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Thread for characters that have less than 100 lewds. Post the ones you'd like to have more of, or wish had some at all.

Tear Along the Dotted Line
Enbie Girl
Cree Lincoln
Codename: Kids Next Door
Princess Elodie
Long Live the Queen
Angela Strraughend
Rusty Hearts
Vera Oberlin
Monster Prom
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Lacey Games
Boyfriend Material
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Vicky Segura
Protegiendo los Sueños de Sol
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Corpse Bride
Ingrid the Plague Doctor
Molly / Eva Wei
Oban Star-Racers
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This backup dancer from Phineas and Ferb is actually really cute
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https://youtu.be/s1dxv3sugpU?si=6tgR1eiiXPyhkokk whoever this is I need more of her
any male character i like
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Rose of Sharon Cassidy and Veronica Santangelo from Fallout: New Vegas. Pitifully not a lot with either of them.
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Jessica Raplansky
American Dad!
that one girl from the blobby comics
I really wish there was more Cleopatra in space art but there's barely any of it. I particularly want more of Akila the fishgirl but both her and Cleo have great designs I wish there was more of.
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Masha from The Owl House

Mystery Skulls
more Masha
chokers are severely underrated
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Quinby from The Ghost and Molly McGee
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Nebula and Quasar
Who are these?
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Got the continuation
Jessica Jacklyn
Rise of the TMNT
Calamity Jane from The Legend of Calamity Jane
Jessica Raplansky and her redhead BFF, Melinda
American Dad!
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Molly Jo from Amphibia
>Looks her up
>It's all blatant unironical lolicon

huh, so that's why
Milan Stone
MTV's Good Vibes
Jessica, not /34/ of this variant of Mrs. Claus
This intern from Total Drama
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Skara from The Owl House
this kind of annoys me to say there isn't porn of her, because I literally wrote a book on it. but its funny because I am pretty sure the person that drawn that commissioned (part of) the book, and then he learned how to draw so he didn't need to commission anybody and I am so proud of him.
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There's very little of the Octopus Pie women and practically nothing for the Octopus Pie men. Eve and Hanna get pretty much the most of it, and that's not really much at all.
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Probably the only one that exists of one of the men from the comic.
Could you elaborate? Afaik she has less than 100 images on R34 which was the point of the thread
For the life of me I don't understand how there isn't more Lady Grey from Fable. Definitely one of my first faps
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Casey Calderon from Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur
This is a show and tell, anon. Don't just tell, show
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Tow truck Tina from Home Movies
Well look at the file name on >>8189953
Any Ava's Demon girl. I want to dick down ava so bad in so many different ways it's unreal
Kit Ballard from Blade Kitten, im requesting her since 2022 and this is literally the only pic i got.

Don't know how people can't like such a hottie (maybe cause she is a catgirl?)
If anything being a catgirl is a plus, it's more likely that no one knows her source so for them it might just as well be a random meaningless design
Well yeah sadly the game wasn't a huge success thx to Atari fucking up everything.
And the comic is not very huge either.
meh, I just a bunch of porn on the subject over the years, but I think everything I touch is kind of like a blackhole and sort of disappears into the internet ether.
The way you're talking about it tells me that there's an actual book written about this subject and that you've both drawn most of her lewds, which I find to be very interesting

Please elaborate more!
OP image is Wikipe-tan, the mascot of Wikipedia's anime and manga category. I personally know her from her appearance in Strip Poker Night at the Inventory (SPNATI).
I said I drawn a lot of porn of it, not most of it.
You've been at this for 15 years, you need to tell me your story! I have so many questions, where can I reach you?
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You and everyone else it seems, 1/3 of her R34 is related to that game

