matter, this is actually some superb ASMR. Chloe's harmonic voice and warm whispers, and the layered sounds of rustling fabric, fizzling, squelching, and dripping liquids is such an effective sleep aid that it usually knocks my ass out within the first ten minutes. If I'm still awake by the end, I have to sourly accept that I'm not getting any sleep.
Thanks for sharing
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That ain't no blueberry... that's a full moon.
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Lmao, she looks annoyed and embarrassed AF.
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I’ve actually got a blueberry TF story that looks at the concept of different berry body types. I’ll try and drop it in one of these threads once it’s done, but the outline I’ve got is as follows:

>Protag meets his childhood friend and her MILF mom at a copyright friendly Wonka amusement park
>Childhood friend and her mom are tricked into eating taffy that, unbeknownst to them, turns them into whatever food they eat afterwards
>”Ooo, are these blueberry slushes free? We’ll take two.”
>Blue noses, swellling, gurgling, why do I feel so funny, etc.
>Both friend and mom run to the bathroom, protag waits.
>His curiosity gets the better of him, he goes inside.
>Both women are getting berryfied, but in two very different fashions
>Since the childhood friend has a sportier, more youthful body, her berry is much more classically shaped and tight (taut orb, arms and legs absorbed inside, giant round breasts squirting juice in high pressure squirts, ass cheeks on the flatter side so you can see her starfish, puffy cheeks and lips) and is far more frantic and flailing
>Since the MILF has a Venus, post-pregnancy body, her berry is much more doughy (blubbery stomach, fattened arms and legs, giant pancake titties lazily oozing juice, caked-up ass consuming her thing, face layered with chins) and comes off as juice-drunk
>Protag must now decide which woman he will juice (with his dick, naturally) before it’s too late.
>Whoever he bangs will end up deflating into a curvy, attractive body (though still blue and still generating juice, but much more slowly over time)
>Whoever he leaves ends up permaberried (juicing is still possible, but they’re permanently round even if they regain mobility and they need constant, much more frequent juicings)
>Give it a choose your own adventure-style ending, with good end/bad end follow-up stories
Choosing to juice the milf-berry would definitely hurt the childhood friend’s self esteem hahaha. A insecure, resentful permaberry GF is an interesting idea, lol.
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Not exactly it, but something like it
How early into her inflation are we talking here? When she swells up enough to impede her movement, when her body first starts to inflate with all the worried, panicked exclamations of "What's happening to me?!", when she watches her new color overtake her skin/hair/eyes, or when that first little spot of blue appears on the tip of her nose?
I wish there was more backstory behind this small sequence.
>"Spunky, taut, spherical, stacked childhood sweetheart permaberry, or her thicc as fuck, phat MILF mom permaberry?
>"Um... which one do you think I would prefer?"
>"No, I mean which one do you want to fuck first?"

If this is actually Softest Core and you are actually working on that, don't let me stop you! I await this adventure with the eagerness of a permaberry looking forward to her daily juicing.

Maybe daily juicings will eventually take her edge off a bit. Would be hard for her to stay upset if she always has someone to take care of her and make her feel that good every day, right?
How well does this scratch that itch?
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>mature berry woman struggling with the transformation
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Would it be possible to implement paths so if you play your cards right, regardless of who ends up stuck as the blueberry, you can have a mother-daughter three-way/ménage à trois?
you love to see it
Commission for Gen-Awesome of Martha Jones from Doctor Who.
You could, but only if you get your friendship values with the other park emoloyeee to max alongside your personal stats before the Berry event flag drops. It’s be all hands on deck to get a mommy/daughter juice sesh ready with out primed protag playing the pit, and not an easy job at that
Maybe play it off The Whale a bit, perhaps?

