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Previous Thread >>8151547

No Animal Genitalia (Specifically Dogcock Futa), Slob, Inflation, Fart, Grotesque art
If you want that - post here >>8177501
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>Dogfucker is back to fucking dogs
What a shock
Not really. He’s been throwing a tantrum for the better part of 3 years at this point.
I am here for the men.
Even if you're gay you're less of a faggot than the dog cock people
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>I am here for the men.
Dumbass thread division.
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The only dumbass around is JRfag lmao.
i like it
No no anon, this is the thread of hate. We should not tolerate faggots. Let's ban gays, let's also ban futa, Rosemary content, dark skin, OCs, and any 3D art that isn't BD.
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I don't think muelin's hotness will ever be captured better than picrel
The best Meulin is still the iconic one imo
What about the best nep?
rose lalonde at a glory hole
Sucking one cock while jerking off two smaller ones with her nailpolish and lipstick getting covered in cum
More of a Roxy thing
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I don't know if it's the best but this is pretty cute
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Yo this is fucking beautiful look at this.
Looks loli
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Honk Honk
this is you by the way
a clown
Well we are in a circus.
A dark carnival, if you will.
>forgot the horns
The fact that she thinks of herself as smart makes it so much better when she's getting absolutely wrecked.
The best part of Game Over was seeing Aranea stop being relevant forever.
All Araneas need to be sold ass fuckmeat.
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Aranea doesn’t really seem the type to buy it, though
I think Johnfef would be a cute ship. She seems like she'd like his silly jokes and pranks, and you've got the Condesce/Sassacre parallels.
>Feferi, youre like Condys daughter, right?
>Yea)(, w)(y you ask?
>Well if shes also technically Jane's Grandmother too, does that make you her aunt and by extension, my Great -Aunt?
>)(mmmm... I dont know?
>I dont either, wanna get some ice cream?
she'll buy it if you promise to listen to her 8000 word wikipedia article about the enzymes in the livers of north american jungle octopi
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Genderbent Karkat needs to be slammed and pumped full of cum. I don't make the rules, I just enforce them.
pacific islander fertility goddess jade
Aranea Cloned and sold like a Chobit.
Cause Jane’s John’s grandmother, so Fef would be 3 generations up (Condy being John’s great-great-grandmother, and Barack Obama being his second cousin)
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I was just trying to cover her body in tattoos.
I don't think fef would be the type to date humans, she's destined to unite humans and trolls but dating one would be undiplomatic, nepeta on the other hand would make a nice gf for john, I could see them having a lot of fun together
I love how flat her chest is
She’s destined to get a hole blown through her chest, that’s pretty much it.
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She can resurrect at 6 sweeps, that took condy a thousand years to do, she's a prodigy and g'lyobglyob knew that
Oh you’re that deranged guy.
Why are there so fucking many? There’s the Gamineschiso, the limeblood tard from last thread, junefags, etc.
Just people with no fucking grasp on reality.
Why would you even think about posting this? Granted, it's not like I have the full size, either.
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if only indexer was here
He was a hero.
I think you do have the full size. I remember this image always being small like this, for what it's worth.
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I suspect it's a case of a thumbnail being saved and the full image being purged from Tumblr and unrecoverable, but who knows.
Frienne pieces can be small. Dunno if they drew them small or they got thumbnail'd.
>purged from Tumblr and unrecoverable
I hate how much art got ruined because of this. Fuck Yahoo and its death spiral and fuck Apple
Your the most deranged anon. Everyone can see that
She’s literally me
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I love this one
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Meenah is doing ALL the work here, wtf
Aranea has tits tho. Meenah can't really complain
Tie her like that and she cant say no.
>Rezzes at 6 sweeps
>As a life player, gives herself big tits
What did Feferi mean by this?
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never been much of a latex guy but this is still really good
>Tennohs is giving up Homestuck Fandom.
God speed you talented weirdo. I wish I could've commissioned some HS stuff but alas, it wasnt meant to be.
> Tennohs is giving up Homestuck Fandom
Thank fuck.
I liked his Terezis.
Where'd you hear this?
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Need smelly dog gf pussy
Too bad, we sprayed her down with the hose. Jade is CLEAN for once in her life
She's covered in cum
i hope he affords me one more marsti drawing for the road if this is the case. if not, he should give me one anyway because ive been a good girl
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i want to plow nepeta
Just gorgeous, feferi must look so beautiful when emerging from the ocean to go into land. I wonder what the land trolls think
>vriska's mind control powers don't work on humans
what's the point in living. why bother.
They don't work on high bloods either, she's nerfed
IIRC vriska's powers historically only worked on tavros, jade to an extent and mind-honey'd sollux.
she wasn't able to manipulate aradia, who is (was?) psychic
She never manipulated Terezi. She manipulated Tavros who manipulated Terezi's dragon lusus who telepathically influenced Terezi in a mobius double reacharound.
