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"New 'Claw" Edition
Post everything relating to Lewd Hogwarts Legacy / Harry Potter.

Aggie drawing board:

>Penelope Warwick's ERP Emporium:

>From the Desk of Farley-Kun:

>Miranda's caring stories:

>/hplg/ stories and pics:

>Vocaroo files:

>Matti's lewd artwork:

Previous thread: >>8166495
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Nice thread title
*kisses your morning wood*
thank you anon
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Always eepy, always busy...
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Sorry if I've been keeping you too busy little bee~
Ohhh. You are not a problem of it~
bubbly bee bottom blatantly backdooring bulbous bellends beyond brevity, beguiling belligerent blackguards between buxom buttocks before being baptized beneath boiling baby batter
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Posting some fun stuff to keep the thread alive before bed.
Is that Ioni or Odette?
We need more anal witches
>Pink beret
>battered french fries
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Double battered even.
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That is a... nice poem you did there anon. Good work.
>Pats your head.

I always knew Ioni will be the one of us getting the child(dren) ^^
The fry comments made me want some sweet potato fries for lunch.
Fry comments?
Something about battered French fries.
domestic abuse is NOT okay
This but Mega
Good night
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Now now, no dying tonight.

>I always knew Ioni will be the one of us getting the child(dren) ^^
She always seems happy with that kind of fun. Looks like you're making some good snacks for everyone, whatcha got for us~?
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Yes, she does.
I... try to make some cookies. Everyone likes cookies and i know espically Ava loves them. But... i might have used a bit to much flour...
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Yeah? Come take a closer look.

>I... try to make some cookies. Everyone likes cookies and i know espically Ava loves them.
Aww, I'll have to help you next time.

>But... i might have used a bit to much flour...
Want me to help you clean up~?
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>Aww, I'll have to help you next time.
Yeah.. Im a bad cook.

>Want me to help you clean up~?
Gladly. The kitchen is a mess..
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[spoiler]God I wish the AI would be consistent with dark skin colors. Changes me from brown to straight out of Africa every other gen.[/spoiler]

>The kitchen is a mess..
Oops, I think I made the mess worse instead~
This was not the plan! o((>ω< ))o
Now there is even more to clean.
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That's fine, I can help you clean that off in the shower~
I'll eat your cookie if you try my cake ;)
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>Seb's a lucky wizard.
I'm sure he'd agree. Well, in this respect anyway. He might be less lucky in other aspects of life but at least Eva is always happy to help him relieve some stress...
>Still, if he lets you play around with other witches now and then so long as there's no cock involved, I may need to stop by Ravenclaw Tower sometime
Hmm, perhaps so indeed...

Forgot to comment on this earlier but very nice... I hadn't thought about time turner sex before but that's kind of hot.

I didn't know we had such poetic talent in here.

>Always eepy, always busy
I know that feel well, unfortunately. Hope things clear up for you soon Flo.

And of course the Hufflepuffs are baking... I suppose wouldn't turn down some cookies and cake if offered.
this eva? why is she blonde?
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You mean you've been holding back on me? C'mon, anon... though I can be kinda distracting so I'll go easy on you...

Damn right you do. Now on your knees~

>oh yeah, you're deeeeefinitely a bad witch.
A *very* bad witch, which is what makes me so good at what I do. Now bend over.

>Hmm, perhaps so indeed...
Seb isn't the only one that could do with some stress relief...I'll stop by Ravenclaw Tower tonight, then...
Damn what did you do to Addie?
In this curious environment, we see what happens to the social structure of wizards and witches when there exists a lack of wizards. The species exhibits a great flexibility in mating patterns and socio-sexual dynamics; as seen here >>8208538
where a witch exhibits protogynous hemaphroditism in order to expand her mating options. Curiously, the other extreme is also seen, if I can find the speci- oh there he is! >>8195848
this fella shows profound protandrous hermaphroditism, presumably also to expand mating availability. It is currently poorly understood how these behaviours and changes affect the reproductive fitness of the species.
This has been Williford B. Willicotter III sr., signing out.
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Decided to make more Eudae gens.

That isn't Addie.

