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Girls with high melanin
>Bonus for tribal attire
>No futa shit
>No gay shit but lesbians are okay
>No Queen of Spades cringe
>No gas or onara
>No drama
In the last thread, I asked for help describing the skin tones of brown girls. One Anon suggested wine labels, which actually helped a ton. I've already tried those Tumblr writing aids, they suck. Any other suggestions?
coffee blends
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The Black Rifle Coffee Company's descriptions of their blends are funny reading.
>The color black brings to mind thoughts of power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery. As a color, it is both frightening yet undeniably compelling. Our core dark roast, Beyond Black, has long explored our innate curiosity for all things unknown, and our new design brings that sentiment to the forefront.
>Enjoy this new look for a timeless BRCC classic and revel in its powerful spicy aromas, notes of dark chocolate, and sublime smoky finish.
Any good websites for coffee descriptions?
Does anyone know the name of the artist?
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Where can I follow their work?
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this looks AI
I miss that old anime aesthetic for elves
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brown elves are great
The shading of the loincloth really bothers me, because it looks like she shat herself.
I mean, maybe she did?
All that anal sex would do a number on her sphincter.
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they both deserve more porn
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Chel is such a slut!
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also curious to know this
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old school.
more like microscopic
pretty sure you have had poops thicker than your dick. does pooping every day make your ass loose? so why would getting fucked in the butt make a difference?
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Goddamn, Ichigo's packing a uh....."soul slayer," for sure xD
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What IRL ethnicity has the best female skin tones?
Aztec / Mexican
Successfully colonized
Red-brown skin?
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My favorite girls
Best girls
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Is this an official drawing or is the artist who made that officially declare that white boy and black lady a couple?
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Greek, Egyptian and Persian. Indians are too all over the place, so they're disqualified
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>Indians are too all over the place
why do you say that?
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Did he pour wine down her ass before fucking it?
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Afaik its shimmer, a fictional drug that makes people dependent and insane.
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Pudgy Shantae is the hottest
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Pictured: Roman Legionnaire Occupiers in Ancient Egypt having their way with the local Egyptian Women
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>Ai bros actually think this is passable
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A lot of Mel in this thread. Good.
I love the poorest Medarda!
>Give me a melanin skin toned woman to breed
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