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Thread capturing the moment a girl/s realise the dick she's getting just hits different. Shocked expressions, sexual babbling, artistic stuff like heart eyes, etc. Anal or pussy preferred since it's not a penis awe thread.

No futa, no gay, no gross stuff(scat, piss, gore, etc.). Also no racial supremacy symbols.
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decent concept, though you might consider combining this and the Eventual/questionable content thread, and finding a name that would encompass both
I think OP made it fairly different. It's feels less about "fuck you till you love me/not even asking" and more so a girl going "holy shit this dick is heavenly"
I don't dispute that they're different topics, I just don't know if both threads have enough traffic to actually be active, vs both requiring a bump every couple hours to not fall off the catalog
>I just don't know if both threads have enough traffic to actually be active, vs both requiring a bump every couple hours to not fall off the catalog
This is what the internet is all about - micromanaging other users' behavior to optimize the stellar quality of a Yugoslavian shadowpuppet goonfest...

My brother in Christ, post an image if you want someone to care what drivel you spill on your keyboard. You live in an ivory tower with flaking paint made of cum.
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why are you so mad over someone wanting thread quality to improve?
there's no benefit to having two inactive threads up when you could have one active thread
I love seeing their expression as she's railed against the glass
Here's an education on what constitutes the quality of a thread on an imageboard, in order of priority:
>1. Increase the relevant-image-to-post ratio.
(You) made two imageless posts, we need say no more. >>>/s/ does a good job of this, bless them.
>2. Increase the quality of the images being posted.
Everyone has personal tastes, but there are objective standards that most people know when they see it.
>3. Increase the quality and resilience of community communications
This is the point where your regulars and good samaritans foster newcoomers into good posting practice and you can have banter that others enjoy. Having a Discord/reddit blowing circlejerk loads all over each other's dicks is the antithesis of this because outsiders don't know what is going on, and it doesn't create better posters.
>4. Increase the posting speed.
This is last. I repeat - last. Threads on an imageboard that have low image:post ratios, bad images, horrible conversation, and high post counts are spam. It is the epitome of what shitposting is. Abandon shitposting, embrace goldposting.
Theres no greater feeling than seeing a switch in a girl go off and she just gets absorbed by lust because of how you're doing her. It's the ultimate self-confidence boost.
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Nice page 10 thread, bozos.
she looks nervous maybe?
Kinda yeh
This made me lul, but still fitting
who's the OC, pepsi-chan?
In the upper-left/-right corner of a post with an image, there is a (...) menu or an arrow that allows you to perform an image search. 99% of content is sauceable this way. I've confirmed you can find this artist's handle in this fashion.

Please be sure to post a relevant image when you ask favors like this in the future.
The term already exists, it is called "mind break".
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fair enough
>99% of content is sauceable in this way
not in my experience, which is why I don't even bother anymore
>"Please wait a while before making a post"
>CAPTCHA again
>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam.
This is just awful.
I always cum buckets to this picture. I wish drow girls were real instead of n-
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Love that pic; hot and lewd, but also kinda wholesome. Hits just right for me. My pic best I can do from my collection.
Who the fuck do I contact about this? I'm going to stop using the site.
There is absolutely no rhyme or reason to when this pops up. I change the image - blocked. I alter the text - blocked. I spend ten minutes drafting an invested reply on a blue board - blocked. I already CAPTCHA. I already have to dodge blanket IP bans from other users. I am doing nothing wrong. I have no admin community to reach out to, and they already have a horrid reputation from the general community. It has gotten worse and worse and worse over the last decade. I'm nearly a two-decade oldfag, WTF are you guys doing to this site?
Calm always makes the best stuff!
Does this count?
why are her privates all pixelated?
why aren't yours
I love women orgasms!
nuh uh
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what is?
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Calm makes the best stuff!

That her husband loves it. He actually only likes it.
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Princess Iria something or other, I think.
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>cattle pupils
this is my fetish
It's ai.
It is not.
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This is what a bitch deserves
she's been a bad girl
The guy is from a ps1 game obviously
The girl looks like the playable Female MC from the recent Fire Emblem game
You might have luck finding her in the /vg/ general
Who's the elf chick in the header image?
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Some ai generated character

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