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Girls with glasses
>No futa shit
>No gay shit but lesbians are okay
>No queen of spades cringe
>No gas or onara
>No drama
what is she from?
Also curious to know.
She is so hot
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She is my wife.
What a beautiful wife you got!
What a beautiful milf
she's lovely
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My perfect woman.
mine too
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Caz, An OC of mine.
She is very beautiful. What is her story?
Can you post more of her? She has everything I want in a girl. She's skinny and has glasses, long, straight, black hair, small, yet perky breasts and most importantly, pubes.
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Thirtysomething research assistant who works in developing magitech.who has a secret fetish for being transformed into things. Most of the art of her I have is her transforming into things. Particularly statues
Here's a couple normal pics of her.
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I like the concept, such a cute girl. Is that a story you're making or a game?
I never thought of making a game before. But that's actually a good idea. Don't know how make one though. I would write a story but I'm really bad at writing. So it's mostly just backstory for pictures I get
This image is fucking disgusting.
Could be fun. I've had some success with Renpy, its very easy to use and its what Doki Doki Literature Club was made on.
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what's Renpy?
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She is so cute, who is she?
kinsey(?) from dave cheung
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Thank you
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I don't think I have strong enough writing skills for a visual novel.
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She is super hot. Is she from the Owl House?
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yeah that's Luz's mom Camila.
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Such a cute butt.
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I've seen cuter
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Love this gal
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Work in progress of my OC Caz. And I can upload more as they come if anyone's interested.
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Who is she and is she from a porn series?
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Please upload more! She is so pretty.
>asking for no futa and using vincentcc

vincentcc literally does 5ft dong versions for every image.

It's a shame because with proper proportions and less exaggerated anatomy they would be an excellent artist

calm is like vincent, but less futa and better proportions
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She's kinda got a bit of fivehead here. But it's still a good model.
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Yeah, her forehead is a bit big, but she’s still really cute. Have you done a nude version yet?
Alma from Monster Hunter Wilds.
Not of this model. But I want to ask if the artist does nudity. They didn't seem to be open to it. but I also just didn't ask.
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She is so ugly, is she perhaps a...
YES...Yes she is...
Ade, my beloved.
She is quite beautiful
she gets it from me
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I went and had one made actually. She's kind of lazy really.
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got a nude of her too that I can post later.
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Very cute. She has a very beautiful bush. I prefer the old model, though.
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I'm glad other people like bush. The artist that did the old model disappeared. but I can order more from this new artist. Just gotta think up things I want her to be doing.
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Maybe have her covering herself in embarrassment? That’s just a “me” thing, though.
I love that idea. I'm very much into ENF. I might have to get that.
Yes! That is wonderful. Skinny, hairy, nerdy girls like her are perfect for ENF.
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She’s very pretty! Who is she?
Gwen Stacy from Spectacular Spider-Man. There's not a lot of Rule 34 of that version of the character.
Really? I figured she was another one of your OCs. That’s very nice, the girls in that show are all very pretty.
I wish she was an OC. She did inspire some OCs though.
Do you post any of your work anywhere? I’m interested.
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I don't have work. I just commission things. Like Irene here.
She’s very pretty, love her glasses and her pubes. ENF is one of the most based fetishes around.
I love casual modest nudity like this >>8351163
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You could use twine or tyranno or rent, they're "game" engines. Most people use them to make visual novels. Twine would let you write a few things to go with pictures.
Femanons be like...
She’s so cute! Who is she?
She is an OC from a femanon here.
She is very lovely! Her hair, her glasses, her smile, everything about her is adorable. She is made for lots of hugs.

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