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>no futa
>no gay shit or single males
>No gas or onara
>No drama
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What happened to the Terra thread?
it's gone now
You can always post Terra here
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>never ever
It still hurts.
What did anon mean by this?
He ain't gonna share with Slade
slade takes what he wants irregardless
I AM Slade.
That's because he's based like that.
Is that fucking beast boy's tail in the back next to her shoulder?

I have some of animanon's stuff. idk if they will ever come back though.
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Naked Party by Renajon on DA
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heads too big
>What did anon mean by this?
Terra poathing ith illegal in the Thoughbeit Union.
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They're supposed to be that way, it's from a cartoon after all.
Bubble butt :)
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Just some pics I've "upgraded" with AI and photoshop
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Way too many dudes
Unironically the best art piece the Shadman has ever created
>no futa
>no loli/shota
Gee, I wonder why
more like not enough actually
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Feeling a bit shitty at the moment, remembering something.

Take some animations for a Blackfire/Beast Boy idea. 9 pictures in gallery, couldn't upload all of them here because most of the early ones are too big. Figured it'd be easier to give examples, and then link to the others.

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Basically, the animations are made by me, coloring and shading and etc, based on a commission from 2019 that was never finished.

At some point, I commissioned another artist to give me "completed lines" for this dead commission, so I could fuck around with them and color them in my spare time.

So, feeling a bit crappy, and I don't want to just sit on these forever, so here you go.
The reason why they're called "16-Bit" is because this was ONE coloring idea I had, to make this look like a scene from one of those classic, VERY OLD hentai games. (anyone here remember the VIPER games? Kind of like that)

And the reason they're called "Bad End" is because the scene in my head, Beast Boy woke up to find Blackfire on his dick and told her to fuck off because he didn't want to cheat on Raven, but she convinced him to fuck her ONE time. If he made Blackfire cum first, she'd leave him alone, but if Beast Boy came first, then he'd have to fuck Blackfire more regularly, behind Raven's back.

Hence the "bad ending" is Beast Boy nutting in Blackfire's pussy, lol.
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For those curious, these were the last things I got from the artist in 2019 before he suddenly disappeared off the web.

It was sometime in 2020 that I asked a different artist to make "finished lines" for this idea.
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The OG artist randomly contacted me in 2021 and sent me this.

But he's gone off to Narnia since then, haven't heard a word from him anywhere.

That's enough of me whining, follow the imgbox link above and have a good wank-mas, ya fuckers.
That's a shame, it looks very nice
Yeah, I didn't mind the change in art-style, specifically the shading. I did prefer his earlier stuff and I figured it was easier for him, but I wasn't going to bitch when it was the first I'd heard anything from him in 2 years. But then, like I said, vanished...
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who cares Terra sucks
Cute butt.
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the cutest
Sexy outfit
That Blackfire, always a rebel
kill yourself
So hot
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Why does Nightwing have pointy ears?
Is that Vegeta?
The prince finally found a princess
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Bored, uploading a shits and giggles project that I haven't finished yet. (The text, not the pictures, those are a commission)
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While I'm here, fuck it, here's the "prequel" set.

Edits I made based on the main pictures I received, at half size because otherwise they wouldn't have fit here.

A similar rough plot, but no text.

Blackfire catches Beast Boy jerking off and offers to "compensate him" for the interruption, which is also her blackmailing him to not tell the other Titans that he was whacking off when he should have been on patrol.
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Blackfire calls Beast Boy out on his bullshit that "It's not cheating if I pull out", and starts acting extra slutty and seductive to push him over the edge.
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Ending 1, Beast Boy is able to restrain himself...but just can't resist passing up on a second round.
>>"You proved you won't cheat on Raven ON PURPOSE."
>>"But what if it's...an 'accident'~?"
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Ending 2; True Ending
Beast Boy couldn't restrain himself, and decides that since he already crossed the line, fuck it, might as well keep going.
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Last one, bonus picture. There's a variant to the main set where they're in the shower and Blackfire has wet hair.
I love how happy she looks getting fucked
Oh I'm still around and lurking in these threads. I just got sidetracked with other work, but I do have plans to eventually finish this scene, just possibly with other positions. But for a time I did stop lurking since the threads started becoming futa-only. Which didnt really capture my interest much. But I'm around.
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>>no gay shit or single males
What about yuri?
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Pretty much the whole idea. It started as a possible ending to the OLD StarLover comic, "Starfire's Shared Shower" where we'd actually get to see Starfire being creampied, but then the idea to make an alternate with Blackfire happened, and, here we are.

Also, thread tax
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Trigonanon still around these days?
didn't they pass away?
There's more than one?
Yes, hence the tri-prefix.
>no gay
>half the thread is starfire and raven eating each other out or rubbing their face over the other one's ass
Pretty sure they meant no guy-on-guy
And here I thought it was a reference to Trigon, Raven's father. Silly me.
Thread tax?
Didn’t want to have a post which was just text, about me rambling about some BS nobody cares about. So, I made sure to toss in a picture too.

Speaking of which, I just checked something and realized that I’ve never actually uploaded this picture before online. The “follow up” is in a few places, but I forgot to upload this (Nude, moaning, before creampie) alternate to those same places. (It’s one of the very few exceptions Tenzen makes to commission alternates. He doesn’t do them because they’re “too boring”.)

So, regarding this pic, get them while they’re here, before they’re gone whenever this thread finally goes.
Couldn't you upload it now?
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No, I don't like them at all
this looks like one of those paintings you would find in a third world mini market, next to the logos of the products they sell there
Can't say I know what you're talking about
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>tfw no big tiddy alien princess gf
Maybe someday...
Hot, but not Teen Titans
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I love raven
randomly found a clip from an hmv with credit ( IT GIRL HMV by KERCEC ) at 2:10 trying to find Sause?
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im a dumb ass
i miss ravenravenraven
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A faggot raven is fine too
ok found the vid but no creator little help anons?
Oh dear god, I didn't know how much I wanted this until I saw it today.