You let me know if you need more of the special frosting~
Making a sticky deposit inside Mega's ass
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Hmmm ok. But i want to become clean. So the only white stuff i want on me this time is soap and shampoo, alright?~

To get some Avacake, you can have as much of my cookie as you want ;)

>I suppose wouldn't turn down some cookies and cake if offered.
We Hufflepuffs like to share. I think Ava thinks the same

Still strange to see her in that environment. Not that i have a problem with it tho :)
>And of course the Hufflepuffs are baking... I suppose wouldn't turn down some cookies and cake if offered.
Happy to share with you, Eva :)
Tell that goober I'm still waiting for his owl.
ᴵ ᵗʰᶦnᵏ ˢʰᵉ ᶜᵒˡᵒʳˢ ᶦᵗ
Woah... Looking good, Mel O.O
>Thanks. Picked it up during my latest adventure. Want me to bring you something like this next time I'm out?
That seems like a pretty intimate gift, Mellybean. You, uh, like me or something, huh?! ʸᵉˢ
Want some cake?
Glad to see Eudae and Ioni
>You let me know if you need more of the special frosting~
Haha, thanks again. You've been a great help today.
>To get some Avacake, you can have as much of my cookie as you want ;)
Mmmm~ My favorite cookie! Tastes like honey ;P
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>So the only white stuff i want on me this time is soap and shampoo, alright?~
Okay okay, I'll play nice this time.

>Still strange to see her in that environment.
Probably won't show up too much more, but I felt like letting people have a peak~

>Haha, thanks again. You've been a great help today.
No problem. Frosting an entire cake AND making a pie? Lot of work~

She has magic color changing hair.
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>Woah... Looking good, Mel O.O
That goes without saying. I always look good.
>That seems like a pretty intimate gift, Mellybean. You, uh, like me or something, huh?! ʸᵉˢ
I wouldn't be offering it if I didn't, Avacado. You want a ring? Or maybe some piercings? Either way, you're cute when you're flustered.
>Want some cake?
If you're the only one who handled its frosting, then definitely.
i would watch a whole series about this
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Heh, I was actually considering editing that picture to make it darker but then I realized it's entirely correct to how Eva's hair looks in bright lighting. For whatever reason, her hair is super strongly affected by light and can look pretty much anywhere within the blonde-brown spectrum. Picrel is what it looks like in bright light, totally unaltered... yeah, I don't know either.
>A *very* bad witch, which is what makes me so good at what I do. Now bend over.
Oh yeah? Gonna show me what that "Ring of Honor" can do for you? Come on then, let's see how BIG of a heel you can be~
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I love it when cute "faces" like you are so eager for my cock...Makes breaking you in and going over you all the more fun. I hope you didn't have anything planned, because you're in for a *very* long endurance match~
A bit cocky there considering we're just getting started, I think you'll have a tough time breaking me, I'm quite springy, but feel free to try. Hope you have enough gas in your tank~
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Don't you worry about that. We have all the time in the world, and I've got a full tank and then some. Now let's make sure this crowd gets their money's worth, and let's start by gaping that tight little asshole of yours~
I didn't expect to catch you in my rear naked choke so soon, ooooh that's a snug fit, I wonder how long you can take the pressure?
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Always fun to lull you into a false sense of security before I break you like the jobber slut you are. Just in time to catch you with my Mandible "Claw"...
I love it when they're full of themselves, it makes it all the more fulfilling when you're weak in the knees and quivering later. Let's see if you taste as good as you look, don't hold back baby~
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Amelia and who?
Nice, thanks babe.
wish this was me
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Gotta take it slow, even with horny sluts like you. There's enough snake here to make you into a Parseltongue when we're finally through. But I won't hold back, especially when you end up addicted to my taste. Nothing else compares. Enjoy~
that's hot