Let's face it if she could've mind controlled condy she would've
jane's fucking adventure time mouth is really taking me out of this
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this is a nice pair of boobs
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Your order of events is off - Vriska mind controlled Sollux and made him eat the mind honey, which is what caused him to go berserk. She also has used it on at least John (to put him to sleep ala Jade) and CD (with actual control)
This is right.
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Fappy, indeed!
The birthday's the fappiest
yo bd could we get more chocolate rose some time
Neat new chapter. Maybe this will get me to actually draw something for once. Meenah and Karkat have nice chemistry so maybe something with that
They are pretty fucking hot here. Would be neat.
Another perfectly cromulent upd8. Karkat and Meenah's adult sprites look nice.
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this picture smells so bad it melted the center of my computer monitor
Looks like your monitor couldn't handle the clown musk
Speaking of musk!
You should post this in the other thread. Slob and Grotesque art are accepted there.
>davekat nonsense
It sucks
All homesmut is accepted everywhere. Welcome to the lawless lands.
>It's another dogfucker temper tantrum moment
Are the dogs in the room with us right now?
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Lipstick on the nuts is always hot as fuck
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lipstick in general is just some S++++ tier shit
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I guess
Every witch has big tits but a witch of life has mega milkers
But Damara’s got a sexy washboard, explain that
Sorry, no grotesque content
>Now JRfag is just being racist
Don't put that on me, I'm a proud supporter of brown Jade.
Prefer brown Rose t b h
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homesmut is dying
Being divided into two threads does that.
nah its the fact all the artists moved on or suck now
The answer is that Homestuck, not just homesmut, is essentially in palliative care, and has been for some time.
unironically unfathomably based
Is it safe to say that Roach's revival attempt failed?
It never had a chance to succeed, the basic premise just sucks
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what really steams me up about roach is that he keeps talking up all the new march he wants to make (vinyls, trading cards, plushes, figurines) knowing good and fucking well that they don't have the popularity or the capital to make it happen
Would anyone here buy Homestuck merch in 2024?
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I bought a mug, lanyard, and keychain from last year's fandom cafe thing. I'd buy a best-of vinyl if I liked the track list enough.
It had no chance. There’s literally nothing he or anyone else could have done by the time HSBC started to change course.
It’s not completely dead, which is by some measures a success but that’s about it.
Why does Hussie insist on keeping this cuck shit as the main thing
Because doing the “hard reset” people like you have been asking for isn’t viable, because it dredges up more issues with the people who were working on the comic when said things were written. So it’s not going to happen. Just remove the idea from your brain because you’ll never get it.
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He thinks its funny to do things that make people mad. He always has.
Nta but i don't think retconning that would be a hard reset it was not that important to keep in lmao
Time must cancel it out
That wasn't brown jade though, brown jade is still of white ancestry but with a tan from living on a tropical island all her life, that pic has african textured hair and black skin
Jade doesn’t have ancestry outside of Jane and Jake. They aren’t white either, they were made
>because it dredges up more issues
Continuing is clearly not viable and will never be viable.
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Poor Dave's lack of tits.
It is “viable” in the sense that it’s working right now.
It's "working" in the sense that it's only somewhat on fire
it's not at all
there isn't the same panic when an upd8 happens. They had what, a few months to reclaim that feeling but they pretty much shat the bed by continuing the already dull plotline
I don’t think any person who isn’t delusion would expect the new stuff to generate a fifth of the level of excitement that the og comic did, no matter what they did.
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I thought I was the only one who got off to the pineapple thing. It's because scat is disgusting but the idea of a woman surrendering to an irresistible biological impulse that requires that she debase herself and feels good is really hot if you remove the scat and replace it with something else. Not many want to confront that truth.
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>they shat the bed by continuing the already dull plotline
They shit in it the moment they released the Epilogues, shat further in several directions with that Toblerone lore dump thing and June, and finally crowned the pile with that soap opera secret bastard daughter shit.
Even ignoring drama queens getting pissy about getting written out, the rails of goodwill that the hype train runs on have already been broken several times. Even retcons wouldn’t keep people from remembering they got thrown off the train. Roach might eventually build up some trust again if he doesn’t write something else exceptionally stupid, but at this point I think Homestuck’s just fumbled the ball too many times to ever be star quarterback again.
Is I'm Good I'm Gone actually archived anywhere, or is half the comic just lost to time? Also, what happened to the creator?
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Everyone likes the pineapple, if they say they don't they're lying
Fuck off loser.
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I don't like or dislike the pineapple thing, it's just nothing, an unsexy HSG meme.
Cockanaya, on the other hand, sucks rancid ass and actively ruined so much potential porn. Every time an artist would roll up and offer requests, the fucking peanut gallery could not stop themselves from latching on to every request like a lamprey and screaming AND COCKANAYA IS THERE AND SHE HAS A BIG FAT COCK LOL LMAO
IGIG is archived, but the archiver said they wanted permission to release it before anything. The creator had a baby and became a doctor or something.
