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Post women with Venus shaped bodies
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My love
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not a fan of that nose
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Wait, that's her nose? That's scary.
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Sauce for this migu?
That's sona, and the author's handle is the top right corner of the pic
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what is the SAUCE on these PICTURES
First one is Fugtrup, second one might be as well.
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Sunny's stuff is perfect for this thread
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Yeah his stuff's pretty good.
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Please what is the name of this character?
she is a 10/10 for me i must know, thank you anons in advance.
>>Bump!!! Dont you die on me yet!!!
Nico Robin
I hope its okay to post 3D
nvm the OP is literally a 3D pic
SnuSnu time
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great puffy pussies
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darude - sandstorm
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Thank you!
where is this from?
anytime friend :hug:
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Isn't that Lustgard's OC?
It's the Huntress from DBD
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Venus was not that plump you cow enthusiasts!
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Underrated milf
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fresh oc
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I'm diamonds
This is going to sound crazy but the hottest part/multiplier of the image is that hand holding her head.
Like, yes, there's THREE exceedingly plump muffs surrounding her, but that hand just drives everything up to 10.
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what is this
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another one
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it's a shame they don't draw BE anymore, they had some good stuff
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now THAT is thicc
Mei's just the best. Checks damn near all the boxes.
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A man of fine taste
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Maxine my beloved
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behold the perfection
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chub ai I think.
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This body type.
Absolutely fantastic.
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fuck i love mei
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Why does this artist always have to draw the women like they're embarrassed
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it's hotter this way
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amazing outfit for her
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Jujunaught is the best artist for this specific genre
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Mother-son incest is fucking awesome
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it depends on the characters but generally yeh
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artist called Fizz also has amazing venus content
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Is this MJ from Spider-Man?
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it can be if you want it to be
Hey all, I have a question:
I am not an artist, I don't post my drawings anywhere online, nor do I claim to be any good. But when I'm writing lewd stories, I sometimes like to draw references for my THICK girls, and what I do is trace the "frames" of drawings, then draw my character's features over the frames.

In the past, I've just used random drawings, and recently I've started using the artist "Legoman" sketches and drawings as references and traces. My question is, what other artists are out there like Legoman who have a ton of THICK women outlines that I can trace?

Thanks in advance.
pure sex
I would make both of these sweaty, smelly sows into mothers in a heartbeat
MJ after bearing so many of Peter's kids
Is qos stuff okay here?
Kill yourself niggerlover
I'm sorry bro
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