>Gotta take it slow, even with horny sluts like you.
Aww, don't be like that, you wouldn't want me to get dehydrated now would you?
>But I won't hold back, especially when you end up addicted to my taste. Nothing else compares. Enjoy~
Mmmm, tastes like a victory for everyone tonight, and time to hit the showers.
when are you doing this to addie?
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>Aww, don't be like that, you wouldn't want me to get dehydrated now would you?
We wouldn't want that at all...and you still look so thirsty, too. Open wide~
>Mmmm, tastes like a victory for everyone tonight, and time to hit the showers.
We Slytherin work hard, so we play hard too. I hope you're not thinking our victory celebrations end in the showers, since you're about to spend a VERY long time in my dorm room afterwards~
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>you still look so thirsty, too. Open wide~
Aaaaaaahhh...*mmph*.*gulp**gulp**gulp**gasp* Godrics gonads that gushes like a geyser! Is it always like that?
>you're about to spend a VERY long time in my dorm room afterwards~
OooOoo that's what I like to hear, I could use a good stretch and that basilisk looks like just the right tool for the job~
>Godrics gonads that gushes like a geyser!
If a girl I was having sex with said this I would leave
Lola is Mega's alt
Aww don't take it so seriously.

You wish.
It's funny you mention that... I want to be Mel's bitch but Lola is *basically* my OC, so I get to enjoy it vicariously through her!
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Finally have time to relax again, I see you all are still having plenty of fun~
You should join, I'm sure she'd appreciate a couple girls giving her some personal attention.
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>Mmmm~ My favorite cookie! Tastes like honey ;P
Glad you like them. The honey is harvested by myself ;)

>Okay okay, I'll play nice this time.
Good. Good. But you silly wolf. Dont take your sunglasses with you in the shower. You just have to clean them afterwards to get all the waterstains away.

>Probably won't show up too much more, but I felt like letting people have a peak~
Mhm. Well as long she is ok with it, it is a nice peak.

>Godrics gonads that gushes like a geyser!
Was it you that wrote the poem? >>8199275 :D

Need help with the relaxing? Ill glady help you however you want.
oops, I've been busted.
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>You just have to clean them afterwards to get all the waterstains away.
Oh I'm not worried, they've been through a lot worse.

>Well as long she is ok with it, it is a nice peak
She's okay with it, more might show up later too.

>Need help with the relaxing? Ill glady help you however you want.
Sure, come over here. I'm sure you can think of how you can help me.

>oops, I've been busted.
The poet is revealed! You're going to have to pay for this silly crime.
>That goes without saying. I always look good.
That ego...
>I wouldn't be offering it if I didn't, Avacado. You want a ring? Or maybe some piercings?
Hmmm. I see a lot of things I like... Oh, some of this jewelry is cute too. You don't mind if I try a few things on, do you?
>Either way, you're cute when you're flustered.
That goes without saying. I'm always cute ;P
>You're going to have to pay for this silly crime.
How can I ever make it up to you?
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>Godrics gonads that gushes like a geyser
Alliteration is sexy...
>Is it always like that?
>OooOoo that's what I like to hear, I could use a good stretch and that basilisk looks like just the right tool for the job~
I'll skip the mandatory "Chamber of Secrets" joke and jump straight to work stretching you out, you little slut~

>I want to be Mel's bitch
You know which dorm room is mine.

>You should join, I'm sure she'd appreciate a couple girls giving her some personal attention.
You know me so well, Anon...

>That ego...
A big part of what makes me so loveable, I know~
>Hmmm. I see a lot of things I like... Oh, some of this jewelry is cute too. You don't mind if I try a few things on, do you?
Go for it. Half of that stuff I can't even remember where I got it. Just grab anything you like. And don't think I didn't notice how that cute plug you're wearing is green~
>That goes without saying. I'm always cute ;P
Cheeky. Oh, I really like you~
The Miranda treatment
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>How can I ever make it up to you?
Since that poetic mouth is what got you into trouble. You're gonna come over here and use it to pay for your crimes.
>Alliteration is sexy...
Thank you :), it's nice to be appreciated for my oral skills~
>I'll skip the mandatory "Chamber of Secrets" joke
Rats, I was hoping you'd take the bait though...
>and jump straight to work stretching you out, you little slut~
mmm that's what I've been waiting for, let me feel every last bit of you until I lose my mind

>You're gonna come over here and use it to pay for your crimes.
I might be a little tied up for a bit, but if Mel is fine with sharing then I'll do my absolute best to take care of both of you, and I just know you can help keep the noise down~
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Haha. Dont worry. I think its funny.

>Sure, come over here. I'm sure you can think of how you can help me.
A massage is always a good start to relax, no~?

