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Girls representing their country
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pick a side bros
cum 2 brazil
Trust me, I would if it were safe to do so.
France wins hard
Draw USA taking it up the ass from Israel.
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Wwyd when lady liberty parks her gunboats off your shore?
I'd probably surrender.
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>ai nigger
get out
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do countryhumans count?
more like this
Yes! German girls are the best in the world!
>Two have liveleak videos as their main exports
>One is currently failing to invade its neighbor
>The other two hate each others guts
So why do people make these guys out to be a superpower alliance again?
There’s a follow up of her being pounded by GIs right?
It's a blacked comic, so yes
I like this
Did some digging…
>>Two have liveleak videos as their main exports
I've seen more than enough liveleak videos from all five countries, man.
That's why America is the best
truer words have never been spoken before
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>Be drawfag
>Draw obscure historical event for shits and giggles
>Post in thread.
>Same image is reposted in same thread as I drew it.
>never change, /aco/
A drawing so nice, it got posted twice.
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How slutty are Argentinian women?
Drawfag here, what countries/historical events would you all want to see but aren't really represented much anywhere?
What about the Byzantine Empire and Persia/Sassanid Empire having a tsundere/love-hate relationship?
The Rape of Nanking
>The Rape of Nanking
This please!
someone should kill this artist with a knife desu
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Joan of Arc (France)
he's probably bandladeshi
Pretty sure its a korean account
Imagine the sex
She's wearing a british cocard on her hat, as seen on british planes. On the french cocard , the center should be blue and the edge red instead
Haitian Revolution
Please give us the rape of Nanking!
that's a really good one
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Best geo-political hate-fucking relationship there ever was
Awesome, man.
This is beautiful. Good job, anon!
This is so hot and so in tune with the modern world
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Dont forget that PRC and India have an active border conflict as well
it was an economic sham alliance is response to the old g7 alignment etc. It is silly of course but it was never meant to work as a true export alliance let alone a political one

come on, man
You could just use AI and make better stories, chud.
Texas and Canada?
yes, that's the sound of an artfag after AI.
cunty chick with hoop earrings 9/10
best girl, no contest 11/10
basic bitch blonde 3/10
looks like a depressed art chick who smokes hashish on a weekday, i have enough problems on my own 2/10
flat and boring, but the flower is cute 6/10
her ass is extremely fucking fat, but i don't think we'd get along 6/10
literally just uk with a braid 6.5/10
she gives me the canada tomboy vibes, but her outfit makes her look like works at a hooters 6/10
basic bitch blonde, indistinguishable from the us 3/10
id watch her poo in the loo 7/10
just worse italy with less attitude 5/10
>south africa
her thighs could pop my skull like a melon, but the short hair and nose ring really puts me off 4/10

if you disagree with my assessment, fuck you
like the historic direction
I want BRICS to peg me!
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Jewess vs Chudita
The Jewess is still ugly. Going for the Spanish one
who are they supposed to be
GI girls getting it in vietcong pow camps please
why are they green
This thread needs more countryhumans and hetalia
France looks like Andy Warhol.
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Most sane and coherent pro-Palestinian.
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why do argies draw anime girls as them
Why are these girls such huge sluts?
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Epic thread.

Total countryball death.
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gemmy idea
to the 'arty
I'm America First. So obviously Palestine gets my backing for exposing these long-nose freaks
Germany makes my peepee BIG AND HARD. Deutschland über ALLES.
>Germany makes my peepee BIG AND HARD. Deutschland über ALLES.
Fucking BASED
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The Indian subcontinent in general for like 150 years:
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Imagine fucking and breeding them both!
Post the one with Brazil and Germany
Based and freedompilled
>Includes a Puerto Rico image by mistake
Whatever, Puerto Rico is American anyway
never seen it
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Is that OC anon? If so you got a page?
Annex me, Natalya-san!

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