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Do you understand the concept of love?
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Gum is my waifu
This character feels familiar but I can't find anything about her, who is she?
I don't know, she has OC vibes
>she has OC vibes
Yeah, that's DJ Professor K's OC daughter, named DJ Doctor K. No idea where she came from, I've only ever heard her mentioned in that one JSR broadcast thing SilvaGunner did.
This lore is too complicated for me to keep up with
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I need their blue lipstick smeared on my cock...
Here's where she's originally from
Are you telling me this is fanmade? This production quality is top notch, I would've thought this was real
Based Rapid 99 enjoyer
I wish they had more art
Great pairing
>I wish they had more art
Why don't you?
One could even say OTP.
Gum's ass...
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The girls in BRC need way more porn.
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Bel seems to have a decent amount at least. Shine's fat tits definitely need more love, though.
Bel and Shine double titfuck
Unf... I probably wouldn't last 10 seconds.
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They nailed the slutty designs in BRC. I desperately want to tittyfuck them.
I think so too. I'm not ashamed to admit I've jerked off multiple times just watching them dance in game...

>I desperately want to tittyfuck them
God, imagine Bel smearing her blue lipstick all over the tip of your cock while you tittyfuck her to the beat of some fast-paced funk music.
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While filming it with her flip phone.
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Or while she's casually texting her friends and snapping pics for them
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This makes me want to commission art now, but I need to do my research to find worthwhile artists.
I've never commissioned art myself before so I wouldn't know where to start, but if there's any girl I'd commission art for it would definitely be one of these sluts. It's rare to even find anons wanting to talk about them in the first place.
I wish that spray can was my dick...
real talk, which has the better girls out of the two? Jet Set or Bomb Rush?
Overall, I'd say Jet Set Radio by far. Maybe I just like the more grounded designs. The sluttier ones from Future are great too.
JSR's are more iconic, but Bel in BRC alone makes me as hard as any JSR girl
Agreed, Bel is 11/10. None of the other girls in BRC come close, maybe Shine and the Futurism girls.
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I'm partial to the Eclipse girls--that exposed back and easy tittyfucking access.
Oh yeah they're pretty hot too. I just think the huge arms look kinda silly. Rise is also good with her tight one piece and thick thighs.
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Gum, my beloved...
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She's the sexiest
Also a canon slut which makes me like her even more
wait, i must have missed her being canonically slutty, what now
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They just call her a heartbreaker in both games when introducing her, also this is in Future's manual.
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I'm surprised there isn't more considering that even in-game they're so big you can see them from behind.
oh my, I hadn't remembered that bit at all
Add Sunset Overdrive next time, OP.
Is there even any porn of that?
rule 34 of the internet: "if it exists, there's porn of it." such is the way of things, anon. there's most likely porn out there of it.
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finally a place to post this
Unf, I love it. Thanks for sharing, anon.
i would like to let her use my face as a chair
She's probably all sweaty from skating around all day...
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Wanna fuck her tits so badly...
Her cleavage is very inviting.
It is. Imagine laying her down and sticking your dick down her cleavage hole without even taking her suit off.
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I'm not a fan of reverse paizuri myself, I'd want to see her face while titfucking so I could cum on it.
Yeah, you have a point there. Not just to cum on her face but also so she could alternate between titfucking and smearing her blue lipstick on my cock.
Which one?
live, dammit. need to understand the concept of love
I think I understand it a little bit whenever I look at Gum.
Cube or Mew.
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understandable, gum is very cute!
True. As sexy as all the JSR girls are, Gum has got a special place in my heart.
I still have my opinions
What's your opinion on Gum's two designs? Do you like the cuter one from JSR or the sluttier one from Future?
Let's hear them.
I need Cube's ass on my face.
you gonna share those opinions, or...?
We will never know...
personally, I prefer JSR
this one has always been my fav, partially because of how fucking old it its.
How's this for old?
Man, I really wish Zone had done more Jet Set Radio stuff.
is that a cross?
No its a jack each end has a different size/shape to fit different screws
Free use <3
I wish there was an aftermath pic of that
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JSR is set in 2000, right? Does that mean Gum is almost 40?
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MILF Gum...
Her tight dress barely able to contain her massive tits~
YES, EXACTLY! Her matured body poking through her old rudie clothes~
And still acting like a loudmouthed brat despite being almost 40. Unf~
Unf agreed. MILFs are god tier
>you will never make out with Gum whole getting a titjob from Bel
Why live?
They’re out there you just gotta believe
If only... I can dream about it at least
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I love Gum so much. I'm obsessed
Add me

Do you like any of the other JSR girls? I think they're all great in their own way
I really hope they won't fuck up the girls' designs in the upcoming game, we desperately need a JSR porn renaissance
why would they fuck it up for?
*Points to almost every single remake/reboot game in the last 10 years
isn't that just confirmation bias?
It's kinda funny how often this thread gets bumped just to Page 10 other threads faster
that happens every day
there's a lot of schizos around here
yeah, it's a shame
it really is
No it isn't.

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