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Love hurts
>father x daughter
Very nice
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Cool, andava art.
is that a real t-shirt you can buy in real life?
I think you can order it in Andava's site
Not anal.
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I love this.
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Better rape thread than the actual rape thread
you say that like it's an accomplishment rather than commonplace
That is the rare anal in the vagina.
painal is awesome both giving and taking.
regular anal feels like nothing and its impossible to cum from.
But when I reach that sweet spot where it hurts but there's no bleeding? I can cum in under a minute.
Unfortunately, everyone thinks anal isn't supposed to hurt. And it's been hard finding people on dating apps who are okay with the idea of hurting me and being forceful.
If any of you guys have ideas for how to make my next ass training session hurt more, I'm open for suggestions.
Spiked dildos are always a good choice. They scratch at the walls of your womb without causing bleeding
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Dunno about that one. Spikes are sharp, sharpness reduces surface area, that increases pressure per square inch, high PPI pierces stuff.
Did you mean the soft nubs and ridges?
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I love it when a girl is fucked so hard she can't sit all week!
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Thought that was Jolyne lol
Imagine fucking someone so hard that her mind breaks
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That is the goal.
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What happened to this guy anyway? He still drawing?
I mean she already acts like she has something shoved up her ass
Has Shiin ever drawn a guy balls-deep in a woman's asshole? Feels like it's always "just the tip" as it were.
Sadly I don't think so, he needs to fix that
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Her expression really makes the picture.
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Looks more like surprise than painal
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Look pal, don't be splitting hairs in here, I'm trying to keep the thread alive.

Foolish, Foolish anon
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>They scratch at the walls of your womb
Actual dumbass
This looks so good!
her teeth are a bit too long
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To take a lot of pain..
That looks painful
He's done it loads of times
No he hasn't.
Your ai shit sucks bro none of us are impressed with your work. Give up.

Captcha: Hax

You're a hack
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There's no way Mirko wouldn't be an anal pro.
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Agreed, she is made for anal action
Is he still working?
The best kind of anal
Cirilla is truly made for painal
Is that Dagoth ur?
Indeed! I love painal
Stoneborn from Fire Emblem Fates
Not a lot of art of her, basically a cannon cosplay fan in the show.

Imagine she got captured by the terrorists, thinking she was the real thing.

Makes me think of the Joker, killing the armed vigilantes wearing batman masks.
Thanks, she's lovely!
All in all, AI gives lots of art and I like it for niche fetishes
He has a Patreon that he occasionally posts to.
Deserved painal is the best painal.
Why is painal so stinky?
os this an AI? source?
I like an element of humor or wholesomeness or at least story to it. So I kinda hate how a huge chunk of it is dark gritty rape. Not everyone is a 100% masochist or sadist to enjoy that stuff.

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