The other 1/3 is her as a fucking child
Honestly need a chocolate witch so bad
Mac from Treasure Trekkers (which is a mouse therefore i'm not posting pic but still the character is cute)
there really isn't much of a story, I was commissioned an 8 page comic, because its relatively expensive commission, I decided to do some research and watch the series. After the scope of the original project was completed I decided that I should expend upon it by adding narrative sequence and additional details, as well as expending upon the kind of pairings. It took a long time because I kept having to revise and correcting the old drawings as I go, and it stop and starts overtime until the fan comic was completed until sometimes last year.
Is the artist fuluv?
No clue, it said lycangraves on rule34 but the twitter seems to be dead
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Fairly Oddparents
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the other third is p decent tho
That's still a pretty interesting story, thank you for sharing it
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Not enough of Dee Dee's replacement
Hot take, or very unpopular opinion:

A part of me does agree with you guys and that I'd like to see more lewds or just art of some these characters who seemingly have little to no art or lewds. But on the other hand, a majority of me does not mind if some of these characters have little or no porn or even fan art of them, why? Because the more art and lewds of them exist, the more likelihood of ABSOLUTE DOG SHIT LOW QUALITY PORN OF THEM WOULD EXIST AND BE MADE.

Sometimes I do believe it'd be best some of these good looking or sexy characters have minimal amounts of art and lewds and NOT be popular and we'll known. Simply because if they were more well known and had more art and lewds made of them. There're more chances and likelihood of shitty terrible NTR, BLACK'D, rape and guro-ryona porn that'd be made of them by the most shittiest and infamous NTR, rape and shock value artists out there.

Keep these good looking and cute obscure characters and dark skinned tomboys away from these dogshit artists and the shock value art and porn they make. Even if it means less art and lewds of them made, BLACK'D, NTR, rape and shock value artists can do excessively indulgent and have way too much. Obscure cuties and hotties sometimes deserve their obscurity for good reasons
Give me characters with 0 results and I will provide.
Sunny St. Cloud from Scooby-Doo Pirates Ahoy
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Far West
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Anything you can come up with for Roger from Promethea would be very welcome, drawfriend.
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None of the characters from Death Road to Canda have any results. A lot of the recruitable NPCs have a lot of potential

Roller Derby Girl, Pirate Captain, Valkyrie, Samedi, Fairy Queen, Fencer, Wood Woman, Caveman (though it's a cavewoman), Mad Scientist or Debutante...

Though the most iconic one is the magical girl, or Anime Girl, who not only shoots magical hearts at zombies and spews anime trope parodies at all times, but she also melts and explodes over time for some reason, and got to get featured on the Nintendo Switch cover

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Gunnerkrigg Court
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This show has nada
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Marchesa from the Discworld comics
No wonder why they all look terrible
Annalynn from the game of the same name
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Katya from The Owl House
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She is cute here.
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Becker Denoga from Hailey's On It!
Certainly, she doesn't have a lot of art.
Good choice.
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Masha the cute
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Luckily this one artist really knows how to draw her well
Fuuuuuck dude i love this
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Callie from Non-Named. This is all that exists.
>hot as fuck milf introduced in the show
>most of the porn is for the gay guy
Mrs. Sanchez (red dress) could get some
Who's this from?
Did anything catch your eye?
I guess not.
Katherine Stern, Tales from Alderwood
Kappa Mikey
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Punguari from The Casagrandes Movie
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Might as well shil lthe artist, since all he does is obscure characters like the ones in this thread as well https://twitter.com/ImpStripe/media

Also reminding you drawfags that the accounts on the OP are a great way to ensure you get a good chunk of views for free
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Miranda too
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Maria and Rosa Gonzales from Rosebuds
He's gone, anon.
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Tell me about it...
Erin Stout and Vivian James.
Well that's a crying shame.
I'm surprised Vivian James didn't take off, fucking an entire board sounds hot AF

More of her pls?
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I have drawn some stuff from back in the day I can post.

