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Adventure Time version
Unkempt girls or nerdy antisocial types welcome.
>Bonus for Fiona but other girls welcome
>No futa shit
>No gay shit, but lesbians are okay
>No Queen of Spades cringe
>No gas or onara
>No drama
Previous thread
>I'm a virgin and wouldn't want to be 'easy'... But then as a virgin I'm fuckin desperate so...
Femanons are the coolest. There should be a dating service that excluded normalfags
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Would Fionna smell nice from down there?
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How often do you think your favorite loser girl is flicking it?
>Fionna: at least twice a week, except twice a day when she's in a more hormonal phase
Depends how long she's been without a bath
What does that have to do with anything?
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Never been with a girl, have you?
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Fionna definitely seems like the kind of girl who’d have smelly feet, regardless of how often she washes them.
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wife material
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I don't see a wedding ring?
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this is my favorite fetish, I love sweaty, smelly, hairy girls and wish it was celebrated more
What do you like about them, anon? What is your fantasy?
Fionna does seem like she'd legitimately feed Cake some lasagna, even when she was in her normal cat form.
She is such a mess of a woman!
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is there another page?
As the femanon you replied to I don't know how I'd go about even working up the courage to go through with it, Anon.
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You just lie down and enjoy the show, femanon! Smelly loser girls are to be cherished!
>leaf covering crotch
God this is so damn hot.
So just 'lay down and take it'? I've had that dream before, Anon...
I've lived that dream before!
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Fionna probably has some messy fwb situations going on, which probably scared away DJ Flame
What do you smell like, femanon? And how often do you bathe?
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I don't know if I could pick up on my own smell, Anon. I bathe every two days... In general
I got a problem with that pic
baggy clothes hid an amazing treasurer, there delicate body's

I knew one in hs and she couldnt lifter more then 20lbs
>I bathe every two days... In general
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These girls have the same standards as hot, popular Stacy type girls, fyi, they don’t want to date a fellow loser and definitely not an ugly awkward dude
Hate to break it to you anon, but none of them are real.
To be fair, it's part of our nature to be more forgiving towards attractive people.
You're guilty of the same thing since this character type is being paired with a pretty woman and not an ugly awkward girl.
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Loser girls selling their holes to neet all day!
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I wouldn't be shocked if he wasn't even the first old man she fucked
I want to lick her sweaty feet!
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Would Fionna be a fujoshi?
Probably. She canonically reads adventure-type of novels which means she likely reads a lot of fanfiction, which is basically the gateway to smut for a certain type of woman.
Pls don't call me out like that, Anon.
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No worries, anon. I don't judge you, regardless of how many unread tabs of AO3 you have open in a browser you use with one hand.
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Fanfiction became html twine games... There's some good ones.
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She would forget too kek
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what are the top genres of fanfics you think Fionna would be into?
Well I never watched her show so I don't really know her personality. She's a genderbent Finn, right?
Probably monsters and tentacles. Maybe magical mind control. N-not that I know anything about that sorta thing ..
If she's anything like Finn, she's also into watching her partners fight random people for her pleasure too
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For those who are subbed to Yellow Elephant on pixiv, is there a reason I cant see his older images despite having the Voting tier? I tried to ask with a comment on a recent post, but it seems my comment was deleted for some reason when I said the link he gives only shows the current month. That's weird fucking behavior if it's him doing it. I'm literally paying money for this.
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It feels like it’s almost natural for a femme loser type to have a cat that has probably seen too much.
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this is the lore and backstory I need for them in season 2
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I'm still here and I'm still a femcel loser. Bump.
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welcome back.
You will never leave
Thanks. The threads just been open on a background tab on my erotic fanfiction viewing device (what other people might call a phone)

I know. I'm forever in the basement.
>The threads just been open on a background tab
Similar here. I pop in usually before and after work, except for today when I've got it in the background while playing games since it's the weekend. Just check here and there for any update before carrying on with the day.
>erotic fanfiction viewing device
Anything good on it today?
Not today - not yet. Yesterday I was on nhentai looking at doujin.
Why not let some anon here take away your femceldom?
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Looking for anything specific or just browsing?
That's what I was fantasizing about...

'Corruption' tag
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hopefully that tag brought you what you were looking for or needed. or anything on nhentai in general did the job for you.
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It did... I was reading ShindoL...

How would you like to be fucked, femanon?
I dunno, Anon. I'm a virgin... Hard?
Where are you located? Would you be interested in talking on discord or something?
I don't really wanna put my location out there, Anon. Same with posting my discord on 4chan...
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My Beautiful Gangly money-grubbing wife
The least you could do is post some lewd fantasies. We all know you're just a guy LARPing though
Believe what you want Anon. Femcel I might be but even I wouldn't rise to such obvious bait.
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>I was reading ShindoL
what's that all about? what's the synopsis? is it worth sharing?
Just imagine how much this shut in gamer girl smells
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You could make a another discord and if you think I am not retarded you could give your real one.
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