>young teacher for a bunch of second years accidentally gets permaberried during a trip to Orlando
>Must return to class via Skype
>Nome of her students can sus out what she’s hiding behind her screen, only bearing the clinking of bottles and the weird faces she makes following suction noises before class is canceled for the evening
>a Queen bee brat-type student breaks into her teachers home for answers, sees her in a self-sustaining Berry rig, designed to clean, trim, plum for Berry juice
>Queen bee gets a video of her teacher getting juiced, sneaks a bottle with her on the way out
>blackmails her teacher with the video to get straight As
>one class, while everyone is going on lunch break, Queen bee absentmindedly sips some of her teachers stolen berry juice on cam
>“Whoa dude, what’s up with her nose? Is that a video artifact? Why’s she going blue? Etc.”
> Queen Bee panics, she strips, she gurgles and bloats, all the while the new smug teacher narrates the process of berrifcation every step of the way
>Queen Bee’s boytoi is out and her dog is out on a walk so she has no options to juice herself and stop permaberrying from happening
>one of her classmates (that’s you, reader!) triangulated her address through deductive investigation and get to her house right as the juice is about to reach her brain
>fuck her on cam for the entire class to see, manage to save her from stage III permaberry status
>after school, you’re sent to detention for indecent activity, only to find your permaberry teacher waiting in the class and quite well dressed-er, wrapped.
>she’s willing to let you go home early if you can recreate your sensual save of the Queen Bee on her
>she’s just about ripe, too: tits are leaking, belly’s creaking, and her butthole is puckered and plump
>your extra credit starts…now
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Hey has anyone ever got the blueberry inflation sound files from the old Charlie and the Chocolate Factory games for both the consoles and PC? I barely remember anything about the games, bur I remember the sounds were incredible during the inventing room levels.
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Don't forget the companion piece!

Nice to see Ferrous Ingot posting again after almost ([checks] Jesus...) almost two years. Considering how many artists have just disappeared with no prior notice, it's good to know he's still around.
Hmm, looking up the inventing room level, it sounds like the sound effects for Violet's inflation are just stock sounds for inflating balloons and stretching rubber, with a light touch of deep, muffled bubbles. You could probably make something similar, if not recreate it yourself by rummaging through just about and stock sound clip website on the internet.

Not sure if it's what you're looking for, but a hole in the wall YouTube channel called Sir. Mr uploaded videos of the ambient noise from several levels of the 2005 movie tie-in game, including the inventing room and the juicing room. It's apparent he just loaded up the game and let it idle on several levels for a few minutes, as Charlie's idle animations (scratching himself, shifting around, etc) can be heard every now and then, but it should take you on a nice trip down memory lane, down an alley you might have never noticed or fully appreciated before. I actually listened to these a little bit when I was drawing a commission set in the 05 inventing room.
Sir. Mr's channel:
Inventing room ambience:
Juicing room ambience:

Also, I managed to find a long dead YouTube channel by the name of plugsweet, inactive since May 2011, that uploaded several of the tracks of the game's score. Maybe these will also tickle your nostalgia nerve.
plugsweet's (inactive) channel:
Honestly the juicing room ambience is great. Thanks for finding that. But what about the PC version? I remember the sounds being different.
Weeb Lord on Deviantart just posted that he's deleted some of his older stories, namely the Gillo series, due to DA going after fetish content.

If you care about this, use this Drive link to back up his stuff so you don't lose it. Please note that he did NOT sort this shit well, and most of these stories have random fucking names. For the Gillo series, each chapter falls under the name of the tour group, specifically Gillo, Kaori, Matilda, Twins, Sasha, and Sam in that order.

Here is the link. NO guarantee it lasts forever. Save your shit while you can. I'd post the link proper, but 4chan spam detection is a bitch. Just put Google Drive shit Infront of this and your good.

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That isn't blueberry you foolish swine
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This would be perfect if she started leaking juice by the end
Post it, this sounds perfect. Especially since they actually get fucked, it's always a disappointment to me that these never include the berry girl actually getting fucked. Bonus points if they get fucked at all different stages of the transformation
Get this fucking AI generated plagiarism out of here.
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someday we'll get more monogatari berries
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