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I know it's not everyones cup of tea, but sometimes daddy issues hits different. Post images with the context of the girls(preferably) calling their partner "daddy", or the daddy figure calling himself as such while banging the girl/s(again preferably).

No futa, gay allowed but must be femboy/trap, no gorss stuff(gore, piss, scat, etc.)
Forgot to mention, NO ACTUAL INCEST. This is not an incest thread.
Fucking hot. I wonder how difficult it is to find. I'll look some pics
what's the point of this rule? just to annoy people?
That sounds about right.
What's the tag for this?
also curious to know
Daddy_kink works just fine
Can someone give the artist name? Saucenao and yandex ain’t got shit
What the fuck Mario! you got princess peach, don't fuck around with Daisy!
The daddy kink is real... Trust me. I'm a prime example of it.
How do you like to enjoy it, anon?
My professor in uni. I call him Professor Daddy when we're 'together'...
Have you two fucked and what is it like to know its something so taboo?
Yes we've been together. And we keep it quiet of course. Especially because he's married. I'm 21 and he's in his late 40s
Also, I don't think it's that taboo. We're both adults. The only risk is his marriage. I have a guy friend who is with one of the female professors, as well.
That is so hot!

It is taboo, and for good reason: it's a power dynamic that exists in parts of your life other than the bedroom.

You're risking your education if it goes south, not just his marriage. Be careful. Not only is a 21yo so much less of an adult than they might imagine compared to a 30yo (nevermind 40+), it should be very telling that your own risks apparently aren't on your radar at all.

Anyway do get off on it while the going is good
it would still be worth it in the end though no matter how things end up
He cares about me... He says he'd leave his wife for me
You can do it anon, I believe in you! (Also post pics with your lover someday)
Any way to know who is the artist?
post t he follow up bro
was he hot?
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>love getting called daddy in bed
>finally find a girl who's into it, marry her
>have baby
>realize I will never be comfortable with the mother of my child calling me "daddy" during sex ever again
>"I could call you papa or something if you want?"
>"Ugh, no"
At least I got a couple glorious years of "fuck me daddy fuck me daddy" beforehand
Idk I always thought of them as different terms. Daddy coming from your wife or gf is a form of affirmation that she likes the idea of you being a daddy and that you have that same "rock" feeling of strength she can hold onto mentally and physically. But hearing it out the kids mouths is from a place of innocence and changes the whole meaning.
You'd think, but once you see your child struggling to pronounce "dada" and then "daddy" it's really hard to separate that out from ageplay dirty talk. I'm trying to teach a real live kid to successfully call me daddy every day, hearing daddy in bed at the end of the day would be a boner killer.

Still love it in porn, though.
Fair, maybe it’ll change when I become a dad, but the future idea of my wife saying “daddy needs to help me real quick” and shooing the kids off to go play before continuing to use it behind the locked bedroom door…diamonds.
That's just weird.
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uh oh
Happy Father's Day. Spending the day with the Professor ^^
Happy father's day to your professor too! Post pics!
Good girl
>tfw 34 and with 21 yo gf with that kink too
She's reluctant to creampies but in time she will learn to enjoy them.
I enjoy them. Especially anal-pies.
Hmmm not bad. I sure do hope you spice things up with accesories like collar and leash. We absolutely do that kind of stuff.
Remember to keep it clean, baby. Schoolgirl outfit is mandatory I bet?
came with a kink, no buy -
what do you mean?
What are you doing Gordon? You were supposed to rape the Joker, not Batgirl!

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