Does anyone have this bigger, or 1024x768 is as big as it gets?
Seems to be the case, but the 700x560 resolution would be the correct one. And here's the Blackfire version in case you're interested
Weren't these originally Evangelion pics?
Yes, they're edits of a Misato pic. Unfortunately, while the original pic has a bigger resolution, these edits don't, at least not in good quality
just messing with AI a little
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That old comic was great. I wish the author made more. His art was nothing special but his pacing for the action and the emotion in the characters was 10/10.
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Oh...I am soaking wet right now.
Terra has always been my favorite and I feel like I'm the only one
Nah you're not the only one, we're just very rare. And also outnumbered by people who hate her. She was my favorite too ever since I was a kid. Been scavenging for stuff of her ever since.
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Now I'm curious. Did whoever make these edits do similar ones for the other two Misato pics (https://files.catbox.moe/1ixpqf.jpg, https://files.catbox.moe/djbmzz.jpeg) or not really?

Because I'm super hooked on the other Misato pics and how Starfire and Blackfire would look like...
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Aftermath and Things Change soured a lot of peoples opinions on her
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Considering they were uploaded to Paheal way back in 2007, I doubt anyone remembers who did the edits or where they were originally posted. But I think it's a reasonable assumption that whoever uploaded them would have uploaded all the ones that existed, at the time.

I tried to do an edit myself just for the hell of it. I don't think it came out that good. I can't edit the text in the shadows in the background without basically just redrawing the whole image from scratch. And I can't draw.
Don't be too hard on yourself, this is honestly a good edit! Nice one! :D
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I'm saying that this one is a picture that I've never uploaded anywhere before now.
While this one is a picture you can find on a few rule 34 sites because I uploaded it soon after I got it.

Also, shits and giggles, thread tax.
>sketches for a future commission I got an idea for.
>The main line work is from the artist
>colors, line edits and details are mine
>mostly so I can work out in my head what the final draft of this commission should be.
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Split off point to multiple endings.
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Ending 1: Attempt to pull out is stopped, then jacked off.
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Ending 2: Porn style moneyshot.
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Ending 3: Last possible second pull out, accidental moneyshot.
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All for now, feeling kinda crappy at the moment, don't wanna drown the thread in my bullshit.
>It'd make me feel like I was being a narcissistic "PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEE!!!" troon
>so maybe some of the other versions later.
did you make these?
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Entirely from scratch, no. Sketch commission, I got the lines, add various details to flesh out the idea after I got those lines. (with alternate lines like Blackfire's normal hair instead of the pink wig)
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Anyone know the artist? Been trying to find the sauce for awhile now.

god amoung men!
The Go! versions of these characters just don't do it for me. Too cutesy.
Yeah its underwhelming in every aspect
>uncensored version on Patreon
Extremely hot
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Bored, feeling kinda shitty, sharing more stuff, including things never-before-seen anywhere on the web, for better or worse.

...damn, I HATE the 4mb size limit...
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The never before seen.
>for possibly good reason

Got an artist to make alternate lines for Raven instead of Starfire-Blackfire. One edited version using those lines, the other is a WIP using Blackfire's facial expressions instead of Starfire's. Haven't had the motivation to swap around the other details yet.
Last thing for never seen before was also a shits and giggles idea, using the colors from the TTGO show. (plus a silly idea I've always laughed at, where Blackfire and Starfire's eyes glow when they cum)
Very nice
Why does she have a spade on her head?
Not bad for AI
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I love it
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Based on a commission from long ago that was never finished. Artist just disappeared off of the web out of nowhere. Some time later, I had an opportunity and got another artist to "finish" it, in his own way.
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Got bored, decided to do a thing.

This is basically, kinda what was in my head when I commissioned these pictures, for the different head positions and other alternate details.
File: BB-Black-Ambush-2.gif (3.88 MB, 1331x1924)
3.88 MB
3.88 MB GIF
Using Gifs felt less cringey than posting about 12 to 15 pictures.
File: BB-Black-Ambush-3B.gif (2.29 MB, 1331x1924)
2.29 MB
2.29 MB GIF
File: BB-Black-Ambush-4B.gif (1.31 MB, 1331x1924)
1.31 MB
1.31 MB GIF
Smaller size because it's 0.01 too large for 4chan's retarded file size limit. (I miss having an 8MB limit...)
File: Raven Sucking 1.jpg (3.74 MB, 3566x3952)
3.74 MB
3.74 MB JPG
File: Raven Reading Naked.jpg (562 KB, 2738x1991)
562 KB
562 KB JPG
Could have at least picked a good Op instead of something garbage.
What's wrong with that one?
Very hot. (When did we have an 8MB limit?)
Might’ve been mistaken. Some boards have higher limits than others.
live dammit live!
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116 KB JPG
The rule is “a man shall not lay with another man” but that doesn’t say anything about girl on girl. You’re in the clear.
what manner of uniform is this?

Rumor has it there was a Raven one posted to an image board back in the day. Never seen it though.
Saving this to use as a reference for a commission later...
I love raven
End of dump
Kemono.party is your friend.
And now, so are you. Thanks!
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485 KB JPG
File: ravtri loss.png (2.47 MB, 1800x2482)
2.47 MB
2.47 MB PNG
Hi there
Not yet
Goddamn, the legend himself
Not bad for AI
Yeah if you totally ignore the 6 fingers, fucked up belt, and the costume fuck-ups, it's totally "not bad"
Which is why I said: "for AI"

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