This is the best cake i can imagine, right there. Also what is this nice jewelry you have there? Hope it made a cute "plop" ;)
>I'm always cute ;P
I can confirm this :3
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>but if Mel is fine with sharing then I'll do my absolute best to take care of both of you
And if not, you can always come help clean up once Flo and I are done~

>A massage is always a good start to relax, no~?
A very good way to relax. I won't say no to that kind of massage
>you can always come help clean up once Flo and I are done~
Of course! Cleaning up after messy wizards is my specialty~
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>Thank you :), it's nice to be appreciated for my oral skills~
Your oral skills aren't the only thing I appreciate in you~
>Rats, I was hoping you'd take the bait though...
Nope. Good try, though!
>mmm that's what I've been waiting for, let me feel every last bit of you until I lose my mind
Yeah? You wanna feel this fat cock stretching you out to your limits, you horny fucktoy?
>I might be a little tied up for a bit, but if Mel is fine with sharing then I'll do my absolute best to take care of both of you, and I just know you can help keep the noise down~
I don't mind sharing, though, keeping the noise down? I wanna hear you moan like a bitch in heat~
>Of course! Cleaning up after messy wizards is my specialty~
With all the snake you've had in your mouth since we crossed paths, I would've guessed your specialty was speaking Parseltongue~
>Your oral skills aren't the only thing I appreciate in you~
I know I appreciate one or two things of yours in me as well ;)
>You wanna feel this fat cock stretching you out to your limits, you horny fucktoy?
I'm getting butterflies in my stomach just imagining. How I'd be gasping for breath as you slowly push your way inside, that massaging heat going deeper and deeper with each thrust, the pressure of being completely filled by you causing my legs to shudder uncontrollably before you finally begin to throw yourself into me over and over, each thrust a mixed stab of pain and pleasure, feeling your powerful arms hold me tight as you press your weight against me. Would it be hard and fast, or slow and intense? Would our breathing sync as our lips tease each other? The thought that I might cum just from getting you inside me, that if I let loose I won't be able to hold back, that I won't be able to stop myself from
>moan like a bitch in heat~
as I throw my hips into yours, meeting each thrust with my own, just how many times could I wring that climactic warmth from you before I won't be able to move anymore?

Yeah I might want it a bit, but now I have to work.

>With all the snake you've had in your mouth since we crossed paths, I would've guessed your specialty was speaking Parseltongue~
Hey, I do believe you're the only charming snake that's slithered passed these lips.

have (you) ever masturbated to your own HL/MA character?
No, but I have masturbated to myself in the mirror
Not when alone, but when doing stuff with someone else.
No that's troon behavior.
never to my own
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I knew you enjoy it

Dont worry. You dont have to wait till its over. I like to share.
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>Of course! Cleaning up after messy wizards is my specialty~
After how messy you got last time we had fun? That doesn't surprise me~.

>I knew you enjoy it
I always do~.
I prefer a bit of bush myself.
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>I know I appreciate one or two things of yours in me as well ;)
Lucky for you, you'll have a *very* long time to appreciate them
>Would it be hard and fast, or slow and intense?
How about hard and intense? My muscular arms wrapped around you, holding you in place as I thrust in and out of you, giving you no quarter, no time to recover, holding you in that fine threshold between pleasure and pain, my cock stretching out your walls, claiming you as my own as my lips steal a few errant kisses, your body mine to do as I see fit for as long as I please until you're flooded in my thick seed as I cum inside you~
>just how many times could I wring that climactic warmth from you before I won't be able to move anymore?
I gave up counting after we reached the double digits. You won't be leaving my dorm room for a *very* long time.

>Hey, I do believe you're the only charming snake that's slithered passed these lips.
I'm sure I am, but I'm worth at the very least, ten snakes~
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She has stolen all his manly vitality!
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MA Maria shows MA Matthias something special after potions class~
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lol is matti modeled after the dried up mexican alien? that's funny
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>I always do~.
And so do i.

Aww they are so cute.
You look pretty dryed out in the first one. Looks like what happens after the "You nutted but she keeps sucking" :D

good night
Sleep tight
Thank you bump anon
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so how you guys handling the summer heat
spoiler: I'm not
also i am not an /aco/ witch ok I don't post here you saw NOTHING
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>so how you guys handling the summer heat
Could be worse, I've been using it as an excuse to go outside to work out. It makes me miss the rain every day.