you are welcome, and I assumed you found the fan comic.
Advance wars
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Flatline (Nika) from Robin 2021 comics
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Need more Kyoshi
Cassandra isn't as popular as she should be
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G-Lo deserved better
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Jedda Walker from Defenders of the Earth
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sheila broflovski.
Chubby, it's canon she was a hotwife at one point. Not sure why there isn't more.
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Brenda/Margaret from Perfect Hair Forever
Buena Girl from Mucha Lucha
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Fangora Dracula from the baskervilles.
Also Anemia from the Anemia and iodine pilot.
i guest i'm one of the only one making nsfw of her.
To be fair the original artstyle doesn't exactly scream sexo
There NEEDS to be more porn of these two
Who are them?
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Sarah Wiggum from The Simpsons.
Rosa and Maria Gonzalez from Rosebuds
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Collectively, they might not have less than 100 but each of them don't have many.
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miss mistry
I miss them so much man
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Me too, I wish the show would come back
The twins from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDYxLj3bYds
Gwyndala, Star Trek Prodigy
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Kristine Sanchez from Hailey's On It!
she'd make a fine slampiggy
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Bee from Bee and Puppycat
Senua doesn't have enough porn.
He left us hanging.
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Minette and Mallory from the godzilla comics
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there so cute and theres like NO rule34 of them
not everything has rule34
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There should be
This character should too
be the change you want to see in the world
holy shit this is amazing, look at the little queens of france, thank you anon :D
This anon gets it
god, I haven't play Stella Glow in a long time
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Chloe Noonan has none outside of stupid stuff I've ordered
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Guilty Gear
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We need more of Marion from Partridge Family 2200 A.D.
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Castlevania Nocturne is filled with bara porn.
Sexy ass milf is undeservedly ignored.
>Sexy ass milf is undeservedly ignored.
many such cases
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Alyssa from My Dad the Rock Star
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Alma from Monster Hunter Wilds.
Kate Monster from Avenue Q
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Powdered Toast Man's Assistant from the original run of Ren and Stimpy

Got this piece from a drawthread weeks ago
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Jayda's Mom from Leo
Brenda Starr has only 1 pic.
Just 1
requested a few Hela Nemo from Cubix pics
I forgot she existed until you made this post. So I'm not surprised.
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any of the gals from Gerry Anderson's "Supermarionation" series but especially this gal
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it's more live action but UFO deserves a honorable mention as it was one of many series that inspired Evangelion's creation
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Ms Pink.
think i said this before, but for a series fulla runs with mature theming and sexual undertones-turned-overtones, i’m surprised no one’s done any lewd fanart of shade the changing girl/man/woman yet
Those two fuckers from Trolls 3
Atrocia Frankenstone
They had enough
It’s never enough with Velvet
Where's she from?
These ain't even worth it

Whatever, Mr. pigfucker
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My wife, Vela
post source
Rule 34 :^)
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Unfathomably based.
174 images, you just never checked
Sally - Detective Grimoire
I like that you can see her panties in the game and watch her tits jiggle
The Italian Teacher from Family Guy.
Anyone from the entire Flash Gordon franchise that isn't Aura, the lizard women or dale has none or a couple at most, and even those three don't have much.
more of Rosa
Abby Archer from Grossology, also her mom is hot a fug
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Talking about Rare girls, Kameo also needs more love, look at her DSLs
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Also Leafos from Viva Piñata
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And Amber fron Ghoulies
Grvslv Klvwtv from Duckman
>canonically has no gag reflex
How did she find out???
The Mr Frog fan
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Amber from My Naked Life.
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I've found ZERO rule34 of Nora from Family Guy. She'd be perfect for Bonnie CuckQuean stuff.


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Fine, I'll do it myself
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Penelope from Pok and Mok
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here's some rose
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Tala from Citizen Sleeper. Pretty sure the gsme in general doesn't have much.
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Still going with this
This bitch right here needs more lewds
you best get on it then
Is there really not a lot of her?
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Vin Venture
Shit, I mean Sylphrena
Stormlight Archive
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Zoey from Smiling Friends
more would be nice from her, I hope she gets more art after this week
my wife
Well she's been trending a bit lately
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We need rule34 artists to draw this woman from Rolling with the Ronks.
where's your wife from
the neighborhood
Not him but I think they're from Dofus.
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Re-L Mayer from Ergo Proxy (2006)

Suddenly a lot more due to AI but uh I don't count that.
thank you
Can you post more?
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background cheerleader character from Ben 10

That's just genderbent Ben
No, it's red Gwen

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