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Happy Elf Edition
>Bonus for happy elves
>No futa shit
>No gay shit or single males but lesbians allowed
>No queen of spades cringe
>No gas or onara
>No drama

Previous thread
dumb dark elf slut, that's not how you drink wine
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Are wild elves fine?
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Elfa is for...
Better yet, make it a single rule:
>if it has a thread on /d/, don't
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Is she saying sperm reaching egg?
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nice relaxing evening with your elistreean wife and her formerly evil lolthite sister you mating pressed until she abandoned her evil ways
How soft do you think elf pubes are?
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>/aco/ asks a dnd creator a question
Why are you guys like this?
Ed is the type of guy who would think that out.
Fucking based. I think its so neat when worldbuilders don't shy from those questions or pander to woke fags
what are you supposed to do with Chloe hanging upside down?
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artist? she's perfect
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made for pinning down and breeding
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Are you sure about that?
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>make a drow a single mom
Why are humans men like this? Don't surface drow already have enough problems?
Now ask him what drow pussy juice tastes like
I would never
I love Shadowheart so much!
>Random high elf child:i don't think your dad is taking a nap i think he's....
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So we'll be looking at triplets, judging from the spermatozooa.
She's going to get heavily pregnant, that's for sure.
Jesus, his artstyle is actively getting worse
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Submissive dark elf queen wife...
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Best wife
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bratty elf correcting breeding sex
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Have a Witcher elf.
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Cute, sad they get so mistreated in their setting though
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If black women looked like dark elves, I'd have so many child support payments.
supremely breedable chocolate elf slut
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he died of old age
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How many drow is too many?
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>posting humans
Shiggity diggity.
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The stubble makes him look really annoying so I deleted it.
nice [spoiler]now make him green with a question mark face so I can self-insert easier[/spoiler]
spoiler tags don't work on this board, anon
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which one gets the first big load inside?
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I love elf office ladies so much
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You're lucky I like that character so much.
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And a couple of clothed ones too, just because she's adorable.
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how should elves be treated in the workplace?
more elves in heels
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According to their station, which is primarily to do with what they feel like doing.
Some just want to be screwing the desk jockeys all day, call them 'comfort and morale engineers'. Some want to actually get work done, some want to lead teams, some are just in it for the money and won't even remember anyone once they leave.
You get all kinds in that type of environment.
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god imagine what having horny elf sluts at the office would do to improve the workplace
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wait a second
>god imagine what having horny elf sluts at the office would do to improve the workplace
Would definitely increase my morale and productivity!
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reproductivity and moral perhaps, but I'm not sure how much work you'd get in
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Why does the dark skin make them so much hotter?
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this is a natural position for dark elf women
Based. They belong under a man's dick
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OC comin on through
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very nice elf sluts
Didn't know that you were into DnD, Tomino-san
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>good work boss! Show that slut who's, well, boss!
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night elf sentinel helping repopulating
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night elf doing her part
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ancient elves working normal wagie jobs while wearing slutty outfits is extremely hot
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Those pits. Holy fuck.
Do elf girls and trolls get along?
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That’s a dragon you dumb cuck
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Don't care, ears pointy enough.
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I get the feeling she's about to find out
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how quickly should a drow break when captured?
Hearing the first cry of her baby, I'd say. But the process should have evidently started around the time of the pregnant hormone swings.
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makes sense, that still leaves a period where she has to be kept on a short leash
You fucking cock obsessed degenerates really cannot control yourselves, can you?

That or can't fucking read.
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cute Olga, she should be breastfeeding dark elf babies in a wholesome manner.
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I fucking love Olga!
collected all of my office elf AI pics in one mega
Tyrande is made for being lewded
Truly a magnificent slut
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When you realize the pyramids are just the tips of pointy ears of a much bigger statue buried underneath...
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night elves as property, thoughts?
Drow women are used to being charge of sex, so when a human shows up and fucks them good they will almost immediately lose to the dick. Generally the haughtier, smug and racist they are the faster they lose to the dick.

As such, wood elves are generally the most resistant to the dick and recover the fastest afterwards.
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>ywn spend a night fucking a haughty drow in every hole and wake up with a happily purring dark elf slut clinging to you
I love this picture. Drow women are high quality sluts!
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it really nailed the vacant mindblown look of a drow that just had her throat used as a onahole
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Not a biggest fun of flatties but that puffy puss on a petite body is hot af.
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Should add no orc males as well next time
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there aren't even that many orcs ITT
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I need sauce of this! Please accept this art as tribute.
I see no good reason for elves to ever not be pregnant.
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I made them with stable diffusion
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I see. That was really hitting my interest in free sex world scenarios. What engine do you use and what are your prompts?
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Idc I don't want to see that shit, literally the second image posted was orc fucking an elf
stable diffusion with autismmix (ponyXL fork) using the auto1111 webui. It can do night elves without loras, but the one I just posted also used a Tyrande lora. Here's a catbox
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I agree
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Conquered elves always lose to the cock!
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hot cocksleeves is the main reason to bother to conquer elves
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If they're long lived or immortal overpopulation is a pretty good reason. Even Tolkien realized this and made two kids the standard and only certain royal freaks in Finwë's house got more.
Are autistic space elves allowed? I made some self insert Star Trek art haha
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