>i am not an /aco/ witch ok I don't post here you saw NOTHING
Right right, I'm sure. Just like I'm not an /aco/ wizard and I've never posted here. I DEFINITELY didn't see anything... For the right price.
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Hmmm~ A very nice angle you got there.

Yes of curse. You just misstook this place with the main thread. And the NSFW drawings are completly accidentally posted, right? ;)
>A big part of what makes me so loveable, I know~
Heh. A big part of why I wanted to knock you out so long ago. Not so much anymore <3
>Go for it. Half of that stuff I can't even remember where I got it. Just grab anything you like. And don't think I didn't notice how that cute plug you're wearing is green~
As generous as she is gorgeous. Thanks, Goldie. ^^
>Cheeky. Oh, I really like you~
>This is the best cake i can imagine, right there. Also what is this nice jewelry you have there? Hope it made a cute "plop" ;)
I've always liked your drawings, P- uh, anon-I'm-seeing-here-for-the-first-time
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>Heh. A big part of why I wanted to knock you out so long ago. Not so much anymore <3
Just shows how there was already a spark between us, even back then...
>As generous as she is gorgeous. Thanks, Goldie. ^^
I try. Plus, you look good with all that gold on you~
I need to go to London soon and get some stuff from Diagon Alley. You wanna come along? Just the two of us?
You do give me that very regularly, yes.

Can't relate to the summer heat yet, but I always liked your drawings, random anonymous person.

Lewd but also very cute couple.
>Dont worry. You dont have to wait till its over. I like to share.
How can I refuse such a deliciously enticing offer? I'll take my time so I don't miss any of those hard to reach places~

>After how messy you got last time we had fun? That doesn't surprise me~.
But I can't have fun cleaning up if nobody makes a mess in the first place~

>Lucky for you, you'll have a *very* long time to appreciate them
It's a wonder I have any time to study with all the appreciation you've been giving me
>How about hard and intense?
Mmm, I'm aching just thinking about it~
>I gave up counting after we reached the double digits.
If we're going to keep this up I'm going to need you to find some contraception potion for me

Such a cute and satisfied looking couple.

Beating the heat by not wearing clothes and going tubing.
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may dreams of penises guide thee to thy rest
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>It's a wonder I have any time to study with all the appreciation you've been giving me
Probably not. But I'm willing you don't particularly care, do you~?

>Mmm, I'm aching just thinking about it~
As well you should. We're not even close to done~

>If we're going to keep this up I'm going to need you to find some contraception potion for me
One of my favorite perks about being good at potions is that I can just brew them myself. Drink up! I put a lot of "me" in it~
I'll let her handle my snake like that.
looks like a comfy way to spend a hot day
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Dramatized reenactment of Maria and I meeting here
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Thats not a "no" ;)
Oh and i love the pillow bite. Very cute.

>How can I refuse such a deliciously enticing offer? I'll take my time so I don't miss any of those hard to reach places~
Oh wow... Thats not what i expected but not in a bad way~
Say if you need help next time.

I dont remember it that way. But i am still super happy for you both ^^
He about to explore the jungle
>Just shows how there was already a spark between us, even back then...
Pfffft HAHAHAHA! I suppose that's one way to look at it. There was certainly *something*. XD
>I try. Plus, you look good with all that gold on you~
*ahem* "That goes without saying... " ;)
>I need to go to London soon and get some stuff from Diagon Alley. You wanna come along? Just the two of us?
Building castles in the sky~
Sure, foxy lady. You got yourself a date ;)
>You do give me that very regularly, yes.
Perv ;P
Speaking of cute...
>Thats not a "no" ;)
Bush is peak and I will stand by that until my final breath
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>Pfffft HAHAHAHA! I suppose that's one way to look at it. There was certainly *something*. XD
Alright, maybe the right term was probably "deadly thunderstorm". What can I say, you look hot (hotter) when you're angry (or should I say, Scottishing incoherently)
>*ahem* "That goes without saying... " ;)
Someone's been taking notes...clearly I'm being a good influence on you~
>Sure, foxy lady. You got yourself a date ;)
We'll catch the Express on a Friday and be back by Monday...maybe. If we feel like it. ;)
>Perv ;P
You love it!

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