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Keep the gay/futa/monster fucking to a minimum, please.
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Too many OC's. Needs more established characters.
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no that's just a naked woman anon, no sex happening there
know what?
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Anything good with Lucy yet?
why're you mispronouncing her name from Goosey?
Your numbers are mighty. Mighty indeed.
damn, even numbers like this can't even realize the desire of the chosen one
here's something to work off i guess

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Came hard to her, thanks for sharing anon
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Needs some images of Piper Wright on this thread, even though here's one of her on the toilet.
anyone has that pic of a blond bimbo char sheet for FO2? someone posted it on /v/ the other day but i didn't save it
Bump, post bestgirl Cait
I will keep it to a minimum. Just posting so we don't hit 10.
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this is nice
Then take another!
If only someone made this a mod. -__- This game would be 5x more popular.
be change you want to see in the world
...it IS a mod. It has been for years. There's a patch for the Servitron mod that makes them fuckable. You can even paint her white and red.
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ETA on fallout 5?
Very nice. The ai didn't do such a bad job after all.
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It takes a LOT of failed attempts to get there, admittedly. Careful wording, planning, and then a dash of luck to find the right seed.

Even then, a bit of editing isn't nearly as hard as drawing the whole thing from scratch. See pick related. If you looked real close, you could probably find my edits, but I like to think it's overall pretty good.
Not bad anon. I wish my potato computer had the capabilities to generate my own porn. I should probably save up to finally upgrade my pc.
Wanted a dolled up Veronica, btw. Hard to do, admittedly, because the Gamebyro engine doesn't really lend itself well to unique faces. Most characters are identifiable by their outfits more than anything. So how do I radically change it to a dress (inspired by Vera's) but still keep it apparent it's her? Overall, I feel it doesn't really fit her face, but I'm not sure I can.
Excellent taste! Keep working on them anon. Your bimbo versions aren't half bad.
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Goodsprings' Pioneer Saloon has some good sarsparilla, honestly.
is it even in active development? would be nice to reinvigorate fallout universe rule34
I think it's in the planning stages, but won't start real development until the next scrolls game is completed. Unless that bombs as hard as Starflop, then microsoft might shutter bethesda for the tax right off.
kek saved
they're actually fixing shit in FO4 so maybe not for a while
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>jannies deleted the comics I posted
Fuck off
The Roman bulls (furries) breeding some vault slut from what I'm seeing in the archive
Damn, someone in the wasteland better inject some rads into her flat chest in season 2 to fix her tits
I aint gay but Id let her in my vault if you know what I mean
Is it called fallout because their tits are falling out of those thight suits?
>Fallout Thread
>No Moira Brown
For shame...
She mid af
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Some retro shit for you, then.
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Deathclaw cuties need some, too.
Not shown: the massive cock she'll be gaping your ass open with
got anymore of her? i checked r34 and the artist has a patreon preg, and futa vers. cant find it, though.
This isn't request
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More old school.
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Repurposing a vault suit into a vault dress.
Qualities really going downhill
Tbf, all of these >>8244356 are from 15ish years ago.
Like I said, downhill
you can fuck an assaultron in 76
I'll fuck ur mom in 76
Gtfo furfag you ain't savin shit
Ah, yes. Because a Deathclaw totally isn't non-human. Silly me.
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Oh, yeah. Assaultrons are totally human, too. So sorry I misunderstood that.
Mid? Yeah, she isn't the hottest, a solid 6 or so, but you KNOW she'd be an absolute freak in bed.
It's not a disgusting furry though
Yeah, it's a fucking scalie, you retard.
Do you know how to read
What does this shit have to do with the Fallout games?
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For a second I thought that was the guy in the back balls on her head.
>Signs ur gay
wait a minute… that art looks familiar
Familiar how exactly?
Looks like any other generic dogshit ai gen
It's okay, I liked them anon
No you didn't
how do i properly install the coomer mods for fallout 4
Best suggestion would be to go on loveslab and check the forums on guides. Or, chat with some of the people on there to help guide you on some of the mods.
i shall try. some of my fondest moments of playing modded new vegas was when my character and veronica were raped, robbed of their belongings, and had their unconscious bodies tossed on the side of the road and i am hoping to recreate that
Grim and hot. Godspeed you coomer.
Can't anymore, Bethesda shut it down
Why is one guy literally just fucking vantablack?
Cause ur gay
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we've finished all things retaining to fallout, AI.

now we're pushing to an IA system to transport these ...
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It's easier to install than Ostim SA, albeit more jank and doesn't have 1st person. I haven't tried AAViolate, though.
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Oh, and you have to go on the AAF discord to download the main framework mod. Click on the mushroom cloud to get access to the other channels
that's really disappointing to hear
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I wish he'd draw more fallout, only 6 likes, wtf

If his art wasn't dogshit maybe he'd get more likes
if youre gonna shill yourself, at least open up comms.
>at least open up comms
What does that mean?
>not knowing what a military radio channel is
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This nig japanese, gotta get his skeb shit. But his art is cute. I will try to reach out and see if he'll draw for me.
Comms mean commissions.
That looks cool.
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Let it die
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>fallout 2 fanart
Well, that's rare.
"Imagine the smell" bump.
>Imagine the faggotry negative bump
It is disappointing how little art Cass has.
No one cares
You care enough to reply. => type the captcha here.=> Verify => move the slider =>8x2ng => and post.
Ur getting baited m8
How so?
U got trolled by replies and kept feeding
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I don't get it.
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me neither, I think he's trolling you
>to a minimum
Or better yet none of it at all
why not?
Ur gay
You are a repulsive faggot
You are a based chad
Nah he fag and now u r 2
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pubes love

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