Threadcop is seething, nothing new or important here.
>it dredges up more issues with the people who were working on the comic when said things were written
If this mattered to Hussie he wouldn't have let Roach put together a whole new team and then make a bunch of news posts implying the old team's content was shit. Hussie fired everyone at What Pumpkin and started over on Hiveswap at least 3 times, he doesn't care about retconning or throwing away other people's work. He wants HS2 to continue because he genuinely thinks the story arc that began in the Epilogues is good even though almost nobody is finding it interesting or enjoying.
>archiver said they wanted permission to release it before anything
Damn. Half of what's missing is on the wayback machine, but not everything, and switching between tabs for the text and image is kinda shitty.
What a shame.
>The creator had a baby and became a doctor or something.
So you're saying the creator is good and gone?
It doesn't even generate a hundredth of the hype. Nobody cares.
Yeah leaked discord messages proved that the reason he insists on making this the continuation is because he's legit deluded that it's an unappreciated masterpiece.
>psicarii having a meltie and leaving twitter
Unfortunate. Hope they work through whatever problems they're dealing with.
Typical schizo behaviour.
ok Makin
As much as I hate to agree with >>8212404 this is pretty standard twitter artist stuff.
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guess the pool of good homestuck artists continues to shrink
What happened to her eyes?
What's your list?
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soldierexclipse, starsnores, redskinnedmess and nauticallyinc come to mind as the few homestuck artists worth a damn. jojro recently came back and seem to be putting out stuff.

everyone else is either gone or their material has veered into a direction I don't vibe with. modern homestuck porn is either hairy cavewomen, dogfuckers, or breedingduties
Bd mostly does OC's now and RSM does too
lysanthum.................. return to me lysanthum.......................................
OCs are just better than Homestuck now.
Why are we still here? Why can't we let go?
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Nauticallyinc's shit looks AI generated.
>no godcock
why even hs?
>hairy cavewomen, dogfuckers, or breedingduties
someone should post this so I know what to avoid
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Do you recall when we came to that place, and suffered their lightnings and shapeful disgrace? We tilted our vanes and ennobled our spires, they welcomed us then and commingled our choirs;
and not enough, not enough, still we mourn and still waits the Sun
other thread
i need an example NOW
2m tall hairy linebacker Jade has been around for years. Tumblr couldn't accept a nice girl who liked cute things and had long hair unless she was a gorilla.
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Starsnores is a name I haven't heard of before, I'll check them out.
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the fact people draw the characters unironically that feels off. it's like shit out of a minstrel show but being played completely straight
Unfathomably based
No idea but it’s a fun wizard ship
full of milk
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Apparently Megidochan HSG died today? What happened?
leggings under shorts shouldn't be as hot as it is. it's just extraneous clothing. but god damn.
For me it’s the pseudo ZR roxy has going on. And the side-bra is pretty nice too
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Only took like a week :v
I've never liked leggings and I think dolphin shorts are the most erotic article of clothing period, so I've always hated leggings under shorts, but for some reason it does something for me in that picture. I hated anything that covered up legs until fairly recently, when pantyhouse finally clicked for me and I felt like I'd ascended. Perhaps I am continuing to evolve. I just love legs above all else and spent most of my life needing them to be bare.
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Discordtroonery, as is usual for altchans.
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That really is the end stage of forums for all intents and purposes, isn't it. The communal Internet will be nothing but an endless hive of walled gardens that can never intersect.
Who are the guys?
Colin Mochrie and troll Colin Mochrie
who's got the nicest legs in homestuck, legs connoisseur anon
I wanna say Jade for some reason. I dunno. I saw art where she had nice leg.
That or Kanaya or Porrim or the Dolorsa's long long legs.
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My answer is going to be the Dolorosa's long, long legs, [spoiler]because I'm the one who started posting that in the first place.[/spoiler]

If you strictly go by the visuals in the comic itself, the answer would be BQ/Condesce (due to asset reuse), so >>8227878 is right there. Of course, few people really adhere to that, and there's no end to the arguments you could make in favor of the girl of your choosing, particularly with how fit and active many of them were forced to be to survive, or how sedentary others likely were, depending on how you like your legs to be.
Hers could certainly be great. Maryams can't lose.
If I had to name a girl, it’d be Damara.
Though desu I’m probably a bit biased because in my head really nice, beautiful legs go together with a more aggressive personality
Snowman/BK is really good pick too desu. The close-up of her walking in Jack : Ascend is still stuck in my head to the point where just mentioning it I can see it clearly
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I like the way you think.
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Lalonde legs are my favorite.
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amen to that brother
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Those are
Ramtiddies right there
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Such good lineart
I wish we had more Rosebot stuff, it’s the only good thing to come from HS2
What was Dirk thinking, making the world's most fuckable robot to put his daughter's soul in?
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Well maybe if she was in a better comic people would make more stuff of her
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Nice stuff
Terezi looks like a racial caricature
Of what race?

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